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  1. As to bike seats, the best one I found is the Hobson easy seat. It’s got two cheeks that can be adjusted out pretty wide. They move independently and kind of rock back and forth as you lift each leg. Your weight is on the more hardier part of your butt.
  2. As to spending $9000 that fast on food, we take in kids who have aged out of foster care with fetal alcohol. The first two symptoms of that are lack of impulse control and an inability to foresee consequences. One kid got a $25,000 check from a class action lawsuit. He took taxis everyday to the fanciest hotel in town to have coffee and a burger and fries for lunch. He went through the money in two weeks without having alcohol or drugs. He’d order take out slurpees four times a day. With delivery and tip, those were $25 a pop. When asked why, all he could say was that he wanted to feel like a real person for a few days.
  3. Since TLC pulled her episode, do you think that they’re worried about a malpractice suit? I’ve heard those popped stitches complications are usually from people eating solid food too soon or eating too much.
  4. Maybe it was one of those chocolate oranges.
  5. I understand she’s living in her truck and he’s run off with another woman. How do you take Clorox baths in a car?
  6. Maja didn’t have surgery. What medical bills did they supposedly not pay for her?
  7. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I watched a travel show this morning on Iran. He talked a lot about Zoroastrianism. It dawned on me that Dr. Now might be one, Freddy Mercury was one, and I saw a vision of him trying to talk to Schenee about it while she was on her potty chair. That his God is called Asha and they believe in good thoughts, words and deeds. Plus the whole two thousand year old sacred fire. She might have fallen off.
  8. I was the only really large person in my family. My mom was 225 at her heaviest. My brothers were all normal size, maybe adding a bit of a beer belly in middle age. My mom was an emotional eater, but she got full. I never seemed to.
  9. The family’s lawyer said other participants have been contacting him. I wonder who? If I was betting, I’d say Penny and James K.
  10. That does happen. I went for a police background check last week for a volunteer job. TheY almost refused my ID. The cop on duty said I needed to get a new license because my photo didn’t look like me anymore.
  11. It was a trip of a lifetime. He’s a link to an article about our visit. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/catholic-couple-brings-the-love-of-family-to-young-people-with-mental-illness-61780
  12. My post weight loss trip was to Rome. Got to meet the Pope. I’d post a picture if it’s allowed.
  13. Chicken fried steak is the state food of Oklahoma. It had to be responsible for a 100 of my 600 lbs.
  14. It’s never too late to jump on the James wagon.
  15. Peaches and grapes are $2.50 a pound here right now. With the exchange rate to US dollars that would be $1.89 back home. Of course fresh produce has to come by dog sled or Icelandic pony here. It might fall into the 30’sF here tonight. I’ve got to pick my pears this weekend before they freeze on the tree.
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