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Posts posted by ReidGirl

  1. Yup season 1 had the best profiling, also many different personalities, different relationship between two profilers, different specialties. After watching season 1, I miss Elle so much.

    Season 1 is my favourite season of all time.

    I love all the episodes Reidfan mentioned as well as The popular kids and Broken Mirror.

    • Love 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, normasm said:

    I think they always made the point that Morgan was Reid's teacher, which I never really thought was so, but still appreciated the side story in the Apprenticeship. But, yeah, I would have been much happier had they been more realistic with JJ's learning curve. 

    Even I never thought Morgan as Reid's teacher. I used to get more big brother sort of vibe from Morgan.

    • Love 2
  3. For me, I think Hotch has always treated Reid with a lot of respect. Even when he cut him off sometimes when the situation needed it, he did it respectfully. Hotch has always appreciated Reid's intelligence.

    Morgan has done similar things like JJ but he was also the one to help, talk, protect and open up to Reid multiple times( The popular kids, Derailed, Somebody's watching, Fear and Loathing, Elephant's memory, The instincts, Memorium and so many others, recent examples Nelson's Sparrow, Entropy, A beautiful Disaster). I can hardly see any such heart to heart conversation between Reid and JJ till season 11 (Target Rich).

    All other characters did not know how to treat Reid in the beginning but later started to treat him with more respect. As JMO pointed out, JJ started out being all nice to him and later on completely dismissed him on lot of occasions. 

    Also I absolutely love Elle and Emily. Elle always treated Reid with respect(IMO) and so did Prentiss (especially in earlier seasons). Also probably it comes down to acting ability as well, as if the lot of the stuff Prentiss said, if it had come from JJ (with eye rolling of course) I would have disliked it even more. 

    And again as JMO said, JJ has made a return to her real personality last year and I am thankful for that.

    • Love 2
  4. 53 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

    Random thought: what if the Reid arc was written to have the team believe he was guilty, with only Reid knowing he was framed? Would that make the arc more palatable?

    No I don't think so. If people who know him so well for so long, believed that he was the killer then it would shatter him completely.

    And that would be even more unbelievable story arc for me.

    • Love 3
  5. 8 hours ago, Willowy said:

    JMO also writes very sweet romance for JJ/Spencer. 

    JJ hasn't rolled her eyes at Reid since season 9. I'm with those that think she NEVER should have been doing that in the first place, but it's long gone.

    Yes agree she has not done that from season 9. But as someone who has watched the entire series in past few months its hard for me to forget. JJ and Seaver have even walked away, cutting him off while he was explaining something. Also JJ being my least favourite character among original profilers doesnt help.

  6. 37 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

    Christ on a bike, stop interrupting the most interesting thing to happen on this show - in a LONG time - to do things like give new(est) characters depth!  I can't muster the effort or desire to give much of a s**t when my guy Reid is going through a lot in the same 43 minutes.  Why waste character backstory when its a very distant 2nd in consideration to the main arc?  Also, the BAU can drop everything to find a (NEW) member's friend's killer - who's not even dead yet - but Reid gets to rot in prison because 'procedural rules'??  [at the time they found out about Walker's friend, it wasn't a serial, but they jumped right in head first anyways]

    Agree with all of this wholeheartedly. 

    At this point Reid is the only reason I watch the show. 

    • Love 2
  7. Finally I watched the episode. I did not care one bit about the case and only concentrated on Reid's part. I loved his scene with Diana, great acting from both. I am missing Reid too much. I hope the final two episodes do justice to this arc and Reid comes out of prison by end of this season. I WANT him back in BAU solving cases with the team from season 13.

    I dont really care about Walker, Alvez and Tara at this point so can't really be bothered watching the case being solved.

    • Love 7
  8. On 12/12/2015 at 2:40 PM, Droogie said:

    Aside from his brief crush, Reid has never given any indication that he loves JJ as more than his very dear friend (on the show -- fan fiction is another story). And not once have I ever personally gotten a vibe that Hotch is in love with her. I'd believe he was in love with Reid before I'd believe he was in love with JJ.

    I know I know it is very late to reply in this thread, but as I am new to CM fandom I am catching up with all the threads. I had to reply to this as the last quote made me laugh out loud in an all packed train, commuting back home.

    I can never see any romance between Reid and JJ as I find her cold in general. Her eye rolling when he speaks make me want to scream out loud. In season 12 they have made her more caring towards Reid but thats it. 

    I can imagine Reid with JMO's version of JJ but not with the actual JJ on the show.

    • Love 5
  9. 7 hours ago, ReidFan said:

    I can't decide.... Chris Mundy cause he wrote Revelations, my favourite episode and the one responsible for getting me hooked on the show in the first place. Or Andrew Wilder cause he wrote one of my other favourites, Elephant's Memory or Oanh Ly who wrote Amplification, another of my favourites.

    can't we just have all three of them?

    Yup having all 3 would be just perfect. I love Revelations and Amplification too. Those two are my most watched episodes. Its just that if we have to choose one, then Andrew Wilder has written more episodes which I enjoy watching. 

    In the current writers we only have Breen Frazier who writes Reid and team interactions perfectly. Sadly he only writes one or two episodes per season. 

    • Love 3
  10. 13 minutes ago, MMC said:

    Andrew would definitely be my choice. Heck I would love for all of them except JSB to return to the show as writers. My fear though is that she might be the one to win the poll. I base this on the fact that she is probably more familiar with today's fan base. Here's hoping I am wrong.

    I really do hope you are wrong about that. If we get JSB in place of VW, then its replacing one bad writer with another. 

    • Love 2
  11. Andrew Wilder and Sharon Lee Watson are both part of my favourite writers list. 

    For me in Virgil's episodes, team interaction was bad. Route 66 being the prime example. There was hardly any concern for Hotch from any of the team members.

    I do wish Virgil Williams well for the future, but just happy he wont be writing for CM.

  12. 26 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

    Solitary.   Probably safer for him there.  I want him out of prison. As rah rah as I was about this arc the whole Reid in prison has worn out its welcome with me.  Get. Him. OUT already!! 


    Completely agree with your sentiment Riff. As much as I enjoyed MGG's amazing acting in this arc, now I really want him out of prison and back in BAU. Though I think that will only happen in the finale. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

    I found someone who is exactly like Dr. Spencer Reid. Smart and intelligent. But with the confidence and power of Aaron Hotchner. :)

    Good for you HotchGirl... I like Hotch too just not as much as Spencer... The other quality Dr Reid has apart from obvious intelligence is his empathy, may that be for bereaving parents or for a mentally unstable unsub. Also he is selfless, always putting others before himself. I will stop or else I can go on when is comes to Reid. 

  14. 1 hour ago, secnarf said:

    I agree with all of this except seeing Morgan - I really don't miss him at all.

    I would like for the series to end with Reid becoming team leader or getting his own team. I don't think he is quite there yet.

    I love Emily, but with the team constantly split up between Reid's case and the COTW, she hasn't had much of a chance to 'lead', and it feels like Rossi is the de facto group leader more often than we see Emily leading. That's the one thing I really want to change.

    I do wish for a morgan and Reid scene but as Willowy, I want Reid to save himself with little help from Morgan and the team. I don't want Morgan stealing the spotlight making Reid look weak. 

    Lets all let EM know about our wish for Reid to lead the team for at least a case.

    • Love 1
  15. 22 minutes ago, JMO said:

    If we get Reid back next season, I would love to see him in charge, in one way or another, for a case.  As I'm typing this, my fingers recognize the pattern.  I think I said the same thing about season 12.  And 11.

    Yes I would love to see Reid in charge for a case. Lets hope we can see that in season 13.

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