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Posts posted by ReidGirl

  1. 9 minutes ago, Droogie said:

    Y'know, I'm a fan of the character of Morgan and, more often than not, I enjoyed Morgan's and Reid's scenes together.  And I really miss that. But I thought SM was a little wooden in this episode, and his appearance didn't do a lot to further the plot -- we could've gotten his intel another way.  Plus I found his scene with Garcia to be just a bit OTT.

    Yup I am with you on this one Droogie. I was actually hoping for a Morgan and Reid scene but that did not happen. In this episode Shemar Moore did not feel like Morgan at all. 

    • Love 4
  2. 8 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

    yeah, I do think he did. Earlier in the episode, before they really know anything about her, he says 'this bitch  is a nobody' . But he tries valiantly to connect with her - the misunderstood under appreciated genius angle- to achieve peaceful resolution... without the desired result of course :(

    Don't remember the episode title, but it happened several episodes after Zugzwang, the writer who was offing women he was writing erotic stories about, Peter something I think. The climactic scene by the swimming pool, he tries a new tactic to empathise with the unsub. The victim is rescued (by Morgan's timely dive into the pool) successfully, but the unsub does slit his own throat after first acknowledging and thanking Reid for being honest.

    The episode was The Gathering. he tries a reverse technique of being honest with the unsub.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

    You got me curious, Droogie. I know Reid identified/ risked his life for Owen in Elephant's memory. Was there any other time?

    In Revelations he said sorry to Tobias Hankel when he shot him as he knew it was his other personality Charles who was responsible for torturing him.

    • Love 2
  4. 47 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

    I've tried posting there but anything remotely positive about the show or Reid specifically is immediately overrun by hoards of grammatically challenged young ones espousing how awful the show is now.  And that they need to bring back Shermar (sic) and Hodge(sic). Endlessly 

    Haa haa.. I agree with this. I was reading the comments and they are very depressing. Who are these "Hodge" and "Reed"? There was even somone asking why is Hotch not there in finale and when is Morgan coming back full time. I tried to put some positive comments but was soon outnumbered by the negative comments in milliseconds. That experience made me newly appreciate this forum.

    Also I dont understand that if you hate the show so much and dont watch, why do you need to follow it on social media just to put negative comments. I know I would stop watching If MGG leaves but no way I would keep on posting negative comments about it.

    • Love 3
  5. Finally joined facebook so I can tell my views in criminal minds as it seems thats the forum they care about the most. The whole CM official page was filled up with Shemar's return and Garcia. Is MGG/Reid not a crowd puller?? Or the CM officials think he is not as popular as Morgan and Garcia.

  6. 12 minutes ago, normasm said:

    I like that idea for a great premiere! I also think that because of the wreck involving (but probably not badly injuring) all the BAU, Reid will have to be immediately reinstated to help at least stabilize the situation.

    Yes yes and yes. And probably he get to lead the team for few episodes while Emily recovers. I would like to see him as a leader for a short term next season.

    • Love 3
  7. I am still overwhelmed!!! 

    I loved this episode and there is so much chemistry between MGG and Aubrey Plaza. Finally a woman albeit a pschycopath who finds Reid sexually attractive. 

    6 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

    I can't believe they didn't have one scene between Reid and Morgan.  That was just wrong.

    MGG was excellent in all his scenes.  For some reason, I always forget how tall MGG is.

    Reid is nothing like Cat or Lindsey.  He could have killed the prisoners with the poisoned drugs, but he didn't.  Finally, the writers remember that Reid is almost always the smartest person in the room.

    Agree with everything you said Tigerlynx, especially the part about writers realising that Reid is almost always the smartest person in the room.

    I hope Reid has central role in season 13, not an arc but pivotal role in all the cases. They seriously have underutilised Reid till now.

    I was also looking forward to Morgan and Reid scene. But hey we can't have everything and all in all this was one amazing wrap up to season 12. It immensely helped that I did not watch the promos or read any threads before I watched it. It was a joy ride full of surprises and amazing performances for me.

    For all CM lovers which was your favourite scene in this episode. Mine was when Reid says "Watch me" to Cat and leaves the room without turning back, closely followed by Diana and Spencer reunion and conversation with JJ on the floor.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Droogie said:

    The thing is, it's not a new Reid. He has always had it in him; he has always been a badass.  It manifests itself differently with him -- he doesn't kick in doors, or bash in heads.  He verbally annihilates, outsmarts, out-thinks. He brushes off insults about the fact that he doesn't look like a Morgan, doesn't act like a Hotch.  But he is the first -- and often only -- one to go in to a dangerous situation, unarmed and unprotected, prepared to use only his mind and his words.  And Reid is the only one, has always been the only one, to identify with the Unsubs, to risk his life for them.  It never generated the awe that it should have.

    There is nothing more badass than that. He was at the end of his tether, in prison -- we saw how far he would go.  Maybe he would have even gone further, but thankfully, he was released.  But this Reid is merely an extension of the man he has always been.  Reid has always stuck his neck out, always risked himself, always been willing to go down for the cause.  Real bravery is being terrified and doing it anyway.

    Wow Droogie well put and completely agree with all you are saying. I am just not very good with words generally :). Breen manages to write more aggressive/assertive Reid very well. 

    Finally seen a finale revolving around Reid after a long time (after fisher king) and MGG and Aubrey Plaza were both brilliant.

    The way he says "watch me", just wow!!! That is my new favourite scene.

    • Love 3
  9. For the same reason I have not even watched the promo yet. Only 2 hours to go and I would be watching the episode. Just came back from work and can hardly contain my excitement. 

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, CrimeFan12 said:

    I liked Elle, not my favorite, and was a little disappointed when the actor decided to leave.  It took me a little bit to warm up to Emily, but she did become my favorite character.  I have no problem with watching the first season in reruns.  

     I like Emily too just that I like Elle a bit more. I loved the socially awkward and geeky Emily from season 2 the best. Yup season 1 and seaaon 4 have lots of very good episodes.

  11. 25 minutes ago, senin said:

    Off Topic: I'm trying really hard not to go near the "spoilers" thread, I don't want too much information before I see "Red Light". Couple of days now!!

    I am with you senin. Couple of days for me too. I am staying away from both spoilers and Red Light episode thread. It is proving to be hard though ;)

    This is my first CM live season so my excitement knows no bounds.

    • Love 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, idiotwaltz said:

    Just watched Plain Sight, definitely not my favourite. I really enjoyed the Reid/Elle exchange about why he can't get a date. I miss Elle! 

    I think S1 had the perfect amount of Garcia. Now it's too much, too loud, too colourful all the damn time. 

    I am with you on missing Elle and too much Garcia, though I liked Garcia in "Green Light". She was behaving like an adult for a change. Elle is my favourite female agent on CM :-). Its hard to believe she was part of CM only for 1 full season.

    • Love 1
  13. I am also nervous about how this whole thing changes Reid's character. But I think he finally snapped after his mother was abducted and who can blame him. He had to do something about it.

    • Love 2
  14. Wow fantastic story JMO. I loved the references about his coffee and the messenger bag!!! And I will say it again I was never a JJ fan but I am in love with your version of JJ. And I actually liked her in the last episode.

    I am with everyone who is nervous. I dont know how much this whole thing will affect Reid and in what ways. That part scares me the most as I love his character so much. 

    I hope for once he gets some peace of mind and happiness in season 13.

    • Love 3
  15. 36 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

    I don't know how many times I'm going to respond because I think this argument is going in circles. Anyway, before this arc, I have yet to see a single instance- even from Reid- where a teammate actually needed another one to provide reassurance and protection- and explicitly mention that to them- before taking action. Perhaps Garcia in "The Black Queen" and perhaps "Burn", but Garcia wasn't exactly lauded for that performance.

    Every other character that has been in peril at least tried- without prodding- to help themselves and stand up to their danger, even if we knew they needed help. The only time in the entire prison arc where Reid was at all decisive was when he grabbed Shaw's hands and stabbed himself in the leg. I can't think of any other instance where the episode wasn't an excuse to make Reid whimper and cry.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again- if it was Garcia or another woman where nothing was happening except excuses to get them whimpering there would be howls of protest. When it happens to Reid? Not so much. I don't care how great Matthew Gray Gubler is at vulnerability- vulnerability without action is just not that interesting.

    I understand some of you won't interpret things the way I do. Maybe some of you see some hidden strength within Reid that I'm just not seeing. I accept that. None of our interpretations will be the same- as the saying goes, mileage will vary.

    We have to agree to disagree about vulnerability without action point.

    First of all physical strength has never been Reid's strong point though he has improved a lot in past few seasons. His strong point has always been his mental strength. Second, no amount of physical strength would have been enough when you are a fed and stuck in prison with all the other hardcore criminals without any weapon or backup. Even the warden was more on the side of other criminals.  Lets picture Morgan in place of Reid in same situation, fighting against all those criminals would have just resulted him being beaten to pulp(remember Lockdown) for no gain whatsoever.

    Not trying to disrespect your opinion but I just dont understand what showing physical strength in this scenario would have achieved. 

    Also about other team member needing help, no one was in worse situation than Reid was/is in this prison arc. Having being beaten for a day is a lot different than being accused of murder, being stuck in prison for 3-4 months and being scared for your life and sanity every single minute.

    • Love 10
  16. 26 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

    it's funny, I have the entire episode but my son (sometimes, bless his heart....) found a high def 1080 for me of *just* that scene and it's marvelous. And sandwiched between JJ's hug and Garcia's hug & handholding is the other scene that I really adored in this episode, Calvin getting his karma via Luke. Just precious. Three minutes and change of this episode that are arguably to me,  the best three minutes of the show.  

    Please post that image here whenever possible. Yup loved the Calvin Alvez scene too. Calvin deserved all of that and more.

    • Love 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Unkempt said:


    See, while some saw "Motherly JJ" holding Reid's hand as if he can't handle his own business, I saw Reid's best friend supporting him as best friends do.

    I remember a few seasons ago JJ was an emotional basketcase when Will was held hostage in that bank, and no one brought up any issue with the team being there for her.  JJ hadn't even been through the half of what Reid just went through - weeks of unjustified imprisonment, beatings, seeing someone's throat slit in front of him, having to resort to stabbing himself just to get ONE night of sleep without worrying about someone slitting HIS throat, too. 

    I hate how the word "infantile" is always brought up whenever any team member does anything to remotely help Reid.  If anything, JJ owes Reid because none of the team members had his back the way they should have while he was in prison.



    Well said Unkempt!!!

    Reid was shown extremely strong in this episode doing whatever he can while being imprisoned. 

    For me the best scene of the episode was, when Reid was finally freed from prison and hugged JJ and Garcia. I think I am going to watch that scene countless time till the next episode.

    • Love 7
  18. 8 hours ago, Willowy said:

    Anyone else think Garcia should've handed Emily her resignation letter on pink stationery?

    All I wanted her to do at that point was utilise her time in finding the prints match. After that she could have given her resignation on any paper. I dont want her to leave. Its just that it was not the right time. And we all know that Garcia wont actually quit BAU.

    I actually liked Garcia in this episode after a long time.

    • Love 1
  19. Also did anyone spot the moment when Reid stops at the door and waits for somebody to open it. Then JJ had to remind him that the door was open. I loved it!!! Well I loved the whole episode anyways. It was well directed, the pace was great and last but not least Reid was fantastic!

    • Love 7
  20. 55 minutes ago, ReidFan said:


    finally finished screencapping and I have to say, I *really* like Alec Smight (sp?) as a director. Lots of interesting angle closeups... I got Reid profile, from the back wearing jeans that are too baggy, interesting jaw line angles, hands, fingers...and just nice angles and lighting variations. 

    He has a nice visual eye.

    Post the screencaps please!!!

  21. Wow I LOVED this episode. It was nail biting and I was hardly breathing just like Senin. This is the first episode I watched without fast forwarding or looking at the clock since Reid went into prison. How amazing was Reid in this episode. He was being proactive, aggressive, thoughtful, sad for his mom all at the same time. MGG was brilliant in all of the scenes. Wow he can be aggressive one minute emotional the next minute. 

    And Reid is OUT, thank heavens for that. I am not much of JJ and Garcia fan but I loved his scenes with them. The hugs and holding hands were perfect. I am warming to JJ this season. I am looking forward to the finale. 

    ReidFan, agree with you that this was the best episode of the season so far.

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