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Nomen Nescio

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Everything posted by Nomen Nescio

  1. Sugar Babies bring to mind Ashley Dupré aka Kristen aka the chick who brought down Eliot Spitzer not some skank with bad teeth and track marks on every visible part of her body. Sugar Babies bring to mind expensive hotel suites, not some lower shitbox low to lower middle class house. If she thinks she's better than the streetwalker, it's the dilaudid talking. By the way, I'm surprised no one has figured out that she has not one, not two, but THREE hit and run arrests (take a look, she's a different age each time) http://florida.arrests.org/search.php?fname=ginjer&lname=&fpartial=True She doesn't need treatment. She needs prison. A lot of it. What happened to three strikes, anyway?
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