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EC Amber

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Posts posted by EC Amber

  1. Stupid product placement. I don't know why it bugs me so much, but there you go. 

    We are stuck with Pete's hair. Dammit. 

    Am I being overly sensitive here, but does it seem like procreation, love etc are the big themes here? I get with it being the final season that would be great things to focus on... but it's making me wary. I just don't want to see roles being forced when the relationship on this show has been one of the best things about the show. Despite being kind of a silly sci-fi show, the interpersonal relationships always seemed very natural and organic. 

    Watching them pull the Spanish was awesome. Even with that cat tail lying over Pete's face. Anyone else catch the tongue flicker?? Heh. Scene chewing goodness. I could have done without the constant trumpet flourish, hair blowing face shaking every time a cufflink changed hands... but I guess they needed some cue for the audience to know that A Change was happening. The hyper-convoluted soap story line was cute... but a soap story line is the laziest writing there is. I guess it was underwhelming. 

    Is there anything better than two Jinks?? I say No! Wrong!! Jinks hooking up at a frat party and using his truth-dar to pick out the gay man at the party. Awesome. Even better is Jinks taking off with the candle and girlish-y laughing as he ran off. This storyline just got better and better. TWIN FIGHT! 

    All in all a fun episode, but it felt a bit like filler. Only two episodes and we get a episode that could have come in any season without doing anything for the season arc or ending the show. So Claire is gone, Valda is back (finally) and.. <sigh and cringe> Pete loves Myka. Ah well. 

  2. Jefra's day after video can be found here.


    Oddly rambling, like LJ's - which makes me wonder if it's just 6+ minutes where they say whatever they want. The editing is nonexistent so it makes me think so... 

    BUT, her vid clip was pretty cute. She's got a good head on her shoulders and some really healthy esteem. I feel like she came into this far more mature and with far less credit than she got. It makes her game play seem more understandable. She came into this very sweet, honest and open and she came out the same way. 

    I enjoyed hearing about her connection with Trisha and how that influenced her reluctance to flip. It was something I don't think we saw and it made her decision more coherent. I hope she gets invited back just so we can see more of how she evolves. 


  3. Jefra's Ponderosa video can be found here

    Wow... why didn't we get to see any of this Jefra on the show? I guess because it wasn't dynamic or game related, but my opinion of her really changed. And the rest of the jury - blah! Poor Jefra "They greeted me with open arms" cut to all of them sitting on their ass with only Sarah making a weak, half-assed attempt to get up out of her chair to say hi. Bitter cakes on the jury makes for some sucky Ponderosa, but it may make the FTC interesting. 

    Another thing about Jefra that impressed me was her thoughtfulness and ability to take ownership of what she says and does. The moment Jeremiah confronted her about the word "backstabbing" she immediately conceded it was the wrong word. Most people would try to defend themselves... she very mature for her age and I wish we got to see more of her during the show... 

    • Love 1
  4. This would completely be a one off, and honestly it came about during a chat at work - but I'd love to see a season of losers (a). Folks booted first or second. 

    Also I'd like to see a seasons (one off) of losers (b). Folks that just suck at the game (J'Tia is top of mind).

    Most consistently I want to see producers secure in the recipe and stick with "classic" Survivor. 16 new faces, no "twists" like HII/RI/SSHII(T)... just straight outwit, outplay, outlast. If that is the backbone then the rest proves to be entertaining and unexpected. 

    • Love 3
  5. My dream scenario would be for Kass to think she's engineered a blindside on Tony next week, only to have Tony, Woo and Spencer vote her out on the bounce-back.  It will flush Tony's Super-Power-HII and get rid of Kass in one fell swoop.

    I'll do pretty much any superstitious ritual to make this happen.

    • Love 2
  6. The food usually doesn't disgust me at the Survivor auction. Today, the combination of Probstporn with Woo and the ribs nauseated me right out of the room. 


    I totally forgot about this!! The sexy sax circa 1984 had me cracking up. I had to admit it was a little highlight if only for the goofy mood that temporarily took over the otherwise resigned mood I had.

  7. Great challenge... that was about the best part of this episode. 

    It was actually uncomfortable to know I subjected myself to an hour of some of the ugliest behavior - could Kass be any uglier or more vindicitive? I defended her with the attacks against her as a mother... but now I'm not so sure. It's one thing to lie as part of a game where lying is pretty unavoidable, its another to take genuine glee and to continually try to just pick at him for the fun of it. 

    And the excessive screen time for Tony. I can't even imagine how he could possibly have more of an advantage at this point. There is virtually NO way that anyone else can win this and so I wonder what the point of the rest of the season is for. 

    The very end was fun... but with all the advantages so heavily in Tony's favor it feels like going through the motions. 

    Props to Jefra for a classy exit. She definitely went up in my estimation. 

    • Love 4
  8. A day behind... I picked out Ryan Cartwright immediately. Loved him on Bones, loved him on Alphas. And joined by Erin Kay also from Alphas. Digging seeing the familiar faces. And I loved the how cute their story was. 

    Also dig Pete telling the pawn "You know they're just using you"


    I rather liked Claudia's sister. I didn't care for her introduction, but she's been cast well and her dialogue is pretty good. I enjoyed the bonding between her and Claudia and I liked how well the story was resolved instead of dragged out. 


  9. Word and ditto to the above. 

    FWIW, I thought Melissa was better than a lot of the others and I thought the whole episode is a waste of time. I'll be tuning into Best Ink and I don't think I'll be coming back to this one after the season is done. Just too much desperation to manufacture what isn't necessary. 

    • Love 1
  10. Did the camera man pull a pointer dog with the SHII(T)?? For it to be buried between roots and for Tony to think to start digging... my credulity is stretch to its point. 

    That ending was just... depressing, anticlimatic. Having Tony find the idol seemed so ridiculous that I just couldn't really enjoy the rest of the episode. 


    Next week seems more promising if only to watch Spencer mess with Tony's head. 

    • Love 3
  11. You know what bugged me... was the idea that the position of the stars from this vantage point would have any effect on aliens living in that constellation - or that a constellation is even a part of the same star system. So from Earth it looks like a Lion, but from within the constellation it looks nothing like that. If anything, some of those same stars would end up being totally different constellation from their perspective... so this "I'm incorporating some feline elements" got a great big "okay - so?" from me. 

    I'm probably being nitpicky, but that kind of stuff is a little irritating. 

    • Love 4
  12. Repeat of the above: 

    ~more time
    ~less monsters
    ~more creativity on challenges (age makeup is intriguing, wounds and burns would be interesting)
    ~more interaction at the house... usually this is used to create drama (someone bitching about leaving their clothes on the floor or resentments brought home from the shop), but what I actually want is a bit more back story to the people. I completely forgot that Rashaad's girlfriend was pregnant... but I had no idea that George's girlfriend was hours from popping. I have no idea about any one else's history and it would be nice to get an idea of how they got into makeup, pictures of their first molds or first finished pieces (or just doing bros/sis halloween makeup). Just something to give us a more rounded picture. 
    ~I'd like to see a judge join in the day 2 walk through. 

    • Love 1
  13. Can anyone explain to me the point of the dance performance? 

    I tried to ignore this element once it started. Honestly, when I heard this big guest is a dj I felt a bit deflated. I saw no connection between the music, the stage direction, the dancing and the make up. Most of that I put on the music which has a habit of demanding the same techno-dance atmosphere... and that is in itself really limiting. It certainly doesn't lend itself to aliens. 

    I liked the challenge, but the reveal itself was too disjointed, I tuned out with some sudoku until the music ended. Maybe if there were supernatural street fighters/villains it would have been more coherent? Speculation...   

  14. What I love about this season is that once we got to the final three I had no idea who was going to win. All three are incredibly talented and put out some amazing work. 

    George had the best sculpt, but the worst painting. His sculpting has been over the top all season. He would certainly be an asset in any studio. 

    Rashad did well, but the male looked more like an action figure from the 80's (I kept thinking it was Skeletor). I thought the lighting was too bright. While he got accolades for it from Neville, I thought it was just too bright and uneven. It was more distracting than anything else. 

    Tyler did some really innovative conceptualization. Glenn put it best, he's a visionary. I especially liked the female character. He always seems the most well rounded in his work. 

    Of all of them I thought Rashaad did the worst in this given challenge. Granted, his portfolio was spectacular... If won on that merit I can't complain. All three did great jobs and seem to really good approaches. I loved how well they took the results and I think we'll see more from all of them in the days to come. 

    Another great season... I'm looking forward to this summer!


  15. "Is that a new brown coat?"

    I love the Claudia-Artie snark. I'll miss that the most. 

    Claudia's hair looked so cute short, but I wonder if she's trying to look older. She seemed so young and innocent when this show started. Speaking of hair - wth is up with that mop on Pete's head? Between that and the "casual Friday" he's sporting I wonder if they aren't trying to make him seem younger. Which is weird, I like clean cut Pete.  

    The weird sex-romantic vibe... they just couldn't help themselves. Can't have one single awesome show that doesn't have to "go there." That is disappointing. I do wish though that would let Pete just grow up. For the first time to memory he had a moment of being an actual grown up and he ran away. 

    Little girl Claudia is cute as hell... but what an oddly emotionally flat child. I'm not sure how much I like the "Claudia is a special, unique snowflake" storyline. It makes sense given her connection to the WH, but it makes me wonder - was she born with some inherent connection or was her exposure as a child what fostered that connection. In a related line: What happened to her brother? Her parents are murdered by her sister and she's alone at home. Was he off at the university?? And of course she couldn't just leave things be with her sister. :-( 

    I love me some Jinksy. 


  16. 'm probably the only person here that likes Chris Nunez, so I don't see his desire to see effort, consideration, concern and technique from a competitor as unreasonable.  Especially one on the show for the 2nd time.

    I don't personally find it unreasonable. I find his standards satisfying. I don't like him because he's a passive-aggressive bully. 


    I was disappointed that Sausage played the "poor me" card.  I thought he was above that.


    Wordy-word word. Disappointing. 

  17. Not much affect or modulation of tone - boring is what he came off as. About half way through I found myself wondering if the person filming asked him a question like "what will you take from this experience?" LJ then rambled on as we saw and instead of cutting that into a clip or editing it and adding answers from other questions it got posted in its entirety, as is, perhaps as an accident (foresight is a better excuse than intent). I'm cutting folks some slack here. Speaking of..  


    But I'm willing to give everyone a pass given the circumstances they are in and we are watching them in. Even bitchy little Morgan. Mostly because they are in fairly extraordinary circumstances in and of themselves - add in that they just went through actual (modified) starvation, coupled with poor living conditions with people who are essentially strangers with odd physical demands - all on camera... I just don't believe that who we see on screen is anything more than an altered fraction of who those people really are. It's kinda like Morgan and her mirror face... I think she's doing it all the time because the cameras are running and that's what make her feel comfortable and in control. 

  18. Tony answered the 'construction' question that Jeff asked.  Peachy was pretending he doesn't know about the Police Officer reveal.

    Ohhh! I missed the question. Which begs the question: why keep the lie going when over half the tribe knows its a lie (and presumably Peachy does too)?

  19. Is it awful that I mostly wanted Kyle to beat Nunez down? ipens, You nailed it: he was totally passive-aggressive. This idea that "I was just talking about the art, it's not personal" rings very false. Sure, he tried to rationalize it as "he gets better when I'm tough on him" but clearly Kyle doesn't get better when he's being pointed out. I honestly think it got to be a habit for the judges to come down a little harder on Kyle than everyone else. And I saw that last year with Tatu Baby. She cracked as well - though not to Kyle's extent. 

    After seeing this and thinking about it a bit, I really hope Nunez doesn't have any male children. I can see him pulling the same "if I'm tough he'll be a man" bullshit and end up with a kid that he doesn't understand and hates him for being a shitty father. 

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