81 -
124 Excellent-
From the synopsis: Also, Steve finally solves the case his father left for him 10 years ago. Am I the only one that is wondering exactly what this case is/was? In the episode where Doris is killed, she tells Steve that she opened up accounts for Joanie and Mary in Switzerland, I think to the tune of $500K and $250K? Would have to re-watch that speech to get the exact amounts, but did not include any mention of money for Steve. Would not it have made sense to simply tell him at that time about the tomb and the money? And, where exactly did the money in the tomb come from, and how could anyone possibly deposit that much money (they never gave an amount) in a bank without being grilled by banking officials for days? I also remember the show with Victor Hesse when he meets Steve, having told him to bring the 10 million dollars (which fit into a duffel bag, even though Adam's 6 million dollars needed 3 duffel bags). The tomb money sure seemed like it would have filled up a lot more than 3 duffel bags. So, it is obvious that Doris preferred Steve to Mary. Personally, I don't blame her, Mary always seemed to be a whiner. When Mrs. Fat is trying to get into Steve's head at the end about it being an "inheritance" and that Wo was Steve's brother, it seemed to be working. However, I remember an episode where Steve was able to get blood from Wo Fat and had it tested for DNA and told someone "it isn't a match", because at the time Steve had the same question on his mind. I don't remember that episode but it seems part of it took place in one of the big cargo planes when they were transporting Wo Fat? Consequently, why would her words have any effect on him? Maybe Wo told Mrs. Fat about it so she believed it to be true, but that doesn't explain Steve's reaction. I was also wondering about the dockside shootout, let's say Lincoln accidentally clips a few civilians. "Oh, yeah, he's this guy who went AWOL from the Navy and we decided to give him an automatic weapon to help us with these criminals, sorry about that". I missed the exclusion of Steve saying farewell to Kamekona and Flippa, not sure how they could have filmed that...maybe as just a phone call with a split screen? Or, when Steve is saying goodbye to the Team, they give him a shrimp basket to go, courtesy of Kamekona. "And, he even gave us at 10% Ohana discount". Guess they really weren't going for laughs at that point. Will also have to assume that hacker Joey Lawrence spends the rest of his life in the prison, and that Mr. Pickles either ran away, or was adopted by the guy who was in the halfway house for 4 more months. One last touch would have been for Steve to have the Champ toolbox as his carryon in the plane. It certainly looked like first class seats to me, so maybe Danny's comment sunk in and Steve upgraded when he got to the airport? I'm hoping Magnum can go on for many seasons so I can get my dose of Hawaii without actually having to go there. Time will tell. Aloha.
Just a special thanks to Ms BW Manilowe for posting the synopses and behind the scenes insights over all these seasons. And, a thanks to all the regular posters who have made me laugh, think and enjoy your comments and observations. Having been to the islands many times over the last 33 years, it has been a special show to follow. However, given the crime rate, not sure I'll go back knowing 5-0 is not on the job anymore.
S10.E20: He pūhe‘e miki (A Gripping Cuttlefish)
GustheCat replied to BW Manilowe's topic in Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
If they are brothers, they could even be twins! Tongue in cheek, in that Alex O'Laughlin and Scott Caan's birthdays are 8/24/76 and 8/23/76, respectively. However, assuming Alex was born in Australia, which would be one day ahead of the USA where I assume Scott Caan was born, could be close to the same time? Does anyone know when the actors were told the series would not be continuing, in terms of what show may have been taped at that time? I ask because the "hitting you over the head" scene with Steve and Danny on horseback, riding into the sunset, and the "You're going to miss this when it is all gone" line of dialogue was obviously a statement on the show ending. SO, next week is a repeat of the Series Opener from this season where we discover Jerry was shot, so a nice farewell for Jorge Garcia. Then, a 2-parter finale, assuming a week apart because the standard MacGuyver/H50/Blue Blood lineup is on March 27. Wrap up the series 4/3 and then Magnum returns 4/10. I am hoping they don't kill off McGarrett, as they did not do so on the original series. At the conclusion of the original series, there was a lot of people upset that the show did not allow the living main characters to appear after the curtain to say a final good-bye and thank the fans. Wonder if that might happen this time around? That is more likely as an extra on the Season 10 DVD that usually would come out in September. -
So, with the cancellation (not postponement) of the NCAA basketball tournaments, I wonder if CBS will treat us to 2 weeks of repeats before the finale? If so, my money for one of the episodes would be Joe White dying again because they have only shown that about 6 times (I am exaggerating). Not sure this has been posted in another H50 topic, but, with the show wrapping up, it would be fun to have a listing of the communities favorite episodes? My top 2 would be the Chang Opana episode, just because it was fun to see fictional characters portray other fictional characters. And, the episode about the Japanese internment camp.
Okay, it got a bit confusing with the backstory of the original rancher with the gold coins, but I believe...his wife was killed by the neighbors. McGarrett said there were 2 different caliber bullets for the shots to her and him. So, overcome with grief, he digs a grave, climbs in with the gold and his dead wife, and kills himself. Who covered the grave in that case, and why would they leave the gold coins in it? It doesn't seem that there was a coffin, based on the photos, so it isn't as if he put the coins in, covered it with the coffin, jumped in with his dead wife and killed himself? I can't figure out why the big focus on Quinn and Adam in this episode when there were only 3 shows left to sort everything out? Again, Kamekona is shown seated. I don't think he has walked all year long? During the gunfight at the cabin, it seems Steve and Danny were in a big hurry to use up all of their ammunition. Of course, the plot called for it, and gave Steve the chance to be the hero. Regarding the chopper suggestion by Tani, I thought the helicopters would be equipped with infrared cameras so they could likely pick up the heat images of 7 men and horses...how about a drone which could fly ahead on the trail? Or, the military drone with the gattling guns from the season premier episode a few seasons back? Oh, that's right, Jerry flew that into the jet that was trying to take off from a downtown street. Given the bloody bump on the back of Steve's head, couldn't he have gone on an ATV and had one of the very many HPD officers ride the horse back, or just let Danny ride alone with the other horse behind him? Or simply left the horses behind and send up the trailer to get them the following day? Again, the plot called for them to ride into the sunset together. The last time Steve admired a sunset was when Joe White was dying in his arms, so I still think the plot will call for Steve to leave to Joe White's ranch for retirement. Lastly...Mrs. Wo Fat, are you still on the island? Or will she be the mysterious person who is trying to get Magnum and switch shows?
I stand corrected, thanks to Mr. Manilowe. I was getting the J.J. Abrams and Lenkov connection confused, but, the thought still stands. It was fun to see all the props that Lost had saved and subsequently put up for auction. I know what I would bid on, but keeping it on the DL in case it happens. Henry Ian Cusick, currently on MacGuyver, was on Lost as Desmond. He appeared as a bank robber in one Hawaii 5-0 episode. The 3 cited above are the best known, I believe in total 12 people have been on both shows. As far as I know, Jimmy Buffet was never on Lost. Not sure why? So, get your Longboards on ice and your aloha shirts on hand. No doubt it will be sad to see the last episode, but look forward to the comments to be posted. That is a brilliant idea for the partnership with Katsumoto!!! Well done.
Well, with the show ending its run, all that is left is to see how they write the sendoffs for all the characters. I'll put my list below, BUT, more importantly, if anyone has Lenkov's ear, mention that it would be interesting if they have an auction of some of the iconic props used during the 10 seasons, as they did on Lost, another Lenkov show. For instance, who wouldn't want to place a bid on Steve's model ship in his office, or Joe White's hairbrush? The proceeds could go to a Hawaiian charity(ies) and it would be a final way for fans to pay homage. There is the toolbox, some of Lou's shirts, Tani's scooter, Adam's blindfolds and watch that he left at the Bar, etc. I would think some of the crew may have already put in a request for items, but, when Lost ended there were many pages of items. Okay, here goes, it would be fun to see more lists: Steve: Steve will have to retire due to health problems, and he will discover that Joe White left his Montana ranch to him. He packs up Eddie and heads out. Danny: Danny will decide to retire and gets the restaurant bug again, so he heads to Jersey to open up a pizza parlor. Lou: Lou and his wife move stateside to be closer to the kids. He's already sold his house. Junior: Re-enlists Tani: Goes back to HPD academy to become a detective Quinn: RE-enlists Eddie: See Steve Kamekona; Starts shrimp truck franchises and opens a couple in Vegas Noelani: Moves to Magnum P.I. since she is on there every other week, keeps her day job. Duke: Transfers to be a crossing guard at his granddaughter's school. Jerry: Makes a special guest appearance and announces he has won the lottery with numbers 4,8,15,16, 23 and 42. Announces he is taking an Uber to catch the last flight out of Hawaii for the night on Oceanic Airlines Flight 815. Mentions that Chin is going to join him on the connecting flight from Maui's Kahului airport. Catherine: Makes a special guest appearance and turns down Steve's proposal. Lots of recurring characters will never be heard from, but all in all, it was an enjoyable 10-year run. Thanks to them all for including us in the ohana and bringing Hawaii to our homes once a week.
Bit of a list here, not in order of importance: In these days of #MeToo, Danny is going to illegally have sex in a public place, figuring the woman can yell rape at any second? She seemed awfully desperate to me, kind of wonder if she did this on a regular basis, in which case it would be worse. Danny driving down the road with a car coming head on, and the woman has to say "does he see us?" Great reaction time, Danno. Why not try the horn at that point to get the attention of the driver well before you get to the danger zone? It wasn't a high speed highway, why not just pull over and stop, while honking the horn, before the swerve? Far better chance of surviving that type of crash. You can understand why Steve doesn't want him to drive. Now, to me, the most interesting open for the next show would be for Mrs. Wo Fat to make a call to a random henchman and ask "Where is number 17 and the target?" To which you hear the voice say "I don't know, they left the bar an hour ago...in other words, the woman was to pick up Danno and deliver him to Mrs. Fat out in the boonies somewhere. The other opening that better happen is for Steve to ask Adam again about the watch when Tani and Liu are there so they can "read" his answer. If this is not addressed right away, further proof the writers are getting really lazy. Veterinarians don't wear gloves when examining patients, unless there is a big old bacteria-filled abscess they want to avoid. I don't tape the shows, but did the Vet say to Eddie in the kitchen, "the last time I saw you was when you were shot"...which is 100% wrong. It was the dog bite from the dog park. Also interesting that she didn't offer any leads to Steve related to PTS, other than saying "I'm not an expert". Well, there is one on Oahu but she didn't know about it. Yet, Lou did... Eddie had been through 2 handlers dying, why the conviction that it was a trigger around the first handler and not the second? Rather convenient and fast solution on that one as well. I feel for Steve's neighbors, who apparently are very physically close to him. Maybe they are used to the multiple gunfights and burglars and parties by now. Really nice drivers in Hawaii, a loose dog on the highway with a guy trying to corral him and they don't even slow down or stop to help. So, the Adam story plays out one of two ways, and I've got a third...Adam has gone back to crime, and will serve his new Master as eyes and ears. Come on, does anyone think given his background and general ineptitude, he could pull that off very long? Ditto with the other way if he becomes a "double agent" and is loyal to 5-0. Are we supposed to believe he can take down the Yakuza in Hawaii, which is basically a death sentence if he tries for him and the rest of the Team? Or, thirdly, he does indeed go bad and he and Danny manage to shoot and kill each other in the last episode, thus springing both actors to move on to different areas. Although, since last year ended with the gunshot that no one sees, I hope they don't do that 2 years in a row?
I like the crossover idea, what to me would be a great touch is if Steve and Thomas are in the car and they start mentioning people they know, like Kamekona, Flippa, Noelani, Duke, Harry Brown, Hirsh, and how those paths have crossed over already. HOWEVER, here is the big thing I don't like about it. There are concepts in films/theatre called the 4th wall and the 5th wall. The 4th wall is when the characters talk to the audience, the 5th wall is when a character makes reference to themselves in another work. This last happened (sorta) in one 5-0 episode when they were in HQ and found a suspect who traveled to Hawaii under an assumed name. Lou made reference to what a phony sounding name it was, and that name was a character that AOL played in another show. So, my example doesn't quite fit either, but...there was a 5-0 episode when Kamekona earned his helicopter pilot's license and he was taking Steve, Danny and Max for a ride. Max starts blurting out the Magnum theme song which takes Danny by surprise, and then they all start discussing the Magnum show and which character all of them should be. It ends with all of them imitating the theme song. Presenting Magnum as a TV show, and then trying to seamlessly blend with Magnum as a real person...something just doesn't seem right. Maybe that should be the 6th wall, so I will take credit for thinking it up. Looking forward to January 3, hold all calls.
Yes, Arkay hit the nail with the observations about the Filipino gang. First of all, never sit with your back to the door. If the guy he grabs isn't the big cheese, wouldn't the other 12 guys figure he is expendable and shoot at Adam? To me, though, the look on Adam's face when he delivers the thug to Masuda, and is told a meeting is already arranged and it is taken care of, was just priceless. It was the "oh my gosh, I just kidnapped this guy for nothing"! Now, to the meeting/ambush. Kenji was one of the 2 guys who snuck up from behind to knock out the Filipino thugs and take their guns. Consequently, if he did indeed shoot Masuda, as Adam alludes to during a face to face confrontation at the end, why does Adam think he would use his own handgun to do so instead of the Filipino thug's weapon? Genius. Also, it is odd that I can't find the age of Sonny Saito who played Masuda, but there is no way he is very old and I thought that was a BIG stretch to think he was 60 or so. I do think that they made him up to look older in this episode, though? Someone needs to explain "home security" to Tamiko. Of course, they might as well explain it to McGarrett as well since his home has been broken into multiple times. Now, the big question in the upcoming Fall finale is "the watch". Does he take Tamiko with him to explain his actions? Does he say he was mugged earlier and the watch was stolen? Does he simply say he went there to talk to them about letting Tamiko go and left the watch as good faith that he would return? I suppose they could find some slugs from his gun as he shot at the guys when he was leaving and they first came out of their super-secure secret hideout. Finally, why was Adam aghast that Kenji was going to kill the kidnapped thug? What did he expect them to do when he turned the guy over in the first place? Give him a good spanking?
I want to know where I can purchase one of those Hawaiian chainsaws that apparently don't leave any sawdust to clean up. No sawdust on the ground next to the tree, none in the warehouse. And, felling a tree that wide with a cut straight across, instead of a notched cut? It is obvious the writers and the prop department people have never cut down a tree in their lives. For the siblings, let's cut up this girl and scatter the parts, but we will save the head. And, despite the years that go by and access to wealth, let's leave it on the property instead of renting/buying a boat and taking it 50 miles offshore to toss in the ocean. Hey, that's a great idea!! I don't particularly care for Princess, she appears to be a one-joke character that is penny-pinching/cheap. Again, Kamekona only sat for his scene.
When I saw that Chi McBride had co-written the episode, I knew it would include a dose of something he likes, which in this case is probably the basketball sub-story. Too bad he can't do his homework in regards to athletes trying out for a college team. Not sure if it was the mythical Aloha State team, but if it is Division I, only men's basketball is allowed to hold tryouts and there are a lot of conditions. Division II schools are allowed to hold 1 tryout, but the student must be enrolled in high school and I'm pretty sure they said she was expelled for the gun episode. Division III schools cannot hold tryouts, period. So, Junior/Adam/Eddie take off into the woods to try to find the airplane that they suspect may have drugs on board, and between them all they have 2 1/2 pistol clips of ammunition? Eddie is good, but he isn't that good. Yet, they will show up at someone's house where they think the drug runner may have went and they have tactical military weapons. And, you then have the known criminal who is involved in the big drug sale and the money laundering who lands in the hospital, and they are looking forward to questioning him on the "bigger conspiracy,"and there is no police guard? But, the flat line machine noise was a nice touch as the killer janitor strolled down the hallway. I've noticed that this season, they have not shown Kamekona walking, he is always sitting. I think on the crossover episodes of Magnum P.I. where he has appeared, the same is true. Is the actor non-ambulatory at this time? One last mystery, I looked ahead to November 29 and I see they are repeating the Joe White death show from last year (again). I've looked for media reports/interviews, etc., and I cannot find anything as to why Terry O'Quinn wanted to leave the show? It isn't as if he had a huge role, just wondering if it was a Lenkov decision to continue erasing people from McGarret's life, or if O'Quinn said he didn't want to do the character any more?
One would assume that niece Joanie will have to give up the 1/2 million as it was not legitimately earned income? Unless Steve turns her over to the IRS and lets them deal with it? The odd part there is why Doris would think her drug lord boss would pay her and then let her split, as that seemed to be Doris' exit plan? Consequently, she would still be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her days. And, what ever happened when she spirited Wo Fat's father away, which I believe was the last time we saw her in the Series? It seemed like he was a rather powerful and likely wealthy man, seems he would have been grateful to be rescued and paid her off. Another thing that bugged me at the end is the drug lord lady able to restrain Doris with one arm. Doris seemed taller than her, I know they had the one scene at the dock but pretty sure the other woman was taller. So, she was restraining her with one arm (and this is a trained CIA agent who likely could have retaliated, it wasn't like she was wounded) and supporting her weight as Doris' head was below her shoulders. If Doris figured her cover was blown or there was no going back, wouldn't she have tried to save Steve earlier? I realize you need the dialogue to wrap things up, but it is similar to other situations where the long speech/discussion at the end by the villain gives the good guys (Junior in this case) enough time to come to the rescue. I would have preferred for the drug lord to have Doris go sit by Steve, talk to them, then shoot at Steve but have Doris move in and take the bullet, then Junior shows up. That leaves some ambiguity for Steve. Also, Junior didn't mess around, I didn't count the shots he put into the drug lord but it was a lot more than one. I wonder if the word cache is pronounced like cachet in Australia and that is why it was said that way, and no one on the staff knew any better and that is the way AOL has always said it? That bothered me as well, as mentioned by an earlier commenter here. While the firefight at the dock was quite intense, I am wondering how the Team got in there ahead of time to plant the charges, as they said earlier that the drug lord and her goons controlled the entire dock? But, hey, it is 5-0 so a few plot holes are to be expected. Last item, in the hotel room in D.C., I could not tell the brand of beer they had but it didn't appear to be the normal Kona Brewing offerings? I think they purposely hid the label, they probably have a product placement arrangement with Kona Brewing and didn't want to break it.
For the "saying good-bye to one of their own", my guess is that Steve finds a home for Mr. Pickles. Or, maybe Eric heads back to the mainland since he was only in a couple of shows at the start of Season 9? But, the other likely choice is a tribute of sorts to Beth Chapman who did appear in at least one episode several seasons ago. I think they had stopped filming by the time she passed away this year?
Shooting Victim Theories (continued)...That seems to be the only mystery here, although the entire show was focused on a forgiveness/revenge theme on several of the storylines. I was a little surprised to see the look on Junior's face, did he think his Dad, who has been grieving over his daughter's death was just going to say "well, yeah, life goes on and we'll just forget about it". I think Junior could have read his statement at the parole hearing, and said that he was speaking for his Father. He could have then made his own speech about forgiveness, and left it to the Board to decide. I think he did his Father a disservice in going off "script". His Father deserved to have his feelings heard, as they have painfully tried to impart the impact on him. I do like the Aaron Wright villain, and hope he is back for more. He has some good lines, and seems absolutely heartless and conniving. I was REALLY hoping for a scene with him and Eric (real life brothers) but if they bring him back then that chance is still on the table. I was unclear whether that was his plane that he purchased to fly off the island, or he just stumbled upon the one jet that he learned how to fly via simulator that was gassed up and ready for takeoff? Jerry said there were only 3 on the island, seems he could have found out who owned them and consequently had the one at the airport where Aaron was heading disabled/locked down? Hey, it is 5-0, plot holes are a given. I also like the Adam/Tomiko interaction, it's about time he gets a storyline outside of being kidnapped/beaten up regularly. I think I will buy stock in Kona Brewing Company, given all of the great product placement they keep getting on the show. I was going to offer up the kid as the shooting victim but Ganesh beat me to it. However, there are several rules on network television and one is that you never show children being hurt or injured. Since it was off-camera, okay, maybe the censors give them a pass if it was the kid. When Steve and the team stormed the building where the Father was holed up, with his pathetic security force, he was only wounded. McGarrett refused to kill him. As for how the kid would be shot...Mom is holding the gun at shoulder level, and it is a very short kid. The gun is shown being shot and the recoil makes it point upwards. I would like to see McGarrett duck, and the bullet hits Jerry's badge, deflecting and hitting the kid. Or, the bullet does hit Jerry who collapses and falls on the kid, squashing him like a bug. I think Jerry is one of the few characters who hasn't been shot yet, so he is due. Naturally, if it is the kid who is shot, McGarrett jumps into action and saves his life, driving home the message of forgiveness and not revenge. It will be interesting to see which side of that see-saw is tilted in the Premiere. Another "just rewards" scenario would be for the bullet to blow up the gun, especially if it is the plastic model, severely injuring/killing the Mom. Since you don't hear anyone scream out in pain after the bullet is fired, that is another theory. Regardless of how tough you are, if you get shot, especially unexpectedly, I would think you emit a noise or at least some surprise. With Season 10 coming up, I really hope all of the principal actors/producers make a real effort to try to match the original 12-year run, but make sure they announce Season 12 will be the last in honor/respect of the original. Despite many shortcomings, I love the scenery and characters, looking forward to some repeats and catching up on re-watching Season 9 over the summer break. I would REALLY love to see them do more filming on the other islands next season. When they had the episode with Max and the visit to the Big Island, I was thrilled to see so many familiar sites. People who visit Hawaii, I'm sure, would also love to see some familiar sites from the other islands, like the wharf in Lahaina, Haleakala, South Point, etc. That's a wrap.