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Posts posted by SuzieQ

  1. 13 hours ago, Dru Blood said:

    I am not trying to gross anyone out but I googled "severe cellulitis" (on the off chance) I would see James' legs represented there.  DO NOT DO IT.  How does anyone un see black, rotting holes in flesh.


    I did it already and am ready to throw bleach in my eyes to get rid of the images.  I will see you right there in hell!!

    • Love 3
  2. I think this was the most depressing episode I've ever seen.  I had to cover my eyes or fast forward any time they even flashed those legs.  I'm not heartless and do feel sorry for him in some ways, but those legs were disgusting.  I was literally retching the first time I saw them.  Some of these people are so mean and nasty to their loved ones I'm not sure why they stick around.  Lots of co-dependence with these people.  Very sad.

    • Love 5
  3. I saw the twist coming as soon as ex-buffoon #1 went through the metal detector.  Nice twist but it kind of turns this into The Catch, but I'm content to see where it goes.


    As a side note, I love actress who plays the main character, Maddie/Saffron.   She played a small part the last season of Sons of Anarchy that she was good in as well.  Just took me awhile before I figured out where I remembered her from.

    • Love 5
  4. So, on one hand, it was a very solid episode but as a season finale, it seemed a little weak!  This might be a small consolation prize but I'm thrilled that Jack didn't die in a drunk driving incident on the way to see Rebecca.  No matter how he dies, it will suck, but that just seems like it would have sucked worse.

    • Love 14
  5. I didn't think this show would make another season, but I am so glad it did! I think I'm even more into it than last year.  Ray Liotta is just so top notch and raises the bar in every scene he's in.  Jennifer Lopez who usually annoys the crap out of me is really really good in this and I almost like her :)

    Have to say this and it's bitchy: Did Anna Gunn gain a thousand pounds since Skyler days?? She's huge!

    • Love 1
  6. On 3/8/2017 at 2:30 AM, burner said:


    Seriously obsessed with this show. Not great by any means but way better than it has any right to be. I was actually smiling during the mall theft montage tonight.


    This  describes my feelings perfectly!  I am not annoyed by any character yet! I'm not sure that has ever happened!

    • Love 3
  7. This show is bizarre but has me intrigued, at least for the time being.  As far as Megan, I think we are going to see all of her personality melt away and watch her morph into a lobotomized robot, much like Katie Holmes during the Tom Cruise days.  Kyle seems pretty genuine now, but I think we are going to see a whole different side to him soon.

  8. Except for Ruzek just being magically back in the unit, this was actually a really decent crossover.  SOOO much better than when they try to jam L&O SVU in there and it makes no sense.  They did a good job with this one.

  9. 10 hours ago, Crs97 said:

    I really like that every time Casey is forced to deal with Voight, Jesse adds just a subtle move or expression to let you know Casey isn't happy about it.  It is so ridiculous that Voight is still employed; I appreciate Jesse continuing to make clear Casey can barely be civil to him.

    YES!!  While I am actually a big Voight fan, it does defy all reality that he is not in jail, much less running the most prestigious unit in CPD.  Casey looks like he wants to projectile vomit every time he sees him, and rightfully so!

    I usually think crossover's are lame but I loved this one and all 3 shows.  It made sense and followed a cohesive story.

    The only slight negative I have is that the minute the owner asked where the bathroom was I knew exactly what was coming.  They just don't add mundane details like that into the story without a significant purpose.

    • Love 3
  10. Now that I've seen the whole episode I'm really torn.  I despise Maddie and am so sick of Deacon's kicked puppy look, even though it's justified with what's happened, this time.  But when Maddie started crying on that stage and Deacon & Daphne went up there to help her. I was sobbing! Like so much worse than last week.  That was very well acted and I didn't hate Maddie for maybe 2 seconds! PHEW! I hope that will pass!

    • Love 11
  11. Just started the episode , so haven't seen the whole thing BUT what was Juliette thinking when she decided to start channeling Minnie Mouse for her hair?? She looks ridiculous, lol!

    • Love 10
  12. 8 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

     Daphne is the one I feel the most for here. When she was crying that there's only Rayna left for her here, that's probably the only amount of emotion I felt. 

    And next weeks preview makes me mad. I agree with the other poster who said Maddie now calling Teddy Teddy instead of Dad is screwed up. She was calling them both Dad at one point. I see no need for why that has to change? Also, he raised her for almost 12 years and did a lot of the heavy lifting considering Rayna was touring and all that.  It makes me mad. 

    Also, another thing that made me mad was Gunner saying "Should I chase you around like a puppy?" NO, Gunner, you DESERVE BETTER, actually. 

    YES YES YES to all of this!! Poor Daphne! Her whole world is caving in and her sister sure won't be there for her.  Have really grown to hate Maddie.  I know she's a teenager but she's insufferable.  And after seeing the previews I feel a little sorry for Teddy.  Yes hes spineless, but so is Deacon.  Maddie is almost an adult, so her "custody" is almost a moot point.  Poor Daphne will be so torn and not want to hurt Deacon or Teddy's feelings.  Also, if Teddy is out of prison, why haven't thy even casually mentioned him seeing Daphne?  I had just assumed he was still in prison and that's why we hadn't heard anything about him.

    Gunnar needs to get Scarlett out of his head and she needs to be run over by a Mack truck!

    • Love 9
  13. 10 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    I'll go out on a limb and guess that Deacon is going to start drinking again. Because we haven't seen that enough in the prior seasons.  And then he has some anger management problems. Because we haven't seen enough of that either. Yeah, I'm done.

    Exactly!! Even the car accident was done already.  This show hasn't been on long enough to recycle story lines.  And if i never hear Scarlett again, I would be thrilled.  Unless she's singing, I never want to hear that voice!

    • Love 1
  14. 1 hour ago, imakeepit100 said:

    I'm done with the show. I was only hanging on by a thread. I loved seeing Rayna and Deacon together. I could tolerate Juliette... but everyone else? nope. I really wish they had left it where they ended on ABC. I just can't imagine watching the show anymore. It's lost its heart.

    Not sure if I'm done but I'm on that road.  This doesn't feel like the same show that was on ABC.  I liked the glitz it used to have.  This seems so watered down, like a budget version of it's former glory.  And I'm so sick of Maddie's teenage angst!  There has been 30 years worth of drama packed into her teen years UGH!  

    • Love 7
  15. 35 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    That's how she looks now. She was on Fresh off the Boat this week and looked the same.

    She was back to rehab last month, so I'm guess these episodes were taped before the rehab stint.

    Thanks! I've been googling and anything recent looks pretty similar.  Maybe it's booze bloat.  It's not that she looks old, just altered.

    • Love 1
  16. On 2/16/2017 at 6:53 AM, LocalGovt said:


    I felt bad for her niece. She sure had the bulk of the work to do.

    Me too!! Her heart was in the right place, but this was overwhelming for her and her family.  I'm glad Diana realized that and didn't lay a guilt trip when they had to leave.

    Diana was one of the more likable people on this show.  Some of them are so self centered.  The lack of gratitude for what their family and loved ones go through sometimes gets on my nerves.

    • Love 1
  17. On 2/21/2017 at 8:32 AM, islandgal140 said:

    Great start to the season!

    I really wish the show had told us how much time elapsed between seasons. Obviously more than a year given Romero has already been up for a parole and Emma had a baby, but still was itching to know the time frame and how many years of crazy Norman has been 'living' on his own. Also, what happened to his psychiatrist? 


    I missed the first few minutes and just came on here to see it the time jump was addressed.  So I'm guessing no "Two Years Later" appeared on screen at the beginning?  Great episode either way!

    • Love 1
  18. 18 minutes ago, sockii said:

    Well, so much for that Fin-centeric episode exploring his past with the Rangers, eh?


    Exactly!! He didn't have much more screen time than any other episode.  Maybe an extra 2 lines <eyeroll>

    • Love 6
  19. 1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

    The Chief is my favorite character, and I think Eamonn Walker is as sexy as hell.

    I said to myself "Hope the guy the Chief saved is a deputy mayor"! :-)

    My post was referring to Anderson, not Boden.  Just edited to make more clear.  I like Boden too.

    • Love 1
  20. Love this show and it was a nice diversion tonight after a teary This Is Us, BUT, so tired of another story arc with someone out to mess with Boden.  Glad they shut that down relatively quick.  Would still love to see Chief Anderson get bounced out because of some scandal.  It hurts to look at his ugly mug! :)

    • Love 4
  21. 4 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

    This episode clearly demonstrates that Sterling K. Brown is a completely different acting class than his two television siblings.

    I've loved SKB since Army Wives!  He's in a class by himself after this episode.  

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