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  1. Okay, I live in Jerusalem I've travelled in some of these areas for work I also work with Palestinians who travel from the PA on the regular, so let me explain. What you call the West Bank is the areas previously occupied by the Jordanian forces (west bank of the Jordan river), it includes parts of Jerusalem, Judea and the Shomrom. All these 3 areas had both Jewish and Arab populations before 1948, so some settlements were returning communities and some were just built as new housing. The ones within Jerusalem (Pisgat Ze'ev for expample) are not fenced in, there are no natural barriers and all you need to do to get there is get on a bus or drive pr take the the tram. In regards to the west bank it's split into areas under control of the palestinian authority and areas under Israeli control. There is no impediment to enter the west bank, everyone goes on the same road (you do drive quickly through a multi lane checkpoint but don't really stop), and takes their preferred exit. Although it is Illegal for Israelis to enter areas under PA control, there are huge red warning signs on the entrance to any roads leading there. It's the same road for everyone until you reach your exit. If you exit to a settlement you will come to a (private) security post and a huge ass gate, attached to a huge security fence. Because only about 10% of the west bank is built on all you're likely to see is countryside surrounding the place. It's like a huge boring suburb with confusing bus schedules but okay people. I used to look after a special needs toddler some nights and often was forced to hitchhike back to civilisation with some very nice open minded people. Basically this was not an accurate depiction, and both those characters are wrong. The whole dialogue was over simplified and not in full possession of the facts.
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