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Everything posted by PrincessPurrsALot

  1. Mike only has three baby mamas. I was expecting more. He's such a catch. The guy you want to (not) raise a child with.
  2. How Redd feels = he remembered he has no money and no job.
  3. Mi'elah texting her friends - My mother is being a fool. My grandmother is even more of one. can someone come get me?
  4. While Shawn is an idiot, a towing business can earn money, especially since he is a mechanic. A boob job and tummy tuck are not investments.
  5. Shawn and sara have reflective vests. He best be careful. Juju and Mike will want them. Matchy matchy!
  6. I saw the muthfuckin' crack episode the other day. WETV has been running the old shows.
  7. That was not a typical adult fight. That's because adults don't usually treat their partners like garbage and expect them to be happy about it.
  8. That is their biggest sign of strife. Juju is too upset to coordinate their outfits. The road crew jackets are gathering dust.
  9. I found myself watching some early Chon and Lacey today. Also saw the awkward first hug between Amber and Vince. I kept thinking Vince could not be as big a dolt as we thought he was. Then I saw him. Wow. He is dense.
  10. Swaee is breaking everyone's heart. That child deserves so much more.
  11. Uh oh, Redd took the PS5. I knew he wouldn't leave his precious.
  12. Uh oh, Joynomi be trippin'. Yet another master communicator.
  13. Under Redd's photo, instead of unemployed, it should say stoned out of his mind.
  14. Is Kerok's TH with Brit shirt supposed to be graffiti? Amoebas under a microscope? In any way attractive?
  15. She works as some form of counselor on a overnight shift at maybe a halfway or sober house?
  16. Keep walking Blaine. Take your child, pack the car, and leave. Does anyone believe Lindsey truly never gets any time to herself and Blaine does nothing? Next she'll tell us she needs to go back to selling drugs so she can afford a housekeeper and childcare.
  17. Tonight we learn if Redd returns to his beloved, his precious, that which he holds most dear, his PS5.
  18. She was enamored with the beautiful garage apartment? She thinks exposed wiring is on trend?
  19. Chance is there. The gaslighting starts in 3 . . . 2 . . Oops, he beat the clock!
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