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11 Good
  1. Chelsea and Cole are very sweet, but I can't help but feel like they'd rather get on with their lives w/o Mtv documenting it all. Many people complain that they are boring (a rehash of already announced events); perhaps this is by design? Check out Leah's pupils. It doesn't take Dr. Drew to see what's going on here. My guess is that she is abusing her own scripts (thus, she probably does not consider this drug abuse). I feel for Kail, because she consistently seems to be dealing with childhood trauma throughout the course of this series. This does not excuse, however, the horrible burden she has now placed on Isaac. How have you discussed the finality of divorce, but not even touched how you and your pending ex will manage his relationship with a little boy who calls him dad (which is also problematic)? Oh Jenelle. Someone in a previous forum commented that she is one of those people that has kids as a souvenir from every relationship. Much like souvenirs themselves, each child is also sort of discarded or left alone in a dark room. You can see how much joy the Roll gets around Nathan. Does anyone know his current legal status? Is he in jail or what? Also, has Jenelle ever interacted with Marissa at all since the start of she and UBTs terrible union?
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