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Everything posted by Caravaggio

  1. The Bachelor is a "reality show" where everyone knows as it ends before it even is aired because a blogger destroys "the secrets" every single year. Isn't it hilarious?
  2. This is an old example but Lesley Murphy (Sean Lowe) wore a dress that she'd worn in Instagram photos several months earlier, and I happened to notice that incidentally. If someone actually made a project out of looking for their dresses in earlier photos, I'm sure they'd find some. And it's no coincidence that the nicest dresses are often worn by the girls who come from money. Obviously the producers do not provide bikinis. We can see this clearly on The Bachelor 19, Chris season, where Jillian had her butt black striped all time because of her string bikini.
  3. Season 2. Bachelor Aaron Buerge. Helene. the winner. Dumped by him inside a Starbucks store in NY 2 months after the last episode aired.
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