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Lana X

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Posts posted by Lana X

  1. I feel bad for the media who reads Donald's twitter. i dont have a twitter, but since that is the only platform he uses, I view his tweets through the news. 

    'Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.Thought it was going to be a smooth transition - NOT!'

    I just don't freaking get him. such a child.

    • Love 14
  2. 13 hours ago, possibilities said:

    There are choices other than being a backstabby ninja and an ass-kissy sycophant. He could ask serious, relevant questions and still be respectful. One would hope a president is capable of answering serious questions about policy, or explaining his or his administration's thinking and behavior. If a particular president can't do that, it's not the interviewer's fault nor job to cover it up in the name of saving the presidential face. In fact, it might be a sign of respect for the office to assume competence to do those things, and to inform the public if it's not possible.

    Stephen needs to decide if he wants to be funny, or serious, or a little of both, and whether he's a journalist or a commentator or a humor/chaos act, but he needs to learn to separate his own ego and inability to take criticism from that of his interviewees. I've found him to be quite inconsistent about all of this, as well, and it's too bad he doesn't seem to be self-aware enough to work it out in private instead of being all over the map in public about it.

    YES TO ALL THIS. you brilliantly pointed out another issue I have with him. When Jimmy Fallon got criticized for his DT interview, he came back and said "uh, this is what i do with everyone..." and it is true. I dont think he has ever had a serious interview or called people out. he's silly and he sticks to it. boom. end of story. 

    Now I dont know what TPTB at CBS want. maybe they want Donald to come back on Colbert's show....so maybe Stephen has to blare out the "I wanna be nice to him" schtick even if stephen personally feels differently. I just dont know how else to explain the strange vibe of "donald trump sucks, but if he is on my show, I'll be so sweet and nice to him!" 

    when he tried to get Donald to admit Obama was born in the U.S., all he had to do was say "he was and he has proved it sir. I am sorry, but you are wrong." and i think if he had done that, maybe the criticism would not have happened. Donald could have said "whatever" to it but at least Stephen would be on record as correcting him without being a jackass about it. there is a way. it happens all the time with journalists, which you made a good point of making. 

    If stephen wants to be a silly interviewer, then maybe he needs to stop talking about world issues such as shootings, etc and stop insulting DT. because to insult him all the time and then be nice to his face is like high school behavior. i dont know. it's all weird to me. what do you wanna be stephen?! lol. figure it out. :-)


    Being nice and being respectful are actually two different things.  As a geezer, I know that being scrupulously, formally polite is a wonderful way to treat someone you hate.

    you're right, but as i pointed out, Stephen himself didn't like the interview he did with Donald Trump, but he has now twice called out others for not liking it either. you cant say something negative about yourself and then get mad when others say the same thing. that does not make sense.

  3. OK stephen colbert..................I like him and his show, but i am gonna have to call him out because he is being quite hypocritical lately.

    lucky for me, i have proof! YAY. he gave an interview to 'face the nation' a few days ago and I was just done.  now I need to get this out of my system.

    here we go. remember when he had donald trump on his show? he got criticized for it, because he was too polite/nice to him.

    here is what stephen said about that interview ----> http://www.vulture.com/2016/09/stephen-colbert-regrets-his-trump-interview.html

    the part that stands out to me is the following ---> Colbert recalls. “It was actually boring, because he wouldn’t even look me in the eye. Being nice to a guy who isn’t nice to other people, it doesn’t serve you that much." If the two ever sit down together again, the tenor of their exchange might be much different. Says Colbert, "I’ve surrendered to my natural instincts, and to how I actually feel on a daily basis."

    so he even criticized himself and the interview. correct? no? Am i reading that right? I think i am.

    so let's fast forward to a show he did regarding pizzagate on Dec 8 ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfXWXNItF_Y

    at 8:20, he calls out liberals for criticizing his interview with donald trump

    even though HE HIMSELF ended up critiquing himself and the interview. Hypocrite on Line 1, thank you....

    ok, so fast forward to face the nation this past Sunday. i have copied and pasted the actual transcript:

    DICKERSON: Given that you and he have had disagreements, would he come on the show?

    Would you want him on to interview?

    COLBERT: I’m not going to say no to the president of the United States. I want want to know that I could interview him in a way that would be respectful, though, because I don’t think it would be fun for me or profitable for him in any way, or the audience, if I couldn’t do it in a respectful way and I think -- I think probably by the time he gets into office, I’ll have calmed down a little bit, because that would be important to me, because I believe in the presidency and I believe in our system and -- and, you know, when I had him on at the beginning of the year, I went to great pains to try to be respectful to him, which really upset some of my liberal fans. < ---- once again, calling out liberals for the DT interview that he didnt like as well. hypocrite on line 2, too!

    But it’s important to me to have a politician on and to allow them to be able to say what their -- their -- their thoughts are and not be some sort of, you know, what -- what people often wanted me to be at the old show, which is some sort of ninja word assassin that slips underneath everybody’s radar and then slaps the handle on the knife before they even know that it’s between their ribs. ---> i would agree with this, except he insults trump ALL THE TIME on his show. he has that right, but now he is saying he wants to be all nice and respectful to him if donald is on the show again? so he wants to talk smack about him when he is not on the show, but be nice to him when he is on the show. HYPOCRITTEEEE on all the damn lines

    Stephen can still interview Donald Trump and call him out. Nobody is asking Stephen to punch him in the face, but Stephen has shown he can call donald out. evidence right here --> https://youtu.be/byP7XvzFqRc


    so what exactly is Stephen saying? I have no idea. he wants to be nice, but not super nice? huh? Also, he doesn't like being called out for the DT interview, but he seems to have forgotten he himself didnt like it. 

    I think Stephen is confused. the math is not adding up. 

    I still like his show, but the hypocrisy is very grating

  4. Quote

    The Kardshians, Kanye West, Beyonce, social media, all those superficial things that created this culture are precisely the reasons we've become nothing more than a society of consumers. We want big cars, we want the newest Smartphone, we want the apps that find us a parking spot in the city or one that can see who's at our front door when we're in work. We're not builders, innovators, inventors, mathematicians, or thinkers. We're narcissistic, selfish, consuming sheep. As long as we have those tangible things that speak to our greed and narcissism, we're okay. We're good with that and won't complain too much or cause a lot of trouble as long as we get what satisfies us. We don't care about 450,000 dead civilians in Syria even though we had a hand in killing some of them, we don't bristle at the thoughts of Iran having nuclear weapons, we never consider the fact that we could all suddenly find ourselves not able to have what we've had all these years.

    but celebrity culture has always existed as long as there have been celebrities. I dont understand how this new wave of the rich and famous have created all this.

    • Love 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

    Honestly at this point, I don't want any "smoking guns" about Trump's racism/sexism coming out. Most Trump supporters I know would merely see that as clear endorsement of THEM committing overt racist/sexist acts; it would actually encourage them to do it. I'm not trying to be a smartass here.  It sure as hell won't prevent him from taking office in any event.  **Let's be clear:  his supporters do NOT care; the GOP House & Senate do NOT care, about the racist/sexist stuff.

    If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him. I just think most have been so bombarded with the awfulness of Trump the person, that there's this general sense of desensitization, or whatever, and he STILL is standing. It'll take something like clear self-dealings with Russia or something along those lines. JMO.

    but the russia ties dont have any affect on anyone either. they dont give a crap. I think russia = $$$ 

    Some theorize that Trump owes Russia money and they "own" him. even more great (sigh!)

    Money does seem to be the driving force. spreading the wealth to donald and co

    • Love 4
  6. This turd is going to run us all, and civilization as a whole,  off a cliff. And I cant pick up and move to a blue state. All I can pray for is that they  cant change everything immediately. I hope we at least get to 2018 to cope. Otherwise, I'm doomed. Like Origami said, I need some medicines to stay alive. I'm in Kentucky. I'm scared.

    The really sad part is that my health was recovering and I was hoping to be well enough to work and get off all this. (not yet but getting there) My neighbor told me that they're cancelling vision and dental..... two things I desperately need as well as other health issues (recovered from a stroke) Icant sleep..... Sorry for the rant.

    Jumping topics.

    I cant fathom how rump gives two shits about who marries whom. Frankly I don't see why anyone cares. Let people live. GEES.

    I feel this. I fear for the minorities the most. The poor, people of color (any color but white) will most likely be screwed. If you're rich and a person of color, you may be okay. Maybe kanye west can help the struggling folk out there. ::eye roll::

    • Love 3
  7. 12 minutes ago, candall said:

    I think we just got a good preview of that--it will be those damn foreign terrorists again.  The Turkish shooter's final breath was spent screaming about Aleppo and Syria, but President-Elect Idiot knows better:   It's all about jihad, folks, trust me, amirite?

    Terrorists are evil, but they are not stupid. next time we have a terror attack, what? shut down the U.S.? ban all trade? nobody flies in and out of the country? I try so hard to understand his mindset. Lol

    • Love 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

    The checks and balance only work if the separate branches of the government work them.  The Congress should be checking and balancing the WH.  Except we know they won't.  And the SC should be checking and balancing them both.  But we all know once Dumpy has put his pick in there, that won't happen either.  We just put all the foxes in charge of the hen house, and the only checking and balancing that will go on will be the in-fighting over who gets the fattest chicken.  Congress has no interest in stopping Twitler.

    exactly. I understand people wanting to have faith in the system, but my god. people do not want to challenge him. why? a lot of spinelessness. very worrying. or trump really has dirt on everyone. LOL.

    I also fear what will happen since the KKK seems to be rising again. Rich or not, racism really doesn't seem to bother anyone either. 

    very scary. when riots and civil disobedience start breaking out again, it will be interesting to see what happens from the trump admin.

    • Love 3
  9. I told my dad 'It seems even when the media try to hold donald accountable, he still gets away with stuff....' and that is why i fear he pretty much can and will get away with anything. 

    My dad said "it seems that way, but the way we have checks and balances will prevent that from happening once he takes office....'

    The thing is......checks and balances be damned. that is my whole point. he and everyone around him do not care. we have paul ryan, and mitch McConnell who seem to be bending over backwards for him and just not caring what he does or says

    nobody cares. even leaders in the democratic party (barack obama too) seem to just not care. or they are too exhausted too fight. very sad

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