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Lana X

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Posts posted by Lana X

  1. 9 minutes ago, Lunata said:

    If anyone other than geeky me are watching the electoral votes being counted in the House of Representatives, there's been a couple of objections, one by Maxine Waters to the election of Donald Trump. Her objection was overruled by Joe Biden who is chairman of this session of the House because an objection will be denied unless there is one more signature on this objection letter, there wasn't. In addition to Maxine Waters there was another from a black woman from California which was denied. Right before the gavel was struck making Trump the official President, there were several people there shouting objections to the election results, They were physically removed by security.

    As Maxine Waters stood up waving the petition asking for one U.S. Senator to join her in her letter of objection, Paul Ryan sitting on the dais behind Joe Biden suddenly burst into laughter. He's a snake too, maybe even worse than Trump.

    Paul Ryan use to have a spine of some kind. wtf happened to him? :-/

    • Love 4
  2. 2 minutes ago, izabella said:

    What's even stupider is that Trumputin could have been briefed ANY time he wanted since the election, but chose not to be.  THAT is the story here! 

    Maybe being briefed is too hard for him to comprehend

    intel: there may be an attack planned on your hotel on inauguration day. we would prefer to have you somewhere else. in an undisclosed location

    donald: but my name is on the building. I need to be there. 

    Intel: sir. you may be under attack. you are now a target

    Donald: nobody is going to attack me. they love me

    Intel: no sir, that is not the case

    Donald: get Kellyanne in here

    Kellyanne: i am right here

    Donald: what should i do?

    Kellyanne: whatever you want, pumpkin

    Donald: I think i'll stay here

    Intel: ok sir. we warned you.

    • Love 8
  3. 5 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

    I bet he's thinking, WWPD?

    What Would Putin Do?

    Except that implies he's "thinking".

    putin: donald, i simply get rid of people who are in de way

    Donald: ...............

    Putin: make em disappear.

    Donald: ......................

    Putin: *sigh* I end their life

    Donald: OH! okay. 

    putin: wow

    • Love 9
  4. Quote

    Tried to listen en route work but when Joe started talking about how Trump's tweet about Apprentice ratings would have to have media attention because it's a sexy and entertaining story I had to switch stations

    playboy is also sexy. Maybe we should screw real news and just study and analyze naked women instead. 

    joe: look at those tits

    Mika: I dont get it. i have tits too. *eye roll*

    joe: I was just told we nuked switzer- WHOA. check out this picture. what an ass

    Mika: you never talk to me that way *eye roll*

    • Love 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Lunata said:

    I know that a lot of Canadians don't particularly like Justin Trudeau and I've only seen him a couple of times. He's hot so I'd warm up to him even if Trump wouldn't.  :)

    Canada is the largest international customer for goods and services made in the USA, and if Donald Trump pulls out of NAFTA then where does that leave Canada? Trump has everyone worried, with good reason.

     interesting that most Canadians don't like him. Just like in the UK, they do not care for the royal family. Like we do. 

     funny how in other countries, citizens don't like their leaders as much as other countries like their leaders. If that makes sense 

    wow that was a mouthful 

    • Love 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

    Why do I suspect Trump will not warm up to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?

    inner thoughts time:

    trump: (hmmm. he is much better looking than me)

    justin: (god, melania. this is the best you could do?!) 

    melania: (i hate my life. canadian man so cute!)

    • Love 20
  7. 12 minutes ago, random chance said:

    Yep, I took a look at the replies to someone talking about this on Twitter and it was all, "Hillary lost, feel the butthurt" and "that's fake news, you cuck!" The people who replied really only care that he won, which means they won. When the mushroom clouds appear, they'll still be cackling about how us special triggered butthurt cuck snowflakes need a safe place.

    *mushroom cloud slowly engulfs planet*

    trump voters: wow! look at that cloud! 

    trump: oh. that's what that button does

    • Love 15
  8. Just now, teddysmom said:

    Man he is just not going to let this go is he? 

    Next thing it'll be excuses for why he cheated on his wives because JFK did it. 

    I dont know. did JFK cheat on women with OCERD? (obsessive compulsive eyerolling disorder)


    but honestly, joe can't see the point people are making. that, to me, is what makes this so sad, yet funny

    • Love 3
  9. 13 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

    I think what is most annoying these days are so many of the details that have come out about Trump's business dealings in various locales over the world and the impact that certain political events have/will have on his businesses, and I'm wondering why so much of this information wasn't out there during the campaign.  I know parts of my family referred to 'crooked Hillary" and how she 'sold SOS access for donations to the Clinton Foundation", yet this is exactly what Trump is doing now, with selling access to him via his DC hotel, the planned resort in Indonesia, the connection to businesses in Turkey, etc.  Most of these things could have been raised during the campaign, but I don't recall hearing much, if anything, about it.  Sure, somethings perhaps couldn't be surmised previously, like how could we know he'd choose the head of Exxon, who has significant business dealings with Russia, to be the new SoS.  But others were more obvious.  I just feel that the Dems should have been hitting way harder than they did.

    I think they were talked about, but not enough. (emails. come on now)

    Many just didnt think it would become a reality. sadly, we have learned the hard way. 

    • Love 1
  10. when (and it will) another mass shooting happens, the only thing i will look forward to is the complete bullshit that comes from Donald. 

    when that happens, i hope like hell people wake up and say "hey now. YOU are now in charge. this is now YOUR mess. so now what, Don? hm?"

    ......but who knows? he'll probably blame his damn son for it or something. sheesh

    • Love 10
  11. I can see it clearly

    Headline: "School shooting. 20 dead."

    Trump: See guys - this is why Hillary lost. what would she do about this? nothing. How come john wayne never died in his movies? he had a gun. he took all the bad guys out. just boop. out!"


    Media: Donald Trump solves gun violence!

    • Love 13
  12. 8 minutes ago, Zuzubee said:

    Trump and the Republicans are living in a world of "be careful what you wish for". 

    Regarding ACA:  Health care is a RIGHT. No one should make billions in profit at the expense of someone health, quality of life or ability to receive treatment. What kind of country are we if we have to choose between bankruptcy or care for love ones who are ill? This happens, in this so wonderful USA. Years from now, we will look at this whole healthcare debacle the same way I look at soup lines during the depression. You mean people actually stood in line so they wouldn't starve? Do you mean people actually died, lost their homes, etc. because they couldn't get health care? We are a sad, greedy country right now.

    Regarding Russia: We are on a very scary course if we have lost trust in our intelligence community. 

    I will sit back and watch with fascination as to how the majority crew in Washington go forward. Our founding fathers are being tested. I pray they put in the proper safe guards, constitutionally, to prevent the destruction that keeps me awake at night.

    On the upside, I hope the inauguration is a bust and the following day's demonstration is a hugh success. I will feel so much better and my faith in humankind will be restored ☺

    anyone here going to the march in DC??? if so, i will be there! ???

    • Love 6
  13. 18 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

    There's been some (IMO, fair) pushback WRT lack of specific evidence being presented about #RussianHack.  This linked article highlights some of the issues given the nature of cyber espionage.

    yeah, i said somewhere ekse that the evidence needs to be put out for ALL to see. hold a press conference. i dont care

    i dont think anyone is lying, but now we live in a 'fake news' society. 

    oh heck. doesn't matter what is shown. kellyanne will just go on TV and say it's fake. the media will run with that and it'll be done


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