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  1. 'Damo you have brought me out of hibernation to send you a virtual hug from Harare for all the pain you went through. You came out of that fire stronger with a good spirit which could not be diminished. That is a testament to your character. I hope your daughter appreciates your fortitude. Now back to our regularly scheduled programme of ratchet tv.
  2. Thank you Zaldamo and queenjen for the warm cyber welcome. Waves back to you from Harare! It was not restraint Zaldamo that kept me from commenting more attributed to laziness hah, hah. Queenjen I hear you because as a 'professional' (said in the Queen's voice a la Hyacinth Bouquet/bucket) but I digress, I used to be ashamed that I loved reality tv but now I do not care because it is all in harmless fun. Life is too stressful and this outlet is far better than other means to unwind from the mayhem. So live and let live! Back to enjoying Phaedra et al...
  3. Hey everyone! Long time lurker finally joining in to add that the Real Housewives franchise is accessible to countries in Africa through subscribing to DSTV South Africa, the international cable network. We may be six months behind but the Real Housewives of Atlanta is very popular here in Zimbabwe. To my fellow commentators thank you for giving me much needed chuckles throughout the years! Special mention to Zaldamo...anyway we can't wait for it to return to our cable TV so those of us die hard fans watch the latest episodes from the Internet. Take care.
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