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Posts posted by friendperidot

  1. Thank you peacheslatour! I love the Lord of the Rings books, started reading them back in the 70s, have read them 3 or so times, all of them, but I could not get into the movies. 

    And what doll do you have from your childhood? I collect some older (60s,70s,80s) Barbies, a few Tammys but most of my collection is modern 16" fashion dolls, one of my favorites is my picture here.

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  2. moving subject matter of tv and movie likes and dislikes and defending ones likes or dislikes from attackers. My great nephew, (20) loves How I Met Your Mother. I (pushing 70) think it's one of the most stupid of the stupid shows ever. And to be one of the most stupid of the stupid may be an honor for it. There are a lot of incredibly stupid comedy shows on tv. I never cared for Seinfeld or Friends. Seinfeld, I got some flack for, I'm of the too old generation to give a damn about Friends, so that was never an area of discussion. I choose to not argue about those.

    But, as an adult collector of fashion dolls (pushing 70, remember), I've had friends tell me it's time to grow up and get into real life, leave children's playthings for children. Editing to add, I've done real life, it's overrated. Then they learn a little about the costs of some of the dolls, then they see them in person and see the rooms I've decorated for and put my dolls in, and see what some other adult collectors do. It shuts most of them up because it's very involved, can be pretty expensive. I usually give them an argument that I am entirely more grown up than idiots who go, in sub freezing weather, to football games, strip off their shirts, have their bodies painted in team colors. I am not endangering my health, I don't involve others and I don't spend my money on drugs like too many people in my family do. And mostly, I don't give a damn what others think I should do with my money and my time.

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  3. 19 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    she's smug when all she has is an interview not an offer. What is she so smug about?

    I was a bit smug when I worked at one very crappy place and decided I was getting out of there, I interviewed at another job, was pretty sure I had and it was offered the next day. Actually gleeful was more how I behaved for the next 2 weeks rather than smug. The 30% pay increase helped my mood a lot too.

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  4. I kind of think the Trivago guy is cute, he reminds me a bit of Scott Bakula, who I definitely think is hot. I'm currently watching his stint on Murphy Brown, he and Candace Bergen had great chemistry. But I think the Trivago guy is not quite proportioned right, he's really short legged and has a long upper body, from shoulders to waist. It strikes me every time I see one of his ads. 

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  5. I have a new annoying, irritating ad from the cheap channels that I've just recently started seeing. Some male enhancement pill called Score. I know, I rag on Frank Thomas or Thompson or whatever and Nugenix all the time, and my hate for his ads still stands, but Score? It's a whole new level of hate. I just haven't figured out my response yet.

    Editing to that when I do, y'all will be the first to know.

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  6. I'm flipping through my over the air antenna channels, I don't really know what the channel is, it shows a big Q in a circle on the lower right hand side of the screen. Occasionally, I've found an auction show, I used to watch it on cable, don't remember what channel, but I always rather enjoyed it, Auction Kings. I have caught glimpses of Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters, I haven't stopped to watch whatever they're doing.

    But tonight I've found a show called Backroads Bounty. I've watched a couple of episodes and enjoyed them. They don't do as much dickering over prices that Mike and Frank do, they don't devote entire episodes to looking at car, motorcycles and bicycle parts and oil cans. And the biggest plus is there is no Mike Wolf yammering endlessly about whatever he's yammering about today. I've basically stopped watching American Pickers because I'm so tired of Mike Wolf. These guys went to a farm that rescues farm animals, she had a lot of car stuff, her husband or father, I didn't quite get the back story did a lot of work on cars and built a vehicle based on Model A/T (I don't know or care the difference) that he wanted to break land records on the salt flats and he did. He started another vehicle. Mike would have never shut up. 

    Ok, I saw a station id, and the channel is Quest. And Backroads Bounty is a Canadian show which is probably why Mike and Frank have never gotten to some of these places. And maybe because the money is in Canadian dollars, their prices are about or were about equal to the US dollar at the time.

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  7. I was thinking pretty much the same things, 1200 sq ft with 2 young children might be fine, but at 12 and 13 are they going to want to share a room? I liked the porch, but agree, I would want chairs and screens and a full door, but those are changes that can be added later.

    I didn't care for the all white living room, but I never do, I have large dogs and that's not too different that very young children, white is out! But, they can add color, and add family touches, personal items, pictures, those are what make a home. This was for staging. I wouldn't want to live in such a high end historical home because I want to live in my home. I'm glad the house is restored, but I don't want to live with all one period and style. I like more color, more eclectic furniture, I like a lot of styles and eras and couldn't possible settle on one to live with. And most families don't either, they get pieces as they can afford them or need them, maybe they try to stay in a general era, I'm in a FB group of Mid Century fanatics and while I like MC, I also like Art Deco and Victorian.

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  8. true, I wear lots of sweaters and I don't go out. I did buy a coat earlier this year, but it's entirely too big for me, I'm going to give it to my niece. I only had 3 to choose from at Burlington, that's why I'm going to look in August or September.

  9. yes, but I don't really want my family buying clothing. My sister has already given my birthday present to me. I let her use my Prime account, she pays for things but uses it for free shipping, she went through my list and did get me the cutest salt and pepper shakers set. I've had them on my list for a couple of years. She's on disability, I was just surprised that she thought to go through my list. I listen and pay attention to her comments throughout the year, for Christmas I'm going to give her a digital clock with day and date that she can see from several feet away. My rule of thumb for gifts for her are, in my budget, something she cannot pawn, something she can use and won't buy for herself. For her birthday, I gave her bed pillows. I'm thinking of flatware, place settings for 4 for her next birthday. Her constant whine of "I guess I can't have nice things..." is getting on my nerves. She can't have nice things because she won't take care of them, therefore, I won't spend much money.

    Editing to add, I usually buy myself something nice that I really want. But I think this year it's going to have to be a pair of shoes to replace the ones Quark got a couple of weeks ago, I'm still wearing them and unless I point out what he did, most people won't notice. And a new winter coat. I haven't seen my winter coats (about 6 of them, since I moved in with my sister, they're either in the garage or the attic and I won't go in either place and the cats or mice have probably destroyed them by now. This is Oklahoma, don't need a heavy coat very often. But I used to live further north.

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  10. AuntiePam, I do know about robes, I used to have a great velour one that zipped up the front, came to my ankles and had great pockets. I wore it in the winter and pulled on a pair of long johns or sweat pants to complete the ensemble, lol.

    My dog shredded my robe and I've been considering another one or two, I don't want them too thick and bulky, but just heavy enough to be warm.

    • Love 5
  11. I guess I'm slow on the uptake. It just occurred to me as I was watching the old game show, Supermarket Sweep, that the Charmin Bears are just an updated version of Mr. Whipple. He was always getting onto people for squeezing the Charmin and they out and out have a group love fest of squeezing the Charmin, in the dark, no less. And I dislike, am annoyed and irritated by the Charmin Bears.

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  12. 7 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    Those Aluma Wallets don't hold enough to close properly if you put any amount of folding money in them.

    Not a problem for me, lol. Actually, I do sometimes have a few ones a couple of fives and they don't really close that well, I just put the bills in my pocket!

    As far as to what jeans or pants, when I worked, I wore slacks, had to have pockets to put my keys in. I worked in a locked building, to use the elevator to enter the building to go to any of the other buildings, had to have a building key, then I had my office door key, and I kept a car key on the same key ring so I didn't have to search for either. I've been retired for 7 years and haven't had a car for 3, so I realize that now no one uses car keys, they have those little doohickeys.

    But I am in the old group and I like my baggy jeans, I have some from before my 30 lb weight loss and they are so very comfortable and they were hemmed several years ago, they don't drag on the ground. Manufacturers don't think a woman can be short and fat and need pockets. I am short, not quite as fat and I still need pockets! At pushing 70, I prefer comfort over looks.

    • Love 4
  13. jeans vs. sweatpants from Annoy, Irritate and Outrage. I have one very warm, very old pair of sweatpants. Very comfy, but the elastic is starting to stretch and they slide down. I'd love to have more sweatpants that heavy and warm, they're great on those cold winter days. But, I want pockets. I have to carry dog bribes with me at all times to get whatever Quark has stolen out of his locked mouth. Or to get him to come in the house when he doesn't want to, sometimes to get him out of the house when he doesn't want to. And to untangle his tether from whatever he's tangled on. I hate having to tether, but he's an escape artists that takes great joy in eluding me while he runs gleefully down the street, I have a neighbor who hates pit bulls and has a gun, I don't want my dog running loose. But pockets are necessary in my life. I also have stopped carrying a purse when I do go out, I put on a bra, put my aluminum RFID blocking wallet, keys and phone in my pockets and go. Sometimes I take my Kindle and that's when I wish I had a good tote bag to take with me. 

    • Love 3
  14. I've always been on the small side and the bra came off when I came home. And probably the frilly shirt too, tee shirt time. But that would have happened before heading to the fridge for a beer, like a life time before drinking a beer. I hate beer, so most beer commercials are easily ignored, except the Clydesdales and my favorite Christmas card brought to you by the people of the Miller High Life Co. 

    Retired now, and I never wear a bra unless I'm going out and I wear sports bras, no underwires. I tried some lacy camisole types, but my pit bull ate every one, he has no interest in the sports bras. He even wiggled the barely ajar drawer they were in to get them.

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  15. darn you! Now I've got It's a Small World, it will take months to get rid of it!

    That's not exactly the truth, if I let myself think about the Disney ride, I'll get stuck on it. This weekend I watched Little Shop of Horrors, twice, I love that movie. But I'm actually Please, oh oh oh please, grow for me! Wonder why songs from that show aren't used in ads. Grow for me would work for that spray on grass seed. As long as you don't know all the lyrics.

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  16. 9 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    I've said this before...He's got every right to be vain about that song, because it IS about him.

    true, but there are so many! There are 2 living in this house and off the top of my head, I can think of a dozen others. And it's not a compliment.

  17. It's Anorro or however it's spelled. I heard that stupid ad a couple of hours after I posted, I just didn't come back because it annoys me. Hmmm, Anorro annoys, there's a good slogan! Oh, probably not what they have in mind.

    • LOL 3
  18. 4 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

    So the old guy says to Alexa "Alexa, play the song that goes "Valerie"" which to me implies that maybe Alexa can hear you sing some lyrics or a melody and use magic AI to figure out what the hell you're talking about,

    I don't use Alexa, but the ice cream truck plays a wide variety of tunes that I know from my childhood and teen years, I don't think kids today know Turkey in the Straw or Ruben and Rachel, maybe they know Freres Jacques. But there was one tune that really liked, I couldn't remember what it was called, but I knew it was an instrumental from the 60s and the title had "ballerina" or "dancer" in it. So I went to Youtube and searched "60s instrumental dancer song." And Youtube delivered, the song is called "Music Box Dancer." So if Youtube can find the song based on my very vague description, why not Alexa?

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