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Posts posted by friendperidot

  1. I cannot find any place to put my comment. I decided to watch the Superman marathon on Decades today, I've seen an episode here and there over the years, but it's been a really long time since I really watched this show. It's cheesy, it's cheaply made, the writing is poor, the props are terrible, but somehow, it still manages some good bits. Saw the very first episode, the Kents were Sara and Eben, the second episode had Jimmy Olson on a nearly deserted island visiting family, and there are strange doings, the plot was simplistic and silly, but still it managed to convey a sense of creepiness and foreboding. A couple more episodes, then there was a scene with Inspector Henderson, Lois Lane (as portrayed by Phyllis Coates) and Clark Kent/Superman. He says "like I always say, 2 heads are better than one" and exits the room. Phyllis Coates did the most delicious side eye at Inspector Henderson, it was so worth it to sit through the whole episode just for that little bit of acting.

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  2. Ion Plus still runs the the Canadian show, The Listener all day on Monday and Tuesday. 

    What I find interesting about both Ion and Ion Plus is the number of "positive" and family values ads. I am always suspicious of them, but I can't really find anything too objectionable.

  3. 13 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    I nuclear explosion hate the Pepto Bismol commercials. All of them. 

    I don't know, the one with the flight attendants, with the one singing, so sweetly, "diarrhea" cracks me up. I have a friend that's a flight attendant and even though he looks nothing like this guy, I can picture him singing that. He has a rather wicked sense of the absurd.

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  4. My sleep's been kind of wonky for the last few weeks while I adjust medications, so I got to see the 3AM show last night which was the next to last episode of the series and at midnight tonight was the final episode. I think those 2 episodes are payoffs for going along on Andy Sipowitz's journey through the 12 years of this show.  Or, for some of us the 12 years of the show in the sped up months of reruns. I do love the redemption of Andy Sipowitz over all the shows.

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  5. I think Jeopardy will continue as long as it gets ratings, there was Jeopardy before Alex Trebek and there will be Jeopardy after. 

    Whether and insurance payout is piddly or not is all in the prospective, I've considered something like one of those insurance companies like Colonial Penn, because of circumstances has left me without a burial plan. I don't really give a shit if my family gets any money or not. They wouldn't pay my medical bills or any other bills anyway. Nor are they obligated to, they did not co-sign any agreements on any of my bills. And even if I won sever hundred million dollars in a lottery, I wouldn't leave them much, I'd put it almost all to go to animal charities, I'd rather see recused animals have the money than have it go for drugs.

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  6. 23 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I'm not going to food shop at Amazon.  I buy far too many store brand items for that to be cost efficient.  Same reason I don't use Chewy.com.

    I'm only continuing this because of Chewy, some of the ads are really stupid and I don't care for them, but I have developed an ability to ignore most commercials, they have to be really, really annoying for me to pay much attention. But I like Chewy because I can get large Kong stuffed animal toys for my pit bull really cheap, he destroys them in about an hour, but he still loves them and carries around the remains. I don't throw them out until they are so very disgusting. I can get 40 lbs of Purina Dog chow from them, so if I don't need the dog food to make up my minimum free delivery order from Walmart, Quark gets some new toys. I think next month he's going to get some early Christmas presents.

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  7. I do like and use the online grocery ordering and delivery because I do not have a car and taxis are expensive, in the long run, it's cheaper for delivery, I've used codes for free delivery the last few times I've ordered, so all I have to do is tip the driver. If I had a car, there'd probably be more frequent and smaller trips to the store, but I don't so delivery has been a godsend.

    Proserpina, I'd love to have an Italian relative who made Pizzelles for me now and then, but I don't. I learned to love them when I had an Italian boyfriend and lived on the East coast, his mother would make them and send them home with him. When I was working, one day, I was going into the building and one of our doctors came along with her arms loaded with Christmas cookies for her unit, I helped her carry her things in and was exclaiming over her pizzelles. A couple of days later she brought me my own plateful. I did share with my office mates but I took several home. I was one of the few people at the hospital who knew what they were.

    • Love 2
  8. I may have to check out InstaCart to see if it's available here. I've been using Walmart delivery and overall I like it except, it's Walmart. Sometimes they substitute, and sometimes they don't, when you place your order you can mark things you don't mind a substitute for. A couple of weeks ago, they substituted half gallons of milk for full gallons, on the 2%, I would have only gotten 1 half gallon. But on the other hand, I live with 2 milk drinkers who say they only drink whole milk but feel entitled to drink every drop of milk in the house as fast as they possibly can. For someone who has live alone for most of her adult life, is not a big consumer of milk, this is extremely annoying. But on the other hand, if I am making cream gravy or a cream soup, I feel not one iota of guilt for using a couple of cups of their precious whole milk. On my last order, I had ordered chips to use for nachos, the brand wasn't particularly important, I would rather have had a substitution than none at all, I got none at all. I guess it depends on who is doing the shopping. My next order will be the day before Thanksgiving and I hate doing that to a shopper, but I will have to and then in December, it will be Christmas Eve when I'm paid, so I'll place my orders about 2 AM and schedule the earliest delivery so maybe it won't be too awful for the shoppers. But I do love not ever going into a Walmart store. I usually do a couple of orders a month.

    I get Pizzelle cookies from Amazon, a couple of times a year. I may order some later this month, my idiot dog got the last half bag and ate them. The local stores here do not carry them, they used to be available seasonally from the Wonderbread stores, but they've all closed. I guess there's not a large Italian population in Tulsa, lol. 

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  9. I really enjoyed this episode, I've enjoyed learning about The Secret through all the episodes, there's still 9 left out there to find! I really liked that they made the presentation of the key as a ceremony. It's a good ending to the journey they've all been through. 

    And I, too, think the painter knows more that he's revealed, he pointed out the letters spelling Boston that were hidden in the painting.

    And even though Josh wasn't part of the team that recovered the lost Ruby Slippers, I think this show was instrumental in the timing of their return. 

    Editing to add that as a August birthday, peridot is not an expensive stone, I have several.

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  10. 1 hour ago, OpalNightstream said:

    I can’t stand the grub hub commercial with the Lizzo song. Nothing against lizzo because I do think she’s talented, but that particular song is terrible. It sounds so retro...in a bad way...and that commercial is on all the time!

    I guess there's something to be said for not knowing any current music, I've not heard it in the original, so I don't know how it could sound, so unless it's outstandingly annoying, it doesn't bother me. But back in the ancient days, I did love the Vogues, Turn Around, Look at Me. I'm getting tired of just hearing the few lines repeated over and over to sell a car.

    • Love 6
  11. Community Builders, a regional home improvement company, the owner (I guess) has a tag line of "I'm going to save you a lot of money." I hate the way he says it. On the words "a lot", it' like he choked on the words, they caught in the back of his throat and now he's gargling them out. It annoys me. It is not cute or clever.

  12. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:
    1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    Aw, c'mon & join me in my exercise program....You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out. You put your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do the Hokey-Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!

    I also run my mouth and jump to conclusions. Eye-rolling is done, but erratically.

    I do all that, and I also push my luck. 

    Gosh, I get more exercise than I thought!


    My mom remembers being in elementary school and having to wear skirts to school. Which, considering she grew up in Iowa, really sucked whenever wintertime rolled around. It wasn't until she got to junior high that they started allowing girls to wear jeans to school. 

    Iowa here too.  We were allowed to wear pants under our skirts in winter.   I graduated in 1963 and we still weren't allowed to wear slacks/pants/jeans. 

    I still can't figure out the reasoning -- something to with propriety, I suppose. 

    Or keeping kids kids. Women were wearing slacks for 50 years by then, so why didn't it trickle down to kids?

    or teaching girls from an early age to be subjugated and prepare them for life barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen and to let the men wear the pants and keep them out of decent paying jobs. Missouri girl, here.

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  13. I think Peloton was reading the posts complaining about their commercials because they aren't shooting them in front of windows looking out on the city from the penthouse or the mountains, in big empty rooms with the Peloton in the place of honor in front of the big windows. And they don't have the instructors yelling at the rider about how good they are doing and "come on Peloton!" The voice over talks about how it being affordable  (so it's not just for the rich). They're not as insulting as the ads of last year, I still don't want one because as I've said before pushing 70 is all the exercise I'm going to do. 

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  14. 16 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

    Of course it's been ridiculous.  I was in high school when all girls were required to wear skirts.

    I was 3 years in college before girls were allowed to wear pants to class, had to be skirts all through elementary/jr. high/high school. Now, I'm retired and I haven't worn a dress for 5 years, since the last time I went to a funeral. And I wore hose and a slip, I'm old and old-fashioned.

    • Love 6
  15. 9 hours ago, funky-rat said:

    BINGO.  Ever look around at a doctor's office?  It's like a NASCAR Race, with drug company logos all over absolutely everything, from the canisters that hold cotton balls, boxes of tissues, and even the little "socks" that cover the stirrups on exam tables.  And if you're ever in the office when a rep shows up, they bring in 25 pizzas, or 10 dozen donuts....it's nuts.

    Not so much anymore. A few years ago, there was a change in rules about what drug reps could bring in. I worked at a not-for-profit psych hospital/out patient clinic and it was always helpful for us to get all the pens, notepads, clip boards, I still have a few in my home. We also allowed us to give some of our patients some little extras to take home, things that our clientele couldn't afford that many people with higher incomes take for granted. Also, those pizzas and lunches, they had a price, we had to sit through a lecture about the medication, some of them were horrible and boring, but I did learn a lot about various psychiatric conditions from some of the psychiatrists they brought in. Having a lot of family members with bi-polar disorder and I have to live with their mood changes and am often bewildered by them, but one of the lectures I will never forget, the psychiatrist told us that when the bi-polar is in a depressive state, they go to the doctor wanting medication because they don't like feeling like that. But, when they are in a manic phase, their families go into the office begging for relief. And it is so true. During depressive states, my sister sleeps for days, I don't have to be bothered with what new hell she is creating. But when she's manic, I want to kill her at times, she has no clue about what time of day it is, what day it is, she will do 12 hour dishwashing marathons, yes they are needed because when she's depressed, she won't wash dishes for months, she has to get every dish in the house dirty. There's a reason I keep my dishes in my own room and will not use hers nor allow her to use mine. Living with a person with bi-polar disorder can be absolute hell. As my aunt who is a retired therapist reminded me, they like their manic states, they are a natural high. And there is a significant correlation between bi-polar and substance abuse. But for those who live with it, it's hell.

    Now, to a different and actual commercial. There's one of those ads for Luvs about first child/second commercial that I finally paid attention to that had me confused. With the second child, the mother is handing him to a new baby sitter and tells her that he likes to "pull on" jewelry and she might want to lose the nose ring. For the longest time, I thought she was saying the baby likes to "pawn" jewelry. I think I like my version better. 

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  16. I rather like the commercial where all of the boys/men are having their periods, to me it emphasizes that that it's quite a natural process and so what? I like the one young man checking his behind in the white pants in the mirror for evidence of leakage, I can't of been the only female person doing that. It's just nature, why should we have to hide it or being ashamed because it happens. I think a lot of the reason is because it's a woman thing and that pisses me off. So what if women have their own body things, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but yet, it's been that way forever. 

    • Love 9
  17. I did purchase the Mr. Clean Freak, but haven't used it yet, my hand was injured about a month ago and I'm just getting full use of it again. Today was my first full day of no compression bandage and my typing is almost normal again. Sometime in the next couple of days, I'm going to read the directions and give the stuff a try.

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  18. I don't mind most of the Flo commercials, I think the actress is pretty talented too, to be able to create so many characters in her family. I wondered a couple of months ago if Janice's date was one of the OIGs, so I'm happy that you all confirmed it. Now, we need to have a double date with him and Janice (or Flo) and the other guy with Flo or Jaime.  

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  19. It's not exactly a favorite commercial, but after hating the Sling commercials so much for the past few years, and while I know I'm not alone in that, there are people on these boards that really like them. But Sling has a new set of ads with Maya Rudolph. I am enjoying her in the ads, she is so very blase' and says her lines with such a flat expression, I laugh. I like them so much more than all the innuendo of the last bunch. Or should I say "sexual in yer window," which I stole from a poorly written psych note several years ago. I collected poorly written notes and spelling errors and typos. Unfortunately, I lost my hard copy after leaving my job, I had emailed the list to myself and that email got deleted, but I had some wonderful bad notes. I didn't save the entire note and there was nothing to identify any patient, I just saved the errors. I wanted to put them in a book, titled "Sexual In Yer Window and other Miss Demeanors."

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