Triple P
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If I remember correctly, Jill didn't post the invitation from Jeremy and Jinger's wedding, but she did brag about being invited and later posted the Rod's grift tour schedule with the weekend of the wedding listed as a private event in Arkansas. I think the name of the church was included and that is how people figured out the date and location of Jinger's wedding. (Side note: People figured out the date of Nurie's wedding when Hosanna Plath posted her tour schedule and marked the weekend of the wedding as a private event.) Jill later posted the pictures from the J&J wedding to her blog and made a big deal about how she waited to post them out of a DEEP respect for the Dugger's privacy. I think Jill posted the invitation to Joy's wedding after the event as a way to prove that she had been invited but wasn't able to go.
I remember Jill posting a message Janessa typed in Facebook or Instagram after she got a hold of Jill's phone once. Of course it was just gibberish that any toddler would type, but Jill crowed about Janessa's skills. Janessa will probably "hop on" before Tessie. I am actually surprised that we haven't started seeing posts from Tessie. Samuel likes woodworking, but I've got nothing else. Jill took a bike ride with just the boys once and posted about that. Probably stands as a potential single mom when she is out with the boys. When she is out with girls, they could be any ol' gal pals fellowshipping over coffee shop manicures.
The wall was put up by master carpenter David Rodrigues, and he probably put up the shelf too, so I'm gonna say both are crooked. Such an odd place for the mouthwash and deodorant. Must be extras/backups and not the items currently in use? As for the printing ministry, David has printed things besides tracts. He did the godawful mailers for Joy Baptist Church after the Rods moved to Ohio, and he printed someone's book. I don't think he printed Jill's book about Amy Foster, but maybe. I haven't listened to any of his sermons, but others have reported that he has said printing things besides the smiley tracts is too hard.
I am grateful for the Thoughtful Perspectives we bring to discussions. I've been around since the Mighty Big TV/TWOP days, nearly 20 years! Thank you all for the community and companionship over the years.
Jill announced that Nurie and Nathan joined her downline about 2 years ago because they both had "health goals they wanted to overcome" and saw that Plexus was the solution. Guessing that fizzled out because they didn't actually join, or had no sales/didn't create socials to generate sales, or Nathan didn't know they had joined Jill's downline until Jill posted about it and he then told Nurie "no."