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Posts posted by Anela

  1. 4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    The death of our parents also brought into focus the dysfunctionality of my relationship with my only sister. 
    It's been almost 5 and 10 years since each of them passed, and my sister and I are now hovering in our usual pattern of truce. 
    As I type this I'm thinking of inviting her to "join" me in one of my video therapy sessions.
    Of course I'd have to ask my therapist first, since there may be legal reasons this couldn't work. 
    I was thinking of something informal, like having her on FaceTime on my phone while the video session with my therapist is on my laptop. 

    I really wish that my sister had agreed to therapy with me.  She ordered me to go to therapy, so that I would get over her husband’s sexual harassment, and my not wanting to be around him.  I told her it didn’t work that way.  I also pointed out that she still needed therapy, too, and she looked really hurt and said, “I know” but went right back to dehumanizing me. 

    I have all kinds of thoughts about him and his manipulation.  I’ll just say that I wanted a good BIL. I envy people whose families blend, and really like/love each other.  

    • Hugs 11
  2. 2 hours ago, Mari said:


    It wouldn't surprise me if they made sure she got in touch with Kristin.  Maybe for cruelty, maybe so that someone else deals with several years of baby/toddler/preschooler demon baby.  It is her egg, after all, and is there the possibility of suing for custody?


    They were saying that they wanted Kristen involved with the baby, since she's the real mother. So, I wondered if this was their way of getting there. 

    I loved the assistant's "Giving birth to the antichrist is really crazy, feeding me to the baby is normal crazy" or something like that. I almost expected to see a forked tongue, like the alien baby in "V". 

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  3. Did they scare her on purpose, to get her to call Kristen for help? So she would see and hold the baby. Leland is so fucking cruel.  

    I missed what happened with the pigs, because I was reading something, but I’m glad they tore up the NDA’s. 

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  4. On 6/2/2024 at 9:20 PM, Dimity said:

    I remember a few years ago my Mom being a little critical about the proliferation of names like Braydon, Jaydon and Kaydon.  She acted like this was a new phenomenon.  I pointed out that the names may be new (or certainly newish) but the name she gave me back in the day always meant I went through my entire school career with at least 2, if not 3 other girls in my class with the same name.  I can understand parents trying to give their child an unusual name. Asterick may be going a bit too far though...

    My first name is Angela, and I've had some people pronounce it Angle-a. :) I meant to quote someone else on this, too. I could share my last name, because it turns out women with my name are a dime a dozen, but I'm sure it's against the rules. 

    My name wasn't so common in England, when I was a kid. In high school, I had one girl come up to me and shake my hand, because I was the only other Angela she'd met there. 

    20 hours ago, Yeah No said:


    It also hurts when I write something heartfelt and it gets ignored by everyone meanwhile everyone else gets hearts and thumbs up and all that for every little fart and sneeze they post about.  I need to know I'm appreciated otherwise it really starts to hurt after a while.  And I don't think I'm doing anything wrong.  I admit I'm developing a complex about it and I don't think it's all in my head.  What did I do so wrong to deserve the cold shoulder?  You'd think I was the most awful person or constantly spewed garbage or something.....Sorry, now I really am spewing, LOL. 😉

    If it's any consolation, I haven't been spending much time on FB, but when I have visited, I get all kinds of recommended pages to follow, instead of posts from my friends. Someone I know, mentioned this last week. She said, "If I haven't interacted with you recently, it's because this is all I see" and posted a list she'd copied from her feed. 

    18 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    I'm old, so therapy and mental health diagnoses were not cool with parents when I was a kid. So I never thought about my being "divergent" until someone would remark about it — which did happen regularly. Fortunately I focussed on enough things that also brought praise, so it balanced out a bit. 
    This👆 relates to the friendship discussion in a way that may help some feel better about the "did I do something wrong?" question. 
    I like people, but I like being alone more — which seems to be a "divergent" trait. I am a great occasional friend, but I am a terrible "real" friend. 
    So, yes, you might have done something "wrong." We all do lots of "wrong" stuff. But mostly we realize it and correct it and our friends get over it. 
    But sometimes people just want to cut back on their friend-time because they need alone-space, and that means cutting out some friends. 

    I can be a good "real" friend, or I used to be. But with things I've mentioned here before: all of the moving around, the bullying, and then the weird stuff I've dealt with online (someone harassing me and some friends, just a whole strange "thing"), and then my sister, and all of that, I am different. I was practically feral for a while. People used to really like me, when they got to know me. Some still do, but for different reasons, maybe (I'm more outspoken now). But I'm flaky with communication, because of everything. I feel like I flatlined emotionally, and have been trying to figure it all out again. 

    18 hours ago, PRgal said:

    Autism wasn't something girls were flagged for in the 80s and 90s either.  Unless you were non-verbal, teachers wouldn't know what to look for.  And mental healthcare such as therapy is STILL extremely stigmatized in East Asian/Confucian cultures due to traditions and beliefs about harmony and whatnot.  It's really hard to erase views that are thousands of years old.  I am very open about seeing a therapist and have written about it in the past.  My cousins (including those from my generation) and my parents think I'm absolutely CRAZY for sharing.  I think some feel embarrassed about it.

    I was reading about ADHD, back in 2006, and could relate to a lot of what I saw. I see it now, too, when I read posts from women online, who are diagnosed, or testing for a diagnosis. I also saw something when I was on tiktok: a woman talking about autism, and things she hadn't known were considered symptoms. I had all but one of them. I can't remember what they were now. I'm not sure about that, but I have been reading.

    Someone recommended edibles to me, to help me sleep. I've never bought anything like that, and have no idea where to look. She recommended somewhere online, and I'm going to look for the link, but it struck me how I was such a "good girl". Helping to raise my sister, I didn't even sneak out of the house. I didn't want to be another worry for my mum, and later on my dad, too. I'm talking about this, because I mentioned it to my dad, and he laughed and said, "You don't need to be getting into that." I've never even tried it. My mum did, and it made her cry, and dad tried it with his friends, as a teenager, too. I pointed that out to him: that maybe I DO need to try that. 

    Sorry this is so long. I've been pretty quiet offline, I guess this is the result. 

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  5. I didn't mind being alone, when this house was a lot noisier. I can remember looking forward to days when I would have the house all to myself. When it started to get to me, my parents would be on their way home. I've just had too much time to myself. 

    11 hours ago, emma675 said:

    And let's be honest, sometimes the problem is us. Sometimes a person can be too needy or too standoffish, talks/posts too much or not enough, is too loud or too quiet, needs too much or too little from others, etc. Friendships ebb and flow, even longstanding, seemingly close ones. And sadly, not all of them last.

    It can be, but I'm one of those people who can be hard to get to know, *or* I can overshare. I remember when I realized I was going to have to open up, if I was really going to have good friends again, so I just started spilling. 

    Anyway, any issues have also been reminders to set and remember my own boundaries. Because I don't feel that people are disposable, but like @Yeah No I can be seen that way. I was a people pleaser, to a point. There are people who have been in my life since I was a kid, but they are so far away. 

    I made a list of goals the other night, and I don't know how far I'm going to get. We'll see. 

    Re: gardening. My seeds didn't do well, so I bought a lot of tomato plants, that were cheaper at a local farm, than the stores like Lowe's. I've started more seeds, just to see how they do, and I'll probably be going back to that farm. She had so much to choose from, but the signs were confusing, and she was just about to close. It was inspiring, and I wish I'd known the place existed, back in March. It might have got me past the depression/mental block I have going on. Tonight, I put on my headphones, started "Only Murders in the Building" and tried again, sitting on the deck, because my cat got out again. That's another goal: be outside a lot more. 

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  6. A few weeks ago, I mentioned a former friend, who just ditched me out of nowhere, back in 2013, when I had a lot going on, that was too much drama for her. She was oddly kind to me, months later, and apologized to me back in 2020 or 2019, but we've never been friends again.

    She popped up out of nowhere, last weekend. Not for me, just where we met, almost two decades ago. I don't believe in the law of attraction, but I do think we can be connected somehow. I don't want to go into my own experiences, I just am still surprised when someone pops up like that, after I thought of them. 

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  7. On 9/10/2021 at 6:18 PM, andromeda331 said:

    True although it did take our investigative reporter awhile before she caught on. Emily and Richard calling to invite her to the party despite them being split? Not suspicious. Emily putting on the beautiful fancy jewelry and tiara for a Yale alumi party? Rory just asks if she really wants her to wear all of this. No questions or signs Rory is realizing something is up. Its only when she sees there's no girls at the party she figures it out. It really shouldn't have taken her that long to figure it out but it does.

    Its not that I wanted her to morph into Lorelai. But I had really hoped once she was in college Rory would start developing a backbone. We get that scene with her telling off Taylor and telling the crowd that he never asked her to be the soda pop queen. But then won't speak up and tell Emily that Lorelai's not at the dinner because she had to finish up getting things Rory needed for Yale because Rory messed up and wrote the wrong date down. But it never happens.

    This is what I was just going to add.  She didn’t tell Emily that lorelai was getting things she needed for the next day. Maybe she didn’t want to admit that she got the day wrong, but she had a legitimate reason for not being there.  She also wasn’t required to be there.  

    • Like 2
  8. I made tofu breakfast burritos, and just made orzo pilaf (1-1/4 cups orzo, 2-1/2 cups of water, sliced mushrooms, red pepper, a small onion, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, and some parsley). 

    i have a chicken to roast for dinner, and I’ll make soup, too.  I had an island punch smoothie, last night, when I went food shopping.  Guava was my favorite type of yogurt (with apricot) when I was a kid, and I liked it at first, but it tasted strange in a big smoothie.  

  9. She could have had a travel blog, when they were all the rage.  That was around the time the show ended.  I’m currently listening to someone who travels, and streams that, but I can’t picture Rory streaming. 

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  10. My nose has been tingling since this afternoon, and I’ve been sneezing a lot.  I only went to the grocery store last night, and I wore my mask.  I went to Walmart tonight, to get a few things, and I’m going to make a roast chicken, and then make soup with some of it.  

    I suppose it could be allergies. My ears felt like they were blocking a bit, the other day.  I remembered my home made kimchi, and ate some of that, which is helping with the sinuses, but I’m still sneezing like I have a cold.  

    I also bought magnesium glycinate powder, last night. To see if it helps me to sleep. 

  11. On 5/30/2024 at 3:23 PM, kathyk2 said:

    There are some people who believe that diversity is "woke" or "politically correct" instead of being reality. Doctor Who has been popular for fifty years and they finally have a Black Doctor what took so long? I'm disabled and I'm still happily surprised to see a disabled character on television. I just read that Days of Our Lives will introduce a character with Down Syndrome this is long overdue.

    I haven’t been into doctor who, since I was a kid, but I want to check out the new one, because I love the actor.  I still have Disney, despite needing to cancel - they just took my money again, so I’ll check it out before the end of next month. 

  12. 10 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Now, Paris on the other hand...

    Oh, there are people I’d love to see Paris interview.  The way the politicians ran away from her, as soon as they could, when she was in D.C. 

    On 5/26/2024 at 3:35 PM, Ambrosefolly said:


    I like the that Gilmore Girls' ending too. Rory didn't get the job that she had her heart set on, nor the job at the more humble newspaper, but seemed content with the low-paying job and adjusted her attitude accordingly. 

    "Year in the Life"- To me, part of the problem is that Amy Sherman-Palladino has been a successful writer since her mid thirties. While it is true there was a massive technological change that effected the journalism industry, I always figured that with the one example that Loreali set for Rory, never take a hand out or rely on family money, she would do what I see a lot of people with writing or journalism degrees do - go into marketing (when you think about it, there isn't a huge difference between journalism & marketing, heck, interviews with polticians or even royalty can be seen as a version of marketing). We saw her wade in to that when she was working for DAR and promoting that fundraiser. They could have done an equally compelling story with Rory trying to leave marketing to become a full time writer, but facing the same hurdles. And with that interview with that internet magazine that she tanked, instead of Rory doing the unRory like thing and not research the company, they could of come to in impasse when it is realized that the company does a lot of clickbait, which I can see Rory being against and that Rory's idea come across as dated, even at her relatively young age. I just watched Ewan Mitchell from House of the Dragon 10 years ago (at 18) pounding pavement and submitting his DVD to acting agency and I couldn't help think wow, you probably can't do that today. I remember that 9 years ago, laptops were slowly phasing out CD/DVD players and now everyone is playing everything on their phones. He would have to figure out how to get these agencies to view his Youtube channel instead, & he still under 30 yr. That is how fast technology changes. 

    I could see her having a substack, but not posting on twitter, or TikTok. No reels, or arguing with people on social media.  

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  13. 13 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    That's insane.

    I always knew men who got with way younger women (and obviously girls) who were not the nicest people. But the older I get, the more I see how we shouldn't just dismiss these men as merely superficial and wanting arm candy. Even if we're talking legal adults, 18, 19, 20 is sooo young. I still see those men as predatory even if what they're doing is legal. Just think of all the men who are monsters in Hollywood. So many of them dated/married way younger women. Even Cassie is 17 years younger than Diddy. I know she is 37 now, but she was only 19 when they met. 

    Yeah. My sister met her husband online. He was in his mid-forties, and she was 19/20. Ugh.  She talked to other guys,  but didn’t date anyone else.  She finally married him when she was 35. He was from Canada, made her go up to visit him, broke up with her over the phone when she hadn’t made it up there within his wanted time frame.  When he visited here for a couple of months, he hit on me the first time we were alone in the house.  Did it again several times when he wasn’t even here.  

    We were talking about this stuff in the chit chat and peeves threads, recently.  Shoshanna is my age.  I remember men like him, being called names, and some also acted like it was perfectly normal. I have friends who married men who were eighteen years older than them, and know someone who dated a lot older, until she turned 29/30. I know another guy who dated much younger, until they started treating him like an old man. He married a really accomplished, beautiful woman, around his own age.  

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  14. 3 hours ago, kwnyc said:

    Bad puppy! I know Ben is a skeptic, but if the voice is really in his head, he could ask it what it wants, assuming it was a subconscious thing. 

    As I recall, djinn's are not always bad. 

    I'm hoping they introduced the glass ceiling to show Sheryl destroying it.

    The government has in fact done a fair amount of work on remote viewing. I read a book about it by a guy who was in a program with the US army.

    This program has not given a f*** for a while now. But this season, their last, they are going to go big before they go home. And I'm here for it.


    There see to be a guy who showed up on Art Bell’s show.  He talked about remote viewing.  It’s been so long, I can’t remember his name. I don’t know if they were credible.

  15. I know they could use more numbers, but I don't understand why the girls didn't block the number. I'm glad they know something is going on with Andy, and that it's sparked by a phone call. Unless it was "unknown".

    I'm surprised Kristen didn't wonder why the dog specifically went for Lynn. 

    Sheryl and the glass ceiling: I'd only root for Sheryl, if she did take them down. But she's working for the devil, and misogynists who are trying to hurt people, and ruin anything good in the world, so I don't know if she would be much better in charge. She has no problem with the antichrist being her grandchild, which I guess she thinks would bring a lot of perks. No concern about anything else. 

    Love Ben the Magnificent, and the girls. Also that their dad said their talking so much, wasn't a bad thing. After last week, I wonder if he was under that mind control, when he told them that they talked too much. 

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  16. 3 hours ago, Dimity said:

    In the My Three Sons thread I just mentioned how expensive, and difficult, it is now to buy DVDs of this show.  I feel like Rip Van Winkle here I took a very long nap I guess as it feels like one minute you could easily purchase DVDs for almost any show or movie you wanted, and then, poof, they were gone.  

    I am peeved.

    That gets me with streaming services just deleting shows from their app, too. Shows they made themselves, and own the rights to. I was happy to finally get HBO Max, with a half-price deal, near the end of 2021. I kept it, because I had more that I wanted to watch, or re-watch (like Carnivale, which shouldn't have been cancelled, and Westworld, or The Nevers), but they didn't want to pay people what they were owed, so they just sold them to "free" apps, and deleted them. Not Carnivale, but the other two, as well as other things I hadn't got around to watching. 

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  17. I’m on season three, and I hate it when the story line goes to people in a love triangle, being held somewhere by a villain, and then being quizzed on their love lives.  These “others” punching sawyer, and demanding to know if Kate loves him.  Give me a break.  

    • LOL 1
  18. 6 hours ago, Mari said:

    ETA:  Are we sure that all Andy was Felized into doing was confronting David?  Since he remembered that, I've been wondering if whatever he was actually whammied into doing was something else, and that's what Leland had him do to cover up missing time and/or unexpected location.

    It was the way Sheryl and Leland were arguing over what to say to him. It was like a trigger. I was surprised when he remembered, too. Unless they wanted him to, causing a wedge between them, as well as possibly between Kristen and David. 

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  19. My two cats might be my last.  I’m terrified of FIP now.  Also feline leukemia. I lost four cats to that, in 2011.  

    I’m also feeling a bit of kitten fever from all of these pictures.  ❤️ so, maybe that feeling won’t last.  My dad didn’t want me to bring mine in, in 2013, but it had started snowing, and they were all grouped at the back door, staring at me.  I couldn’t leave them out there.  

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