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  1. Seems pretty obvious that if the Ravens cut him, it will be because he didn’t have his usual All-Pro season, not because of anything he did to mere women.
  2. Say goodnight, Gracie. Couldn’t ask for a less watchable SB.
  3. Can you spell blowout, boys and girls? I knew you could.
  4. Important point for me is that, overexposed as they are, the Kelces and the Mannings aren’t merely famous for being famous. I never liked Peyton when he was a Colt. It wasn’t until SB XLII, with multiple shots of Peyton in the box unabashedly cheering on Eli and the Giants, that I started to soften a little bit. And his United Way mockumercial on SNL is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever watched.
  5. I liked SB V, AKA the Blunder Bowl. Both teams did so many things wrong that Chuck Howley of the losing ‘Boys was awarded the MVP. Never would have thought the league would work harder to coddle a QB than it did Tom Brady, but they’ve outdone themselves with Patrick Mahomes.
  6. If John Harbaugh had let his all-world kicker go for the PAT those two tries, they’d have had the tie. (Looking at sock drawer.). Do you want reindeer or Christmas tree socks? Honestly, I’m listening to him rave about Buffalo “imposing their will” in the first half, and like a light switch, raving about Baltimore imposing their will in the second half, and dropping it without a word as soon as it was clearly nobody was imposing their will today except maybe Mother Nature. Oh, and “You’re exactly right, Jim,” should be a drinking game. Two snow games in one day. How does it get better than that?
  7. Me too. Don’t know why, but it reminds me of when Ray Bourque, who had a HoF career in Boston but never hoisted the Cup, went to Colorado, and all of a sudden thousands of Bruins fans are rooting for the Avalanche like it’s their team. As a Bruins fan and a Giants fan, I just can’t get behind that.
  8. At least, thank dog, Jason’s retirement means we shouldn’t be bombarded with stories about Mama Kelce. But I’m not sure it’s a game I’d bother watching. For that matter, there are zero teams left playing about whom IGAF.
  9. Pick-six didn’t help, though. As a Giants fan, I have no love for the WC, but I do enjoy that this is a giant shit-in-the-face to Dan Snyder.
  10. No, Kevin, one bad call does not negate an earlier bad non-call just because each one resulted in a touchdown for the other team. It means there were two bad calls in a divisional playoff game, which is not supposed to happen, especially in the era of replay assist.
  11. And next week’s NFC championship game, and the SB. How did we get so lucky?
  12. There’s only one remaining palatable team in the entire playoffs. I will honor your jinx.
  13. They say kickers have some strange rituals. Guess he didn’t want helmet hair.
  14. Just more evidence that we did not need to expand the playoffs to seven teams per conference. I blame Tom Brady.
  15. Charissa admitted to being an out-and-out fraud. Frosts my buttons that she didn’t get shitcanned. It’s hard enough fighting the stereotype that women reporters are just eye candy, not real sports journalists, and fed their lines by producers without one actually getting rewarded for atrocious behavior. You’re exactly right. (TM Tony Romo.) Joe Buck used to annoy me greatly, but since I realized he doesn’t take himself all that seriously, and Troy Aikman doesn’t come across as a blatant Jerruh homer like the aforementioned TR, I don’t mind them at all. FWIW, TR was another rookie announcer who went straight to the number one team, but that was after fans had been clamoring for years that Phil Simms needed to be replaced. Nobody was itching to dump Greg Olsen. Problem is TR initially got rave reviews and now he believes he’s invincible. But he’s just u watchable.
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