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Posts posted by msrachelj

  1. 23 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    Or "Body Sculpting". It's done in little time (hours?) and the results (in the advertisements) look great.

    I'm all for the easy way out. 😀

    She needs more than body sculpting. A nutritionist and personal trainer. How can a formerly beautiful and normal sized girl do that to herself? Unless she is sick, which, if this show is going to be all "reality" they should let us  know. 

  2. On 12/22/2019 at 1:34 AM, Fostersmom said:

    Yeah, I'm not feeling this show. I get they wanted to use Eddie's old characters, but let's be honest, sketches that are literally pushing 40 years old just feels lazy. The Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood at least got an updated twist, but the others were just kind of stale and a bit cringey IMO. 

    I could have done without seeing Lizzo's ass in the second song, although I will say this was the first time in a long time I actually watched both the musical numbers. 

    I didn't realize Pete was struggling again. I hope he can get the help he needs. 


    Lizzo’s ass.  Yes, I agree.  

    • Love 2
  3. 4 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

    In complete agreement with you on all of this. Heck I even liked Bo and Carly 2.0 and the writers did a terrible job with that entire story (Carly's return from beginning to end was a mess). And even though the 2.0 version story was a mess, I still thought Peter Reckell and Crystal Chappell had good on screen chemistry.

    I feel absolutely nothing when Hope/Gina is on screen. KA cannot act at all in my opinion. I honestly don't think she has chemistry with any of the other actors and that included PR. I don't think Rafe is the only issue with the Rope pairing. Granted he isn't the best actor, but then having to work with KA? Yikes.

    Agreed. I just don't see how Gabi is totally the bad guy and Abigail gets to skate. I find Abby so smug that I cheer for Gabi - even when she is doing something not so nice.

    Kate and Stevano is a big zzzzzzz for me. I don't quite understand why Kate and Roman aren't together - the actors have chemistry.

    Kristen Alfonzo is horrible, always was! I don't know how she lasted all these years. I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I never Rafe was that bad an actor.  I just don't get the same feeling watching this show anymore, except for a few days here and there , as I did many years ago. I don't know if it's the cast, the stories or just me. But I miss the old "days". 

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  4. 15 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    As much as I adored Bo/Carly version 1, version 2 was just awful and nonsensical. I would not have had a problem if Carly and Lawrence were secretly working together to steal Hope's vast fortune through her widower Bo at the time.  Lawrence and Carly were hot.  Perhaps she falls for Bo along the way, altering her deadly plans with Lawrence. It would have given Carly a bit more of an edge. A vengeful Lawrence could have gone after Carly, Bo, Jack and Jennifer. 

    Rewatching the Bo/Carly love story a few years ago, I realized that Carly was a Mary Sue during her original run. I did not care since I loved her so much.. I am a rare Bope fan that adored Bo/Carly, their love scenes in Mexico were hot.. Their Mayan symbolic wedding on top of that pyramid was so awesome.. I still remember their beautiful poem. The writers used to really take the time and effort to craft a love story.  The end result showed that they cared and put in the work to reward their faithful audience..

    Bo and Carly was much better than Bo and Hope.  Can’t Stand Hope, the actress can’t act, this incarnation of princess Gina is worse than the last one. Dear God, they are ruining Steve also.

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  5. 12 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

    These kids are teens, preteens and tweens.  Gia was a senior in high school when this filmed.  17/18 years old.  She is not yet psychologically capable to rationalize and logically consider what has happened with her family for the last 5-8 years (keep in mind the stress set in well before the jail time, we saw it play out on the show).  In no way do I expect her, or or the younger girls to react to this the way an outside adult does.  Nor do I think that just because both parents are unsympathetic does that mean that these children are unsympathetic.  And they ARE children.  Gia is no more obnoxious or know-it-all-esque than my next door neighbor who is her same age, the difference is the parental response. Just because a parent hasn't died or they aren't poor or whatever doesn't mean you can't be sympathetic to them.  We don't have to rank worthiness of sympathy. 

    Well I guess I’m just a coldhearted bitch then. I reserve my sympathy for people that really need it not the children of nasty liars and thieves who care nothing about anyone or anything but themselves and all the things they can buy. I bet the kids will be fine,these days there’s plenty of access to mental health help. And God knows they can afford it. I’ve seen plenty of bad things happen to good people in my life and know Those who are suffering still from what happened in their childhoods which were much worse than what these privileged  little girls are going through. Sure they were not active participants in all the crimes their parents have committed and their typical abhorrent behavior,  but make no mistake , having two parents no matter where they are living,  having a mother who obviously loves them, even though she’s a piece of garbage, makes a big difference.  They get to jet off to Italy First class, how many times a year now to see their dad? How terrible. 
    The worst thing they have to live with is the scar of having two criminals for parents that will follow them the rest of their lives,  but these days not many people really care!

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  6. Wow not much to say about the holiday show. Unless there is another forum hiding here somewhere. Since the change,  it Is almost impossible to find shows. Anyway,  I thought it was really bad. I can’t stand the pioneer woman and her gross food and overpriced walmart crap. 
    Yes it was nostalgic and sad and all those other things at the same time. Makes you realize  how fast time is going by and I don’t know, just makes me depressed.  
    What’s with Marcia’s mouth? She sure makes the Puss face  a lot!😄

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  7. 22 hours ago, ladle said:

    I actually do have a lot of sympathy for the girls, as I would any children who were separated from a parent.  None of this is their doing.  

    There are a lot worse things. At least their parents are both alive and they are living in the lap of luxury. NOPE> no sympathy.  

    • Love 4
  8. On 3/2/2019 at 9:35 PM, Barb23 said:

    I was getting ready to post something similar like if there is extended family - other grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, close family friends, etc. We have seen Jeanette's sister-in-law but don't know whose side of the family she is on.

    I love Grandma Jack & Grandma Jackye. **  I think they add to the show & at times they seem like the only voices of reason. I really like that Grandma J admitted on one of the earlier episodes that she went to therapy at the beginning of Jazz's transition to understand what was going on.  Good for her for knowing she would benefit from outside help & good for her she went through with it. Another big step was letting us, the audience, know she went to therapy & it helped her.  I'm sure she was confused at the beginning as many families are &  it probably has helped them decide if they need therapy by knowing she went. 

    ** I also love Jackye's hair & that she owns the style.  Good for her that she doesn't care what others think & laughs it off.  Sometimes I think she dresses too young for her age (like when she wears the off the shoulder tops) but at the same time she still looks nice & is in great shape. She has better fashion sense than Jeanette & Jazz (I know that's not much) & could definitely teach them a few things.

    It's an obvious wig, she can afford a better one.

    • LOL 1
  9. 20 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

    But it seems to me like the noble goals are so that he looks good and can brag about the good works he is doing. He's got kind of a god complex. 

    At least he is doing good. Some people need to be recognized. It's human behavior. Not everyone can be Gandhi  or Mother Teresa. 

    3 hours ago, Dbolt said:

    Also, if I understood what he was saying correctly, his plan was that his website would give recommendations for what medications to take and he would get 0.50$ from then drug companies for each recommendation. That is shady. 

    The ENTIRE drug company and reps selling to doctors is shady! 

    • Love 1
  10. On 12/17/2019 at 1:00 PM, TheLotusFlower said:

    Yes, yes, and yes again!  I posted my response at the same time that you were posting yours.  The whole issue is how Dottie's behavior is addressed (or not addressed) in the show, not that racist, anti-semetic, etc. behavior is included in the show.  It's either completely ignored/dismissed or treated like a lighthearted joke.  It will be 2020 in a couple of weeks.  They need to do better when tackling these issues.

    Well also, remember this is a Chuck Lorre show and you can only hope for so much.

  11. I'm constantly amazed at how many people only a few years older than me are pretty bigoted.  I have older friends and acquaintances I can't tell I'm part Jewish because of that.  These are people I have heard making negative comments about Jews not knowing I am part Jew.  I know some people would disown them as friends but it's more complicated than that.  Meanwhile I can't think of any people around my age (61) that are bigoted like that.  We were brought up from a very young age in the great civil rights era and have a very different outlook.  This is why I agreed with that guy that called us "Generation Jones" as opposed to Baby Boomers.  We don't remember the 1950s.  In many ways we are our own generation.



    NEWS FLASH: racism has less to do with your age and more to do with your religious and political beliefs unfortunately. Please think about it. 

    • Love 3
  12. On 12/17/2019 at 7:35 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    I think they are attempting to make Dottie like Archie from All in the family. And let’s all be realistic here people from her generation (hell even people from today’s generation also) do hold and still have racist views to pretend like they don’t is sticking your head in the sand. 

    Her generation?  Baby boomers? No more racist than anyone else. She isn't of the "greatest" ( I hate that determination) generation. 

    On 12/17/2019 at 11:38 AM, joanne3482 said:

    So my parents are probably Dottie's age - 70s to 80s and even though they claim they are not racist and get so angry when a "liberal" implies they are even though I had a whole argument about how Jew is not a verb and my dad literally used a racist slur for an Hispanic person while I was there last week. It's hard. 

    I did love Bob and Abishola in this episode. I like that she's warmed up to him. I liked that she kissed him. I just like the two of them together. I could do without Dottie and the siblings. 

    And there you have it. It's not her age that makes her racist, it's her (people's) conservatism. 

    • Love 1
  13. 45 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:


    Who else was disgusted at the Giudice scene?


    The entire thing was surreal!


    These people are sitting in their formal dining room with a fireplace taller than me.....with food to feed an entire village wanting sympathy!


    They are talking to Joe on their iPhone....passing it around.....crying and crying!


    The man is in a Deportation Center!  


    Gia was wearing a bunch of Cartier jewelry .......on her way to college. 


    They are like....poor Joe.  POOR US!!!!


    Still not taking any blame for anything.


    FFS......Yall STOLE a million dollars to pay for that house!


    Then tried to write off 5 million dollars in a fraudulent bankruptcy.


    Never paid taxes!   


    Actually, filed fake tax returns (with Teresa’s signatures) to get fake bank loans.


    The irony of it all.....the man who took the fall for everything......wont have any access to it! Deported! 


    Separated from his greedy family........enjoying his stolen loot!  🤣


    I hope Joe gets a lifetime ban from USA.


    They really deserve an Emmy!  All of them!  Charlatans! 


    Especially, the crazy Nono with his burning gums! 😘🌶

    AGREE! Boo Fuckin Hoo!!!

    • LOL 2
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  14. 11 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

    No matter what juicy has done (and he didn't murder anyone) he's still the girls' father and of course they're going to remember the good times with him, as they should. I found the whole easter dinner very sad and my heart goes out to those kids. There's a lot of criticism of Gia here I have to disagree with. She's grown up with two parents who each in their own way have forced her to be the adult in the family.

    I love that they are so caring for Nona (or Nono - whatever). He doesn't look well and hope he gets the help he needs. I'm also glad that Joe G is trying to talk sense into them to cut their financial losses and let him go to Italy.

    Other than that - this was a pretty boring episode. 

    Welcome to the real world girls! Life's a bitch. Especially when your parents are disgusting shit heads who don't pay their bills and only think of themselves. Things could be worse and are for many many people.

    13 hours ago, sATL said:

    another Nonno on the wild side... sneaking swigs of Texas Pete ???

    what ingredient is he jonesing for ?



    10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    God Teresa is so dumb, unless she locks Audriana in the House she could very easily find out. Not to mention it puts the other girls in a shitty position. 

    Well...it is Teresa. So dumb...yeah.

    9 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

    This episode was nauseating! 🤮 


    What is next?


    Are they going to get together for International Pancake Day and tell us how sad it is that Joe is also missing this holiday?? GTFO


    Criminals! All of them!!!  She can go move to  Italy if she wants to....but, we already know what she chose to do, anyways.


    What is the deal with her dad?

    He has the best poker face!


    Someone get Nono a recap blog.......ASAP!

     I want to know what he is thinking and why he was drinking hot sauce out of the bottle.


    Is he senile?

    Love it! Criminals for sure! No sympathy for the family. 

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  15. 13 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    This isn't a slow season at all--

    Melissa is making steak!  Dolores is looking at lighting!  Dolores's parents may or may not have had breakfast, and Nonno is seeing the doctor, but later in the week 😌

    Jen spends so much time on her apperance.  Usually moms like that have kids that are put together.  I wish for Gabby's sake she'd just get her a good haircut.  It's odd.

    Margaret has a boat in her front yard--classy.  She is putting so much pressure on Marty.  It's really inappropriate.  She would never approach Teresa that way.  Why is ok for Marty--cause he's a guy?  Cause he can't/won't ruin her?  That's taking advantage in my book.

    Teresa has such a fugly walk. Danielle is such a creepy drinker.  Whenever she takes a sip,she stares at a person like she's seducing them.  OMG, please let Danielle move in with Teresa--they both deserve it so much.  I just wouldn't wish it on the kids.

    Gia loses credibility when she uses hyperbole, like saying her dad is stuck in a "two by two" with five people.  If she would actually get the data on the size of her dad's cell, I'd be so much more willing to listen to her.  I love little Audriana.  I'm not sure about Gia suddenly becoming a surrogate mother to her though.  I think Gia has had serious control issues for awhile, and this could spin out of control.  It's just a vibe I get.

    Is Joe dying of cancer or...potentially being deported to Italy?

    I don't find Frankie Jr attractive.  Way too muscly, and not lean.  I am so tired of the hijinx between Dolores, Frank and David.  What a fucking snooze.

    JoeGo, you know, they make that shirt in adult sizes too.  He was good in this episode though.  Being funny, kind and appropriate.  Not one joke about releasing his poison.

    I thought Melissa's storyline these past few years was supposed to be women's lib.  Why did she only call the girls to clear the table while the boys just sat there? That was gross.

    Holy shit, Teresa, if the kid is old enough to ask, she's old enough to know.  

    Jens kids look very unkempt. And they need better nutrition if they are already overweight at this age.

    Teresa has a fugly  walk and it doesn't matter how fit she is, her bottom half looks like Miss Piggy. 

    Yeah Gia, we have no sympathy for you dad or you or any of you for that matter. Sure, the kids are going through something, dad will be far away. But, your parents deserve it and you will get through it. Hopefully your p.o.s. mother will spring for some therapy. At least you have parents, they aren't dead, none of you are orphans.  And guess what?! When you are rich and privileged, it really does help with the sorrow! At least you don't have to worry about paying the bills, having enough food and a place to live etc.


    13 hours ago, sATL said:

    another Nonno on the wild side... sneaking swigs of Texas Pete ???

    what ingredient is he jonesing for ?


    It grosses me out when people drink or eat right out of the package. Germs.

    • Love 12
  16. 1 hour ago, tribeca said:

    The talk between Ben and Clyde in prison was intense.  Ben is much more like his dad than he will like to admit.  

    Is ben getting feelings for Will?

    Ciara looked so different it was distracting.   It was a little nice seeing Xander being menacing again.  

    Will and Sony were heartbreaking.  

    Evan apology to Kate was a bit much.  

    Right? What is with that girl? Is she a chameleon? She looks different every time you see her. And it's not good. Go back to your natural hair, lay off the not doing you any favors makeup and tanning bed. She even sounds different. 

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  17. On 12/13/2019 at 8:33 AM, teddysmom said:

    That's the definition of about 50% of "influencers". 

    I think that may be the older version of the lyrics, I remember learning it that way ( a LONG time ago). 

    More like 90%!


    Trash Ma!it’s perfect she looks like she lives in a bad trailer park. It always intrigues me when you see the child  of some low class person who has educated herself. The actress who plays trash ma is almost 70 years old. I want the name of her plastic surgeon

    • LOL 2
  18. 7 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    I saw it before, and was disgusted that it is now a movie that pretty much glamorizes them into J-Lo heroines to root for. 

    And I friggin hate J-Lo. She does make a believable ho though.

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  19. 4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    Yeah, Victoria has gotten large. But it appears she's gotten something more important in life ..a fiancee/husband who loves her and they both seem happy. 

    True, but health problems at that weight are going to happen sooner or later. With all her mom's money with what they are spending on TWO gowns plus the whole shebang. Give her the gift of a personal trainer. She's young, it will be easier to get in better shape at her age. When and if the children come it will be harder. Yeah, my 2 cents but she used be so cute and average sized and she is fair game being on tv. 

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  20. Wow, this last episode was the first I've liked in a long time. I like the "real long island medium" part of the show! I did also like the hearing impaired woman's reading. 

    Good grief, I can not believe how large Victoria has gotten. Is that all from medication? She really need to cover up a bit more. Those revealing gowns are not doing her body any favors. Rolls of fat and most of your breasts on display at your wedding, how classy!

    • Love 2
  21. Did anyone watch the hour on Hustlers? What a bunch of nasty whores!  And was the "young" one supposed to be some kind of a lure because of her beauty?! I didn't see it. That being said, I hate the ENTIRE concept of women stripping for men. Men's clubs etc.  But what these bitches did should have landed them all in prison. And the old bag ringleader who they only showed photos of! WHOA. Those lips... They were not remorseful at all, what pieces of shit, so much so that I am unbelievably siding with the gross men. And how did the club get away with it? Corruption and a pay off I assume. They have to bring loads of money into the neighborhood. What a sick world. 

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