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Posts posted by DeeReynolds

  1. Why was Rachel in a full coat, hat and scarf in the coffee shop chat with her dad? And Jon in short sleeves? Were they just juxtaposed in one shot from two different streams, one hot room and one cold? (Not a serious question haha) That was all I could focus on from that conversation!

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  2. Is it a thing on the Floribama shore to wear a sweatsuit when you party at a bar? Kortni seems to wear a raggedy ass sweatsuit whenever they go out. It's like the opposite of Jersey Shore where they take hours to get ready to go out. These girls (besides Nilsa) seem to be able to literally roll out of bed and into the bar. There has to be a happy medium, Kortni especially looks like such a lazy slob!

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  3. Ha! Just caught Uncle Nino telling Mike that if he needs anything, Nino has a bunch of guys on the inside. Because of course he does.

    On another note, that Italian spread that Paula cooked was making my mouth water. I don't know how Vinny passes up most of that non-Keto food!

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  4. Noticed that Janelle said Janelle Evans instead of Eason in her bogus 911 call. Do we know if she legally changed her name after the wedding of the century on The Land? Also, Jace seems awfully young to be pulling that kind of shit already. Poor Babs. Poor Jace. Fuck off Janelle.

    • Love 9
  5. They had a marathon of the first season today and all I could think about was how different Jenni and Nicole's faces look. Plus Jenni with her trashtastic extensions and proclamations of love for Tom. Very interesting in hindsight. 

  6. Apparently The Little Mermaid's look was based on Alyssa, so that must be why she emotionally connected with her finale dress...

    I really wish Fabio had kept his bird top from last week, I thought it was beautiful. The top he replaced it with looked like a sunny side up egg to me. 

    Thrilled for Anthony, he deserved that win! When the judges talked about how they wanted the winner to also appreciate and understand the prize, I had a feeling it was going to be him. He seems so humble!

    • Love 11
  7. 2 hours ago, Peper81 said:

    I did too, lol.  I've also been watching all the recent clip episodes of favorite moments.  I'm excited to see these guys again.  Anyone know why Sam isn't going to be on?

    Pretty sure Sam decided she was over it, plus Ron just had a baby with another woman. That's got to be a little awkward for both of them, especially if they are back at the Shore House and such. Sam has a new boyfriend also.

    • Love 2
  8. I liked watching this mostly to see how many sites I was familiar with in Seattle, since that's my stomping grounds. I did giggle when Brittany said that a perk of Seattle is that there is seasons. Gurl, any local knows there are two seasons here. Sept-June is rainy/cloudy season, July-Aug is the "heat wave". Mostly sunny and 75 lol.

    • Love 5
  9. There was so much clutter in Mykelti's apartment it was making me twitchy. And I'm not even a neat freak! I also noticed that there were wooden letters on top of her fridge that spelled out Paedon. Paedon doesn't live with her, does he?

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  10. Random observations.

    1. At Daniel, Alyssa looked like she dried her dress in the dryer with a napkin and they came out together like static cling (like when your underwear gets stuck to your pants). 

    2. Did Melissa even get a talking head all three shows before she got aufed? Talk about a non entity! Poor thing. 

    3. Candace's exposed seams on her top took me out of any beauty that it may have had. The unfinished nature of both her and Merline's designs left them my choice for the clear loser. I cringed when they walked the runway.

    4. I giggled when Anthony said he and Kimberly were the hottest new lesbian couple on their date. 

    5. Do you think the producers set up the pairings or did they truly just sit with whomever and it was random?

    • Love 4
  11. I have personally flown direct from Seattle to Houston several times, so there must have been some other reason she didn't have a direct flight. How on earth did she decide it was a good idea to book a flight that wasn't direct after her first catastrophe? SMDH

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  12. Ok I'm confused. Why did Tyra have to do IVF if she used a surrogate? I know it was a gestational surrogate, but I guess I am a dummy when it comes to that process...

    I'm surprised they found a semi decent photo of Maggie because she was sure acting a fool at that photo shoot. I think that was probably why she got cut. 

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  13. In my neck of the woods, Washington, they have Uber Eats, which is basically an Uber driver who brings food. I know they will pick up at McDonald's, so I bet they would do Taco Bell as well. That may be how the ladies got their fix.

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