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  1. Do we know who was the assassin? I thought it looked like Wilton, the Records Officer, which seems really unlikely! I am so impressed with the feeling of grime and grit and uncleanliness. We moderns do not really know I am really concerned how they will go about saving Delaney. An intestinal wound is fatal in those days. No surgical technique to repair vascular or intestinal tears, no anesthesia, no way to cleanse fecal matter from the peritoneum, external infection (See #2.) Any clue on the language he speaks? I initially thought it was African, but it sounded Indian this episode.
  2. So sorry to ask this if it was obvious: How was Trey exonerated for the "killing" (suicide) of George? Was it done off screen, is his innocence unclear at the time of the finale, or did I miss something?
  3. So, the key to the skiff was in a cooler, which was transferred for another cooler at the last minute? Totally understandable mistake! How is that a total train wreck or a complete f__k up? If I were captain, I would be glad that Kelleey owned up to his mistake, called quickly, and had devised a solution that would get the guests back to the boat quickly -- that would be us *working together* to get over the little, inevitable hiccups. Otherwise, you get people covering up their mistakes (e.g., the bathroom panel) Remember, they had had to scramble because Dean decided he wasn't going to take the taxi back (And I'd agree with that decision, btw.) So, Kelleey was already working hard to please the customer and going on the fly. Break protocol and you increase the likelihood of some problem. That Lee had a hissy fit because he "had" to drive the skiff? Why not send Lauren if Lee needs his nappy time? Surely, the deck crew could squeegie the windows later. Lee is just looking to bust someone's b--ls. Couldn't Kelleey have called Lauren and/or Kyle to help him fix this snafu, instead of Lee, given Lee's use accidents to infer personality flaws. I bet Kelleey is missing his Assistant to the Bosun right about now... At the very least, he could scapegoat him, and at the most maybe he would have helped him out.
  4. Really!! We've seen a Bravo cross-over already. But who would voluntarily accept being trash-talked on their vacation to the entire world while paying tens of thousands of dollars for a 2 day boat trip. I don't care how spiffy the drinks are, or how marvelous the food is. Could this be Real World for rich people?
  5. I guess men act like they're 13 when that's the age difference. 35 going out with 22? Love? Connection? Unlikely! Just Ewwww!!!
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