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  1. Suttons designs reminded me I need to grab a few things at Ross Dress for Less before my vacay. I'll never understand how people get satisfaction from a compliment they had to ask for or prompt. My guess is Mo's sweetbutt had her friend film them. She nabbed an old rich d-lister and wants her 15 min.
  2. Reba is content to keep Sutton begging for her precious love and recognition. As far as she's concerned her kids are lucky to have a brilliant, successful mother who knows best about everything and is the best at everything. PKs lawyer must have advised him to make a little nice & pretend he gives a crap about his kids. Don't want an angry Dorito beating them to filing or a judge thinking he totally bailed on his family.
  3. Evening wear and puppies are a strange combo. TJ announces his full name like he's a preteen 90s actor hoping to land a role on home improvement. Karen acts like she really dug up dirt on Staci and fully deflected her drunken crimes. It's like comparing a sneeze to cardiac arrest
  4. I always hear Donnie and Marie's " I'm a little bit country and im a little bit Rock and roll" only its "I'm a little bit dumpy (jared) and I'm a little bit of a ho (britni).
  5. Narcs withhold what you want most...love, affection, compliments, etc...and make you beg for scraps. They always want to knock you down a peg to feel superior. They think thier children owe them and were lucky to have an amazing parent like them. Reba isn't going to have an epiphany at 80 years old because Gar (or anyone else) points out her behavior. Dumb as a Dorito will be lucky if PK pays her child support, let alone alimony. He's already ditched those poor kids and shown his intention to cit her off financially. Woe is Kyle and her midlife crisis regrets.
  6. Please! If a doctor told Karen she needed meds for pre-diabetes she would have been faking high/low blood sugar incidents, carrying on about how she has to avoid sugar/carbs (I wish I could have a glass of champs, but its not worth losing a foot!), it would have been a huge woe is me drama milked for all its worth. Instead, she only mentions it casually as a reason for semiglutide. I'm sure she only gets botox for headaches. Lol Does Stacy realize alimony generally ends if you remarry? Is it part of her plan to never have nookie with TJ? Does she understand child support is easily granted/expected and her ex won't be more agreeable to alimony because she foregoes it? I doubt he's going to see her as so nice and generous. She's dim and needs a top notch lawyer (call BH's Sutton!)
  7. It takes a giant ego to want to wake up to life-sized pics of yourself. Photo, photo on wall, who's the fairest of them all? Oh for F's sake Kyle, just say that in the battle of the kemsleys, you chose PK...most likely all the way back to when you started saying you & dorito were never close. A noisy kids place with cardboard crust pizza really makes a gal feel special.
  8. Suttons sorority sister pledge was an eye roller. As was having Dorito give the captain her number. You can't relive your teen years...even with all that botox and 80s thick black eyeliner. In the war of the kemsleys, Kyle has clearly aligned herself with PK. Dorito would get zero interaction if not for the show...and Kyle will do all she can to get her off it. Hey Camille!
  9. Karen's given multiple reasons for why she was drinking, but there is no justification for choosing to drive after said drinks. No ownership of that poor choice gets Zero respect from me! Wendy's blow up sleeves are useful for intimidating the arm wrestling competition and keeping her afloat in the pool. Gizzard needs a silver singles speed dating group TJ makes my skin crawl. Something evil this way comes...
  10. Listening to Kyle & Dorita incessantly bicker about who is the crappier friend is annoying. Ladies, you are both selfish and shitty. Dorito doesn't need to worry about PK's apartment being suitable for the kids. He'll be too busy socializing & chasing young snatch to have them over very often. Mo's 6 month lease is the perfect amount of time for him to find a property to buy. I don't think he'll ever need that closet space at Vyles again. Miss Tilly, if you please! Fun & fabulous are what this show needs.
  11. They're at least 6 months too late in airing this group of hopeless couple.
  12. The only orange Alexis will have next year is a spray tan. Shannon's cheeks look like she's storing nuts for the winter. Dubrag looks malnourished and dried out like a piece of jerky. Tamrats got that waxy frozen look of a ventriloquists dummy Whether Emily stuffs herself into a 12 or an 8, doesn't change her weight. Clothing sizes mean little. There a brand at Walmart that advertises you wear one size smaller in thier clothes. A false feel good for us plus sized gals
  13. Mia showing off her cum guzzling skills like she's in a room full of paying customers reminds us that Potomac is the classiest of the Howives franchise.
  14. Jen is beautiful, kind and naive for a woman her age. She wants to believe Ryan is innocent so she mimics what he says to gaslight her. Deep down she knows he's shady af. Yes, Katie, something as silly as Heather summoning paps will get your juicy past dug up and discussed. The old pics of Tamrat and Shannon showed us how drastically thier faces have changed. Eddie be like 🎶 you've got the eyes of a stranger 🎶
  15. Brownwind spent a lot of money on her "friends". It's telling that she thinks they should now be beholden and loyal to her. It worked on Angie, at least for the weekend. Mary was participating more this season, but she too is already tired of these ladies and thier petty crap. I predict Lisa will leave and take the tub lover with her.
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