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Dru Blood

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Everything posted by Dru Blood

  1. Wow on SO MANY LEVELS! You, my friend, are a poet. Your genius is lost on these board...go forth and touch the world! Too funny!!!
  2. I saw that. No info shown but comments on his pics are in French. He is probably Canadian and just happens to have that unfortunates name. Could be a nephew. On why the names are different, It's possible that Moms remarried and the new husband/abuser adopted the blob.
  3. Just purely for information purposes. The cuss filled rant posted up thread was made by Steven while he was residing in something called New Bedford Rehabilitation Hospital. It is apparently in New Bedford, Mass. I am not sure what the place is usually utilized for. Maybe someone out there knows. Drug rehab? Physical rehab? Not sure. Man! I missed that! Damn, gotta rewatch!
  4. Great idea! Sadly, from past experience, APS would step in. They couldn't do much with Steven due to his size, but they could prosecute the shooter. THANK YOU! Exactly what I was trying to say! Steven is a reporter, BIG TIME. No trying to manage this bozo is going to work unless it's in a clinical/hospital setting, with a court order involved.
  5. I'm sorry. No. I know that this Country doesn't incarcerate people for being poor, yet. Steven wouldn't go to jail for being evicted. Drug use, maybe. Physical assault, maybe. That is why I commented on the inability of a jail system being able to handle Steven. He has shown a propensity for at least one of those 2 stated reasons. He acts like he might be physically violent, but I haven't seen anything yet. Just the aftermath of what he might have done to Justin. No need to apologize. You are completely right. In the State I live in IT IS the sheriff who handles evictions, AND THEY DON'T arrest people. MY mistake.
  6. I never said people who are evicted should go to jail. I NEVER said homeless Steven should go to jail. STOP putting words in my mouth. I was only observing that the prison system is woefully under prepared to handle ANY criminal of his size. STOP attacking me. If you don't like what I say...block me.
  7. I'm pretty sure there isn't a County jail or State prison in any State in the Nation set up to handle someone of his size. Not to mention, God forbid, anything horrific was to happen to him while in their "possession" that didn't wind up ending his life. He would sue and sue and sue. If he perished, Dad will sue and sue and sue. But just imagine for a moment, Steven in the care of the State penal system. NO youtube! No cell phone! No non-stop PIZZA. I wouldn't want to be incarcerated next to him. Like someone said up thread...his is most likely a poop thrower.
  8. Someone up thread has stated that Steven never finished high school, he possible thinks cinder blocks is actually spelled center blocks. It could also be a typo. In the trip to Texas his bed broke and had to be repaired with cinder blocks. He is probably referring to that.
  9. In some ways, especially for Steven, you have hit the nail on the head. This behavior has always gotten him what he wants or needs at that moment, why would he abandon it now. It's a winning combination. Mr. Orangeface has proven it. Even Dr. Shill gets or draws people in by putting on or showcasing the extreme.
  10. I never said anyone wasn't a good person. I even saw elements of good in the people most disparaged, such as Penny, Pauline, Marla & Chuck. These are people, multifaceted people. They were and in some cases are in very bad situations in their lives...this even includes Steven. He is very distasteful in the way he chooses to live his life, but he is also very unwell. Heck, I rooted for all of them. I am even rooting for Steven still. But truthfully, I also believe that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
  11. I'm fully aware of the time lag between production and airing. But all we viewers have to judge by is what airs, and the episodes that aired didn't start getting trashy and stupid until THIS year. I'm so not attacking anyone here. Quite honestly, this show has, in my opinion, always had faint elements of "idiots on parade" going on. Sadly, eventually they were bound to get down to the bottom of the barrel. I also might point out that as humans have always done, we sometimes watch or become fascinated by things we really shouldn't.
  12. I totally agree with you, this is just extreme supposition on everyone's part here. None of us will ever really know what has occurred with any of the individuals involved in the situation shown the other night. I do believe this is to some degree a contrived reality show that in the long run does more damage than good for some of the participants. And I am truly concerned that Steven is working with Dr. Now and others at cross purposes to what he really needs, which is help for his damaged psyche before he can truly utilize the help being offered for his eating habit. Unfortunately, Steven seems to want to demonstrate the more dangerous aspects of that damage he received then to simply ask for help. Heck, he may not even realize that he is damaged. That he is also damaging other people. My husband, himself a damaged individual, once said to me "I just want others to hurt as much as I do." This may indeed be Steven's motivation. (Damn, there were a lot of damages in there, weren't there).
  13. Gardendiva, do you also suspect that the root of Steven's own behavior could also have been sexual abuse from an adult? This person is extremely vile, but I swear this is not the sort of behavior someone is born with. This is nurture rather then nature. I think he needs serious mental help but his walls are so high and so thick NO ONE will ever be able to break them to get in and figure out what causes his behavior, plus he loves this attention he is getting on some level, why get better and have to live like a normal person.
  14. More then likely he has some elements of dissociation. This man is horrible, but I do feel he was made this way by the treatment he received from his parents as a small child. He then turned around and started abusing Justin. Justin himself exhibits some form of dissociation also.
  15. In our house the favorite phrase was "if you don't stop crying I'll GIVE you something to really cry about." It usually just made my sister cry more.
  16. Maybe, just maybe, those really aren't Steven's dad's real hands anymore. Maybe Steven actually bit off the hands that fed him and Dad can't afford new replacements again.
  17. My husband HATES that episode. On the flip side, when the guys get hugely fat to try and beat that guy at WOW, the scene with Cartman pooping while still sitting at the computer kinda reminds me of James K. Gross, no chux were harmed during that episode.
  18. You are exactly right. I suspect that Steven developed this personality just for that reason right there. He was never able to cope with the uncomfortable, what ever that may be. I am sure his parent's divorce, his Mother's drinking, being hit and/or abused by his Mother's boyfriends made him angry, but when he became uncomfortable with some situations he wasn't able to verbalize his discomfort. He just acted out. And it worked. BOY did it WORK. Now it's his go to move. It's his coping mechanism. I honestly think his overeating is secondary to what ever else is going on in his head.
  19. Yup. He doesn't want help. He wants your blood/sweat/tears. He has already told ALL of us to shut up, get to work and pay our taxes so he can have a urinal, food, bed, drugs, phone, computer...the list goes on. I do think Steven was more then likely made this way. Yes, there are born sociopaths. But sociopaths tend to be charming. Psychopaths are the ones that don't know how to hide it. Steven doesn't hide it. At all.
  20. I agree. In thinking of some of the participants with challenging physiques, both Nikki from season 4 and Nicole from a couple of episodes back spring to mind. They both carried an extreme amount of their weight in the stomach area. Nicole wore pants and you could get a sense of the trouble she had just carrying the bulk of her weight on the front of her body, but Nikki wore loooonnnggg skirts. If we were only shown Nikki clothed you would never be able to wrap your head around exactly how the weight was dispersed. A lot of regular people just see heavy people (especially clothed) and assume they can just exercise and eat right and it will all go away. How one carries their weight is a factor on how easy it is to exercise and move about. Nikki had an extremely difficult time moving around. As I recall, she had breathing difficulties as well as back problems. I HATE the shower scenes, but I appreciate the information I gain in understanding how their weight is distributed and gain insight in just what they deal with day to day in managing their size.
  21. Hah! I know! Someone needs to take that phone away permanently! Even better...suspend it just out of reach of this creep....he can see it, hear it, EVEN SMELL IT! But he just can't get it! Haha ha! That would be a sight I would pay for.
  22. That's James K. for ya, ooops, I mean Steven. They are both on the selfish spectrum, just different places. I personally think Steven is a big GIANT narcissist. He wants ALL THE ATTENTION ALL the time! And dammit! He is gonna get it ANYWAY he can. And NOW NOW NOW (kinda like these bold caps here). He is a big hangry asshole all the time. Some of the behavior could very well have been there at birth. Fetal alcohol syndrome in the extreme causes mental retardation (I know, it's a no no word, so sue me). I don't think he has FAS, but he definitely has some mental disorder. He would have called the police, remember, they are on speed dial.
  23. Knew that already. I have never thought Dr. Now was a saint. Just a flesh & blood (selfish flesh) man. No surprise he is a money grubber too. Like a Rhode Island version of Mr. Creosote! Boy would I love to see that! Dinner mint, Steven? It's whaffer thin.
  24. Is he really? He let the crazy drunk lady take them. He know his ex was an alcoholic. UNLESS, they had dirt on each other and she was like "you let me have tham or I'll tell the courts (drugs) about youse..." I wonder if there wasn't a WHOLE lot left unsaid about all 4 of these individuals, not to mention all the boyfriends trotting in and outta Mam's house? Hmmmm. I knew there had to be a reason he has switched hospitals!
  25. I have been meaning to point out that this show had to be filmed a couple of years ago. The next episode is the next year in these two dysfunctional idiots lives. The show had to have started filming in 2015 possibly. Reasons I feel this way? Dr. Now was treating Steven in that glass high rise hospital from past seasons. I think it's called Foundation Surgical Hospital? He was treating Nicole and James K. at St. Luke's. If you want to say this show has gone to hell in a hand basket this year, you would be inaccurate. It went to HIaH 2 years ago. Earlier this season when I noticed the different hospital, I figured he had lost practice privileges either due to the high cost of treating these individuals (heck, maybe it was Steven who lost him the privileges) OR the hospital didn't want to take on the high risk of the the patient's dying any longer.
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