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Posts posted by Poohbear617

  1. For once a non Meghan complaint from me. BOOK FUCKING HOO about having to come back to work on a Wednesday...then speak out for the REAL people affected by the shutdown. Most of the real people I know had to actually work right up to the Friday immediately before Christmas if not Christmas eve. They then worked between Christmas and new years as well as new years eve....it all came off as spoiled and out of touch. 

    Oh, and whoopi it could have been worse..as a retired math teacher, my former colleagues all had to return to rooms bursting of children/teens. You only have to return to 1 child for only an hour. (Sorry had to get one small MM jab in there..it just did not feel normal otherwise) I think you will survive.

    • Love 20
  2. I flipped it on at 11:58 (quiet evening at home streaming movies) just to see the ball drop.....where the fuck was everybody. There was nobody on stage, no one talking....no on air countdown?  The camera was just wandering around. It looked like it was just being filmed from someones phone. I kept watching for another 6 minutes till finally AC showed up. I thought maybe CNN had another bomb threat or AC was in a porta-john or something.

    • Love 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Cofydov said:

    In no world does Kyler deserve Lexi. They are polar opposites, right? I mean, one works 40+ hours a week, takes care of the rugrat with minimal parental help, and isn’t halo bad looking. The other one is Kyler. 

    This punk isn’t very intelegent, has zero respect for her, and treats her like crap. He needs to find an outlet for his bad attitude. I HIGHLY recommend the gym! Seriously, that body is screaming for a personal trainer and a haircut!!!

    Amen to this.  Kyler thinks he is just going to move out on his own as soon as possible and everything will be perfect cause he will be the MAN in charge and nobody will tell him what to do.  Reality owes this punk a swift kick in the ass.  When Lexi finally comes to her senses she will kick him to the curb. e has nothing to offer physically, emotionally or financially.  This idiot cant even add up if he has enough credits to graduate high school. ..how do you think he will do paying rent and creating a budget. You just know that he still relies on his family to pay for his phone, food, rent, car.  He has no clue.  He has to go back to school for 1 class but makes it Lexi's problem to find new childcare while she is working a full time job. When he wakes up to the reality that women are not throwing themselves at his sloth like body and attitude i am pretty sure he will become the "clingy one". (my apologies to all the adorable sloths...its just an expression)

    • Love 8
  4. My sister told me yesterday about the "Baby it's cold outside" ban. RBM so stupid she did not know what it was about...saying she just thought it was cold.....anyway. Personally I love the song and both singers are flirting and being coy...cute song. But to solve the problem why not use a wonderful version performed by Lady Gaga and Joseph Gordon Levitt where they switched the roles so Gaga sang the traditional male part and Joseph sang the female part.

    Look it up on you tube to see them performing it..it's lovely. If anyone know the radio station send it to them

    • Love 14
  5. I could not stand the trans teens Shay. I understand the the want and need to  undergo  the surgery but he had no reason other than utter immaturity and being a brat for his behavior. He had great parental love and support, a good therapist and acceptance. But I did not catch his exact age but I know they said too young to drive, so 14 or 15. EVEN when Dr. Frome was talking to him at the end he would not listen that there were physical/medical reason to postpone surgery for a year. His body is in the middle of puberty with a way to grow.  He just they a shit fit and proved he was too immature for this procedure. I wish Iggy Iwould have demanded a retraction and explained how he understands because he has been a LGBTQ member a hell of a lot longer and more than likely faced more discrimination and hatred than this kid has.

    • Love 12
  6. I am so conflicted about this show. I like it and really love all the adult actors and think they are great.

    It's just the kids bug me.  I mean they are so unrealistic with their vocabulary, etc... they give them dialogue like they are Juno or Woody Allen.  I know it's just a show and for laughs to make the kids this way, but then they give the kids normal kid problems (crushes, stage fright, parent dating again) right now they just seem like shrunken adults.

    But I still like the show...Oh I am conflicted!  Anybody else?

    • Love 5
  7. 21 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:
    59 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

    For the second day in a row, Meghan made me go to the ABC Programming Feedback page and complain about her "performance" on The View.

    I'm going to do so every day she acts insane.

    Heck, I might as well bookmark it.

    I have never contacted a network about a show. I just used the link you provided.  To let them know MM makes it impossible to watch an entire episode. Thanks for sharing the link.

    Back in February and March I was contacting them about 3 times a week then I stopped but wrote them almost everyday to complain during the last 2 weeks of last season to complain about Nutmeg.

    I never said fire RBM but always stated how she was rude, unprofessional to not only her co-hosts but the audience as well when she would sneer at them about not clapping for her. I would give specific examples each day of her behavior. I would get a form letter email response from ABC thanking me for my input and for watching the show.

    Because of her loss,  (did you know she had a loss...apparently no one else has ever had a loss like this) i held off till last week when I could no longer take it and I started writing them to the network again.

    Occasionally we see that someone has said something to her and she calms down for maybe 1 day, then she is worse.

    I just wonder how many of us here write ABC directly? Will it ever make a difference? I read somewhere Nicole Wallace (whose show I watch everyday) said she was fired because she was not confrontational enough. Does ABC want her to act this bad?

    • Love 11
  8. 2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    also think it would be pretty cool (no pun intended) if they could bring on Tim Conway.

    I would absolutely love this as well, but I am afraid I have some sad news.  I guess you are not aware, a few weeks ago it was reported that the great Tim Conway wife and daughter are fighting over guardianship of him. Apparently he is suffering from severe dementia where is  unresponsive and unable to take care of his basic needs. The daughter claims the wife is moving him to a low quality facility.  When I first heard of this show I too hoped for maybe a guest visit from. Tim or carol, then I read that and my heart sank. 


    I did enjoy the show and all the wonderful actors, especially Leslie jordan, I loved his one man show (on Netflix or hulu...called My Life on the Pink Carpet) and I hope they let him shine here.

    • Love 5
  9. I have to have closed captioning on my TV...but it was great when slimy pervert robe guy fell out the window my CC actually wrote out 

    THUD!! on my screen...it was great !

    • Love 23
  10. While I am not condoning his cheating, I did not like Lauras statement of "good luck seeing your kid". That is a bug problem with a lot of these girls, they think being the father means you have to be the boyfriend as well. Since the majority of these parents are not going to remain couples they need to learn to father/boyfriend are not always a thing...and the father part is much more important.

    • Love 19
  11. Is tonight  (Sunday Sept 23rd ) the last episode of the season? I don't see it listed next week. If so then WTF? Do we not get to see Chloe and Max take care of there kid. I want to see Chloe  (I know what I am doing and a baby won't change my life) and max (I will get up every 2 hours)


    I have said it here before, too much damn time spent on drama beforehand. Need to show and focus on life AFTER the baby. To show how is changes everyone's life.

    Anyone know is this is season finale?

    • Love 1
  12. How many pimple commercials are there? If the closeup shots of all all kinds of acne was not bad enough now we get the disgusting DERMASUCTION tool that sucks the.pimples clean, and then they show us what got sucked out.  Bleckk!!!!!Between all these commercials where they feel the need to make me nauseous and ads for Dr. Pimple Popper I no longer snack while watching tv...I like the thought of dropping a few pounds, but I miss popcorn.

    • Love 4
  13. I know this is going to come out wrong, but I think they sometimes go overboard with Blayke.  I know part of it is my problem with everything being princess, princess, princess and all the makeup etc.. Blayke is a sweet little girl, but they are constantly telling her everything is.perfect and she is the best...but a when she is confronted with something new or where she is out of her perfect princess Blayke bubble she seems to cave (the fashion show meltdown, saying people will laugh if she messes up, at gymnastics, a few mistakes at gymnastics, when the lemonade stand was slow to get started she got a.little whiny, etc..) I am all for telling Blayke to do her best and be proud of her achievements, but they always push the perfect, perfect that she struggles.a.bit when things are not perfect. I know she is only 7 but the only ambition is to wear too red lipstick and be a princess. I.would love to see Blayke widen her horizons a bit and to me it seems that all she is offered is being a girlie girlie princess mom. She has more to offer and I would love to see a little encouragement in that direction.

    Like I said, I know this would come out wrong, but I just want worry about what happens when you are constantly being put on a pedestal . I wish I could express this better.

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  14. I can't believe how much my opinion about McKay last has changed since last season. Last season I felt sorry for her and her situation with her mom and felt she had a pretty good head on her shoulder. BOY HAVE TIMES CHANGED!!!

    The lack of  effort for birth control aside, McKay got on my nerves when she said she.preferred Timmy as an infant because it was easier, now that he is moving around she actually has to get up off her ass and WATCH HIM!  She did not want to learn to cook, does not likexist her child being mobile, we know she does not clean and did not want to pack alone. What can you do?  You want to play grown up, but only the fun things.

    ALL of these girls need BC as soon as possible after giving birth. All these kids like playing house and resuming their sex life and the.parents allow it, but get involved and get them on BC. With these morons I would not trust condoms because if the boy does not want to, these spineless girls will not argue. NO pills cause I don't trust them to remember to take them everyday. If I wad their mom we would be doing  iUD or Depro shot.

    And I must confess that  felt so evil but I was upset that Emily had such a quick painless birth. I mean her no harm and am glad she had a healthy child, but I wIsh there had been a bit of a painful reminder of the consequences of unprotected sex to encourage her to take precautions, but hers was such a breeze she might think nothing of popping out another one. I know I am a monster for thinking that but these but a girl whose labor felt like a foot cramp has no incentive to want to keep it from happening again.

    • Love 7
  15. I  have enjoyed reading the posts on how much help/support the parents should give the teen couple. Personally I wish they would cut all the drama crap and go to the birth and aftermath. Instead of 6 or 7 drawn out eoisodes, instead just 1 episode introducing the family then 1 with the birth and then home after that I want to see them actually being/attempting to be parents.  The waking up all night, the baths, diapers , dr appts, cleaning up, trying  to keep up with their own school work, cleaning doing bottles, washing bottles, pumping.  Let the father stay overnight  (I would put him in a separate room) but make him wake up and get his ass out of bed for a screaming infant. Then I would have them switch houses, and stay at the boys house for a change. It always just seems that only the girls parents have to deal with this (especially those walkway do-nothing baby daddies.  Have them pay for things, by getting getting part time jobs and they have to give up some activies like parents have too. I dont want parents to put the infant in danger but they are making  it too easy .

    When 16 and pregnant started it did this and the girls.would always say they wish they had waited. (This was before teen mom turned them into rich bitch with designer clothes, luxury cars thinking they are celebrities) .  Come on learning channel, show something that help teenagers learn how to avoid becoming teen parents and the consequences you.may face.

    • Love 17
  16. I did not even make it to the first commercial break before I was rolling my eyes at how unprepared and uninformed about a couple topics and the fact that Abby's Fox & Friends robot-party line started coming out a bit stronger. Yes, she is not shrieking and it's still more pleasant than with Meghan.

    1) Kavanaugh said that birth control is abortion inducing medication.  HE was NOT talking Plan B sunny!  And Abby , I know it's your job to say he won't change R vs w..but let's be realistic.

    2) why did they not push Abby when she said the Trump is president so he gets to choose the justice.  Push and see if she admits or explains the hypocrisy of Obama being denied his.

    3)the explanation. Of the Cory Booker clip was pathetic, and they allowed Abby to just brush it off by saying Cory is running for president. Last night Stephan Colbert was able to explain what the situation was so his audience could understand the clip.  Do we need to get the blue cards filled out in crayon?

    • Love 22
  17. When Chloe was going on to her mom about how she wanted to go back to her old high school and how SHE KNEW she would have to come home right after school...why didn't mom ask her "who is taking care of her baby while she is in school!!!" At the other school she gets to take her child. She thinks her life won't change, but shows no regard to how she has changed the life of those around her. I personally hope Max does not keep his promise to do the night feedings and she gets woke up every 2 hours so she can see how her life has CHANGED.


    I know I am probably in the minority here, but I thought both Lauren and her sister where acting spoiled..it's her birthday, not a national holiday!  I know at 15 it's a big deal, but I have a sister-in-law who at 41 still expects the world to stop on her birthday (she takes day off and expects everyone else to take day off work, cater to her every need). It just hit me wrong, but then her parents told her she needs little attention and I changed my mind..

    I wish these shows would show less of the pregnancy and more of the child care after the birth. Show how hard and exhausting and expensive it is so it encourage teens to take steps to prevent pregnancy .. you know like there little PSA and the end of the show says.

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