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Posts posted by Poohbear617

  1. I dont know if this one has already been listed, and i feel bad for doing this, but the newest Shriners Hospital  ad is so irritating!  Its the one with all the kids sitting around a table trying to come up with a new fund raising project and commercial.


    The suggestions are ridiculous until they turn to Calab and everyone is so touched..and do the Worst Acting. (Not their fault)

    I wish they would cut the hokey acting and u can keep your teddy bear blanket.  I think Shriners does a great job...just show me that!  Show the kids in therapy, tell the story of all of them

    .show their progress and achievements and i will watch and donate.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, Tabasco Cat said:

    usually root for people from New York. But I can't stand Meggie. Too bubbly, too stylish (if you can call it that) and way too in love with the sound of her own voice.

    I am with you here.  I could not stand Ben or Meggie.  Both were incredibly good players, but the antics got to me. ( anytime anyone does little Austin Roger's posing etc.will instantly make me hope for their loss) I also found Ben's super shoe polish black hair distracting..so I was rooting for Will during this game. Gosh I know this is shallow...but jeopardy has been a needed distraction this week so the little things been bothering me.

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  3. Kitty is Kate bosworth. She has 2 different colored eyes.Her first film was with redford.Her production company is called BUBBLY KITTY!!She made a Christmas recording g she put out on youtube.The red cape... she was in Superman Returns.The wizard picture that made them think Harry Potter and Emma watson..well kate mother has the maiden name of Potter. As for the pirate...she dated Pirates star Orlando Bloom for several years.


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  4. On 4/10/2020 at 6:07 PM, Poohbear617 said:

    Kitty is Kate bosworth. She has 2 different colored eyes.Her first film was with redford.Her production company is called BUBBLY KITTY!!She made a Christmas recording g she put out on youtube.The red cape... she was in Superman Returns.The wizard picture that made them think Harry Potter and Emma watson..well kate mother has the maiden name of Potter. As for the pirate...she dated Pirates star Orlando Bloom for several years.


  5. Ok..the gun Beth touched  was the one used to murder Lucy I think.  Since Rio said it was the one used to kill her friend. So now Beth's fingerprints are on it.  Since Lucy was chopped up and in an unmarked grave and is decomposing..is there anyway to tell she has been shot if Rio was to turn the gun and body over to authorities? 

    Even though he was not a friend, was the gun used on Boomer? Do we know if Boomer is still alive?


  6. Once again taylor is a fucking pussy refusing to get a vasectomy..saying not ready to give up the possibility of more biological children.  U know they r reversible dont you! Once again A man letting the woman be in charge..no thought given to the hormones, chemicals she should be concerned with.  You were perfectly fine with the bodily punishment and pain carrying 2 of your spawn did to her. Look u hooked up with maci used her to get your ass on tv, set up your own ugly tshirt company so u barely work..u l live off her checks. Neither of you have completed any sort of degrees so u can keep that house u bought once this show dries up and blows away.  But  u cant take on the birth control responsibility?  ..what a fucking little bithch u r.  Who u going to get to carry your seed..maci does not want to ..and if u think that bc was expensive..then wait till u see the cost of a surrogate. 

    Also maci looks stupid in those glasses and she could have dressed a little better for meeting with the BC place.  I'm tired of her PCOS talk.  My sister has it and they have such pain that she cant drink a keg for like maci does..but most I know who have it have trouble getting pregnant..so they r a bit Insulted by a woman with 4 pregnancies at the drop of a hat trying to be their spokesperson. 

    Andrew being surprised at Amber's behavior GMAFB. U saw her with gary and had a front row seat for boot camp.

    Amber and Caitlyn have had more than a decade to work on themselves..not like either one of them have had their time limited due to school or a job or actually taking care of their children.  Times up..put on your grownup pants and become an adult.


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  7. Kitty is Kate bosworth. She has 2 different colored eyes.Her first film was with redford.Her production company is called BUBBLY KITTY!!She made a Christmas recording g she put out on youtube.The red cape... she was in Superman Returns.The wizard picture that made them think Harry Potter and Emma watson..well kate mother has the maiden name of Potter. As for the pirate...she dated Pirates star Orlando Bloom for several years.

  8. Ok...first show of the new.season and it will probably be my last.  Why? Because I f#%king hate the same old BS vasectomy storylines that sitcoms use.  You know the ones where men act like ( I would like to call them pussies, but you know the saying..they lack the warmth and depth) little boys who constantly hold onto the own personal worry stone.


    Why do men continue to act like a vasectomy means they are being asked to put their penis in a guillotine and they will never be able to get an erection ever again!  Compared to what pregnancy and childbirth does to a womans body, cesarean sections as well as birth control pills or having to have general anesthesia for tubal ligations... men get off easy.  1 quick injection then some soreness, ice pack on your groin and take it easy for a few days does not even come close...especially since this character has a wife who has given birth 3 times. To make matters worse the episode ended with the wife finding out she could stay on the pill!! How come no mention about the possible  health dangers of longterm use considering the younger child is around 8 and the mom is in her 40's. They had Adam say he would feel like less of a man. How about being a man who takes on the responsibility that his wife has been doing for years in addition to the pain, work and sacrifice it took to give you your 3 children. That is a man.

    This show took the timeslot of the Unicorn which had vasectomy storyline of it's own that was handled  so much better. Yes the Unicorn episode made a few jokes, then the benefits were mentioned and the character got the vasectomy and was supported and congratulated by his friends. HOW REFRESHING !!!

    Goodbye Man with a Plan. I'm gonna wait for the Unicorn to return.



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  9. Ok. I did not understand the problem of the Feb 20th episode. So because Vanessa is running for council, Jen cant hold a bake sale outside on the sidewalk of a legal marijuana dispensary in Colorado.....but it will be perfectly Ok  for:

    1)Vanessa son-in-law and father of her 2 grandchildren to own and run it.

    2) that the pot shop was built and started by her father-in-law 

    3)that another daughter and son-in law live in an apartment above the pot shop.

    I dont get it..like the show said she was doing nothing wrong..and neither are the others. I just dont know why only one of these was said to  possibly hurt Vanessa's image.

    Like others I am not a fan of the Jen character. Nothing against the  beautiful actress playing her , it's just hard seeing her as this young high school girl when the actress will be 32 this year and graduated Carnegie Mellon University in 2011. In comparison IRL Eve is 23, Mandy is 28, Kyle 31, Ryan is 33 and Kristen is 35.  I know it's common to have adult actors playing teenagers but this one bothers me for some reason.


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  10. I know I should be happy to see a curious child wanting to learn .....BUT. I cant stand the Amazon commercials with the little kids asking constant questions..." how is the sky blue?" " how did you know what to buy?" " how did you find such a great palce?"......SHUT UP.   It just rubs me the wrong way and I find the kid irritating.  I am just one of those people that dont find every little thing a kid does adorable.

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  11. I liked the episode. I wish they had made a bit of a bigger deal of the fact that they not only found the daughter, but uncovered a Human Traffing Ring of several young girls.  I am not saying what the dad did was right...but considering the outcome I want to know why he was ignored.

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  12. 32 minutes ago, Ohwell said:
    1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

    your original post you wondered why Cynthia Erivo was playing Aretha when Aretha had wanted Jennifer Hudson to play her. It didn't sound as if you were aware that there was a scheduled project where J-Hud would be doing just that.

    Yes, I didn't make myself clear, but I do think you got my point that I didn't think Erivo should be playing Aretha in any capacity. 


    Cynthia Erivo is playing Aretha Franklin in a made for tv special on the national geographic channel  ad part of their genius series. Jennifer Hudson is playing Aretha in a theatrical release film with Aretha's blessing. 

     I saw cynthia on Colberts show and she sang a small part of one of Arethas songs to Stephen and brought him to tears. 

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  13. To add to the discussion of 2nd generation oscar winners...how about 3 generations for the Huston family..Walter, John and Angelica.

    One thing did bug me about director nominations. While I agree that there is a lack of diversity here...all I kept hearing about was Greta Gurwig being left out.  There were 9 films competing for best picture and only 5 directors.  Ford v Ferrari, marriage story, jo jo rabbit and little women were all good enough to be nominated for best film but not the director, but only Greta's snab wan mentioned repeatedly. Personally I thing Jo JO rabbits director snub was bigger than little women.



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  14. On 11/5/2019 at 11:14 PM, Amethyst said:

    I do feel bad for Bloom.  It’s a lousy problem, and I wonder what people do when that actually does happen.

    After being in AA and sober for 7 years I ended up in the ICU burn unit with permanent muscle and nerve damage.  My sponsor and other AA friends supported me as I was given pain medication during my recovery and PT.  I was afraid at first but for my situation i was told my sobriety did not mean severe suffering. My doctors were aware of my sobriety and worked with me. I was given just enough to keep my pain managable during tough physical rehab which allowed me to work longer and harder and recover faster.   That was the key..just enough to allow you to function, you never want to that loopy euphoria feeling, just manageable.  I was weaned off them as I continued my recovery.  That was 5 years ago and I am still sober and grateful for the way my case was handled.

    I have heard from others in AA how they have had to deal with the same thing because of accidents, illness, surgery etc..its scary but you dont have to be a martyr...you work through it.  I hope they portray it well with the Dr. Bloom story line.

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  15. Why the hell were all the band students wearing their uniforms during day??? Its not like changing into gym clothes.  As a proud former marching band person myself...I just could not let this go, especially since they had them on on the middle of the school day just to sit in a classroom and practice.

    I am also a retired teacher so even though I love this show ( especially coach...loved him naming his IV) I have finally just let it go that Lainey has no formal education/training ...but the sub test storyline brought that issue back up.

    I did sub work while in college in the early 80s. You needed 45 college.credits to do so.  But if that school treats Lainey as a teacher and trusts her LEGALLY with the welfare of her own classes...then she would be qualified to sub in her own school.

    • Love 5
  16. 10 minutes ago, sd dude said:

    Dear former-Congressman Frank,

    When you come on Real Time, please don't be so shy and demure as you were last Friday.  Feel free to speak up.


    Everyone who appeared on the show with you and couldn't get a fucking word in edgewise.


    I wish Bill could find a larger pool of guests as opposed to his semi-regulars who after so many years, I am rather sick of.  I don't need to see Salman Rushdie and Barney Frank on this show anymore.  I think after dozens of appearances I know what they are going to say next.  I presume SE Cupp is on deck in the next few weeks. . .

    And as much as I do enjoy listening to Stern in Sternland (his own radio fiefdom), I am not looking forward to his appearance in a couple of weeks.  He is so self-absorbed, I doubt he can say anything intelligent about anything political going on, nor is he able to open his mouth without turning the attention back to himself, which is not the job of the panelists on this show.  That's what they have Bill Maher for.  I've noted that that is the back up strategy for any guest who really has no knowledge or intelligent opinions about any of the political events going on, for example, I've never heard Sarah Silverman say anything the least bit interesting about any of the topics brought up when she is a guest, but at least Sarah is funny as hell when she does open her mouth, so I give her a pass.

    That new congresswoman who handed Bill's ass to him on the panel a couple of months back and then was an excellent opening interview guest a few weeks ago. . .make her permanent.  I think she is from Santa Clarita, CA, no, which is just a few miles (and two hours during rush hour) up the freeway from me.

    I believe you are talking about Rep. Katie Porter.  She is great, I have liked her appearances with Bill and several other places. You should check out YouTube and see the way she went after some big wings in the financial district during a hearing. 

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  17. Have a question for any of you that have to use the closed captioning feature.  Is anybody else having a really hard time with it this season.  It skips whole words and misspelled others sometimes spelling complete gibberish.  Am I alone here? Really would like to know.

    Also, sorry for posting this late. Anyone else root for Rodrigo on Monday,  he seemed like a lovable nerd...his look and speech reminded me of a young Jerry Lewis.

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  18. The only reason I watched today is because I wanted to see the interview with Margaret Atwood.  I was nervous about what Meghan would do....since she probably does not see the similarities in what her tribe does to what is in the book or the show.  When Margaret started right off defending Roe v. Wade I was really surprised Megnut did not fly off the handle with her late term abortion and infanticide screams. Maybe it was because of Ms. Atwoods age, or her quiet dignified demeanor or the fact that her husband died 2 days ago...something kept her quiet. She can control herself sometimes.

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  19. Marie's story is just brutal.  Knowing that we are seeing her story here reassures me that she get believed eventually, but as I see her being ostracized,  bullied and brought to court......I just want to skip ahead to the last episode to see her get some understanding. Kaitlyn Deever is killing it in this role, I dread seeing her character be hurt anymore, but that is just a testament to the great job she is doing and how Good this series has been.  I hope the Emmys and Golden Globes remember her performance in this.

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  20. While Rilahs mom was wrong to say that about Anthony's mom to him...I dont think she is wrong about wanting rent.  He does need to get a job and help pay some of the expenses of his child. Its appears that she has been paying for all the preparations and future needs of the baby and now the expense of feeding and transportation of a 19 year old boy.  I remember Rilah saying a few episodes ago when she was mad that her mother would not drive her to the birthday party, that she was grown and she cant tell her, blah, blah..your mom is paying for you, your baby and now your boyfriend she can definitely tell you what to do you spoiled brat. 

    And speaking of spoiled qnd let's add stupid....Chloe must think she still gets her allowance when she goes to college. She has no clue how much a part time job pays, her car payments, car insurance, health insurance for her and the baby, security deposits and rent, I hope they show this wake up call to her.

    And finally the worst spoiled..and stupid entitled Vindictive bitch McKayla. I have never wanted to slap someone so hard. Caelen is far from perfect...but he has financially provided for you and your children, visits his children, took in those 3 dogs you wanted then abandoned. ...and you punish him and his mother by taking away the kids from their father and grandmother.  I'm glad to see Caelen going to a lawyer.   U r punishing them for not kissing your ass and doing every little thing for you like cooking, cleaning and childcare that your grandparents do..they have created a beast.

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  21. When bill goes into his Americans are too fat sermon, I notice he never discusses one of the reasons this can affect low income families.  A lot of lower income places have food deserts where access to fresh fruits and vegetables is difficult. There is also the fact that healthy food can be expensive to buy for a family.  When I was teaching in a poor school district I knew the families.  They would have a lot of spaghetti, hot dogs, or instant mac and cheese because the price was a dollar or less.  Good cuts of beef or chicken and fresh veggies cost more .  Now I see a lot of the same buying groceries at the Dollar Tree...you know that is food is going to be fattening and well.  They dont get exercise because they kids r latchkey and dont get out and the parents work long hours or more than 1 job and are exhasted..

    I know there r plenty of other reasons, but bill acts like it all just gluttony.  Maybe that picture he showed was before wages stagnated.

    I once heard a man speak about why the US does not have universal healthcare.  He said when you keep your people poor with low wages, scared of losing their jobs and sick..they are easier to control.

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  22. In regards to MyGun...I am reminded of a quote from jaws "you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you in the ass!".  That's the way it is....just like cancer, she did not care until it personally affected HER.  Just like the Ohio GOP politician who is now in favor of gun control because his daughter was across the street during the Dayton shootings.   It never ceases to amaze me how some people are incapable of any empathy until it touches them personally.

    As she said yesterday that her guns were not for sale because she needs to protect herself...it makes me wonder how she thinks her mere handgun can protect her when these shooters are able to fire dozens of bullets in seconds.  It's so scary and sad.

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  23. Ok...enough, enough.  I am so sick and tired of the way men react to the word VASECTOMY!  The same old shit every time. Taylor saying "getting clipped like a dog", "balls cut off", "my manhood". 

    So much wrong here it pisses me off..besides that how in the world do we have people pushing 30 who dont know the differences in tubal vs. Vasectomy  

    How about saying taylor, because you are a man you are stepping up and doing this in office local anesthesia procedure so my wife that has already gone through 4 pregnancies and 3 deliveries won't have to continue to put possibly harmful hormones/chemicals into her body anymore.  Besides your procedure is reversible. The little MTV graphic of the scissors did not help. I'm pretty sure when this show ends and that TTM money won't pay for that mansion and your golf fees, the idea of more children won't sound so good anymore.  You were so quick to jump back on the maci getting another implant ship it was disgusting. Now she will go in an office have a local and have that inserted...but u have no problem with that. What a pussy.

    Did anyone else see Amber light up at the thought of not living in Indiana anymore...b4 realizing she was on camera and should probably add how she cant leave Leah.  I dont know Amber which is less hurtful..my mom sees me 3 times over the summer cause she lives in CA, or my mom lives across town and only saw me 3 times.

    Tyler realize that brandon and Theresa had no say in the fact that their friends and now at age 10 Carlys friends, teachers, classmates,etc..have watched your trainwreck and all it comes out to her the way Leah said it was happening to her....but they did not ask for this and have had no say or control and did not sign up for it unlike you. Their life has been invaded.  If I were them I would be keeping copies of this show and if carly ever becomes an ungrateful brat I would show her how she could have been raised 

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  24. Sorry, In a bit of a rush so was unable to check for previous post but I have 3 and 1/2 that irritate.

    1) the bitch with statefarm insurance so

    "DONT MESS WITH MY DISCOUNT!" My family teases me cause I have been saying this ever since I turned 50 and was able to get my AARP card, but the labor and not letting her kid pee and her screaming for insurance is annoying.

    2)Hotels.com commercial with couple in bathroom and captain obvious.  The woman is in the tub and the hubby is taking a shit right next to her. GROSS...I dont need commercials with people on the toilet be it babies or adults. Yuck. Yes the romance is dead.

    3) jimmy dean sausage.  All of them play a horrible harmonica riff over and over again which just seems to seek out my spinal chord and sends a teeth grinding shock wave giving me a migraine.

    1/2 one is on behalf of my chihuahua. The CHEWY.com...quit ringing the damn doorbell and flipping him.

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  25. 2 shows on Thursday so they can get an early start on their over 1 month vacation!!!! Really.. Whoopi will complain about coming back, we all know Meghan says how stressfully her 1 hour a day reading your husband's notes can be.   Shit like this always upsets me when they sometimes act like they are one of us "ordinary folk". ..and when they return we will here of their travels while so many of us have stay-cations if we even get that.

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