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Everything posted by scoobie1

  1. A little Off topic/On topic : "All due respect" got cancelled. Last show is December 2 and then they'll have four one hour long shows on Trump's lead up the presidency. I like Heilemann but Halperin is awful. I wonder if this means he will no longer be on Morning Joe, not that I'm watching anyway. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mark-halperin-john-heilemann_us_582de49de4b058ce7aa9980d
  2. wow! Joe is now calling into Kate Snow's show at 3:30pm talking about how Trump is considering Nikki Haley for Sec of State. So what? He's now the liason between Trump and the Media? He's also talking about what the Trump team was doing today and how they discussed cabinet appointments. He knew specifics. I don't think I've ever heard Joe calling in to someone else's show on MSNBC in a veryyy long time. He's now in all his glory. I thought I was escaping him when I ditched MJ but no here he is tainting my other shows.
  3. Me too. Aside from that 45 minute Michael Moore segment I haven't watched a second of this show since the election. It's actually like breaking a bad habit. Every day it gets a little easier. Hopefully in three weeks I won't even think about it while I'm sipping my morning coffee. This show has the potential to be so much more...like that Michael Moore segment...but it just turns into one big commercial for how wonderful Joe is and how everyone else is stupid. He doesn't let anyone have real conversations. He talks over everyone. Both he and Mike are smug and condescending almost all of the time. Even when she isn't speaking Mika is smug with her eye rolling and sighing and whatever other stupid things she does. This has been going on for over a year and finally the election result was the straw that broke this camel's back. I'm so done. I still enjoy reading this forum though so I will stick around even if I'm not watching.
  4. Thank you for the heads up on the Michael Moore segment. That's the only part I watched today and it was great.
  5. I really commend all of you for watching MJ today. I just can't even imagine the gloating that occurred. I'm still physically sick to my stomach and to see the two of them go on and on about right they were would just literally take me over the edge.
  6. Me too. I just can't. Time to dive into Netflix b/c I won't be able to stomach the news for months maybe even four years.
  7. on a shallow note...Joe looked absolutely ridiculous today. It's Election Day. Everyone is wearing suits. Mika actually looks a little more dressed up. Joe looks like a total slob. I know he usually does but this is a big day and you look like you just rolled out of bed. I'm not even going to discuss the yammering on about today. All I heard was Clinton looks good BUT BREXIT!! Poor Steve Ratner finally just acquiesced to Joe's Brexit argument after three times to explain why the two situations are different. His face said it all "it's not worth fighting with this loon, so I'll just let it go".
  8. So for first 1/2 hr I had to listen to Joe go on and on about how CLOSE the race is. Pennsylvania is up in the air! NH is up in the air! Michigan is so tight! People this race is CLOSE who knows what's going to happen. Then Willie, of all people, says one line :you know all those states you mention lean heavily Democratic so Trump has to pull off close to a miracle to turn them" (paraphrasing). The voice of reason, but he only gets one line. Then Joe goes back to how close it is anyway. Then Steve Schmidt gets his own one minute to speak and uses it to say the race is over, has been over for a while. He'll be surprised if she doesn't get at least 320 EVs. To which Joe responds with "you really think so??" . I mean how much more cartoonish can this show get? I had to turn the whole thing off to go to work but I might watch the rest later. A 3 hour show only takes me about 1/2 hr to watch b/c I fast forward so much of it. I just really need her to win BIG so I can see Joe cry on Wednesday. I wish he would just leave MSNBC and go work for his guy, Trump. Please just go Joe.
  9. Glad he didn't disappoint. But reading the replies is heavenly.
  10. Oh and I totally forgot: Gotta love Rick Tyler: "It would be BETTER for Clinton if she wins that the House AND Senate remain Republican. She can reach across the aisle to get things done. If the House and Senate go Democrat she'll be forced to move to the Left on issues that she doesn't believe in" . Um Rick have you lived in this country the past 6 years? No matter if you CAN reach across the aisle your hand is going to get slapped away. These idiots are already saying that if she gets elect they won't vote on anyone she puts up for the Supreme Court. Yeah that' going to be GREAT for her. R's are going to be SOOO much more helpful to her than the D's would be. Then he adds" My partisan friends are going to be mad at me for saying this but it's true" DUDE we get it you are worried about your down ballot peeps but that is the most pathetic argument I've heard yet.
  11. Thank goodness I had taped today's episode. I was able to fast forward through most of it. Every single time I stopped it to see what they were saying I heard Joe talking over someone. The whole show today was ... yeah yeah he's behing in the polls BUT he has a path. If he wins this state and this state and then this highly improbable state he'll have 259 EV (still not enough) but WOW. Not ONE word about how if Clinton flips any of his states how her EV will change. I watched a little of CNN this morning in real time and it was so much more refreshing. I think this may have to be my new standard. I'll watch CNN for the news and watch MJ to get my anger out. While Fast Forwarding today's show all I said was "shut up Joe. Shut Up Joe. SHUT UP JOE" . This show is exhausting.
  12. Okay I have to watch JUST for that. I will fast forward through the rest of the show just to get to this point. I watched a little bit of the show this morning (the first 20 minutes). I wanted to again smack Mika for her attitude towards Harold Ford. She is just so condescending. Mika, you don't know what the hell you are talking about and you sit there demeaning others. I can understand if she legitimately disagreed with him but her "you don't want me to go there" bullshyt was ridiculous. Yes Mika GO THERE. PLEASE GO THERE and let's see how informative you really are(n't). I have no clue why Harold Ford continues to come on this show.
  13. Damn they are SO stupid. They made fun of a 12 draft tweet? Unlike Trump who tweets whatever comes into his head at 3am in the morning. Look how well that's going for him. Heck I even reread and reword some emails I send b/c it doesn't always sound right and I'm not running for President. Tweets can go out to the whole country whether it's from their tweet account or it makes it on MSM. What the hell is wrong with making drafts over a message? Again, they are SOOO stupid. I have no idea why they are still hosting.
  14. I wanted Sam Stein to go back to Joe and Say "Dude you are making fun of what I'm wearing??? You wear a fleece every...single...day. Today you happen to be wearing a suit but that is not the norm. So get off my back". Instead he said " why did I bother getting up today? " . This is how far Joe's denial of reality goes. He even makes fun (even if it's all in fun) of people wearing a gingham button down shirt with a gray sweater over it, when he comes to work almost in his pajamas. Meanwhile, Mika for the most part had nothing to say again today. She got into some conversation when they were all making fun of each other. Other than that she should have just stayed home.
  15. So Far in the first hour I don't think Mika spoke more than 3 three sentences (not including her reading the newspapers). I loved how much Nicolle pushed back about the electoral map even while Joe went on and on and ON about how right he was this whole time. Now, regarding this latest WikiLeaks over the Foundation is really bad. I'm so tired of all this.
  16. I think each of her surrogates has a different role to play. I think Elizabeth Warren is smart enough to not throw out these playground insults on a normal basis to her normal "foes". But this is a different situation. I think this is the role she has been assigned to. Just like Michelle has her own role. President Obama has his role, etc. I just really need this election over so everyone can go back to their real jobs and be done with Trump forever. Let the Republicans deal with the aftermath of Trump and his supporters. I hope they all blame the R's for his loss and continue to vote against them.
  17. Out of the thousands of emails that have been unearthed this is all they came up with? People who are trying to figure out the best way to handle this problem? OMG!!! Wow!!! This is so ridiculous. This is why it isn't getting the huge headlines the Trump campaign is whining about. There is really nothing to talk about. What are you going to say? Oh yes two people were going back and forth on how the server was a problem. AND? And? and? And nothing. There is no smoking gun. This is out of THOUSANDS of emails Heck if you went through any one of these people's emails you would sure find a lot more than this..I'm looking at you Joe!
  18. I would feel sorry for her if she didn't put herself in this position to begin with. Plus, she really is a dimwit. She has maybe has one or two plausible opinions that she goes back to time and again. Aside from that she is not smart. She has very basic knowledge of the events around her. If she wasn't prepped she would be clueless. Now that's fine for a non-news show anchor but she IS a news show anchor! She also is so smug and condescending when she has absolutely no reason to be. She also tied her wagon to the biggest jerk on the channel. Whether she knows her value or not she clearly does nothing about it.
  19. The other thing I don't understand is why at this stage of the game they aren't talking about ground games of both campaigns? It's clear Clinton HAS a ground game, an amazing one at that. It's clear Trump doesn't have one at all. How are all these magical Trump voters who are sort of on the fence going to get the motivation to actually vote? As they MUST know by know it isn't enough to tell a pollster you are going to vote for a candidate you actually have to, you know, do it. That transition from A to B doesn't always happen. People get complacent, lazy, and maybe too busy to get out there on reckoning day. That's why the ground game is so important right now. Yet no one this show, at least not that I heard, seems to be talking about. I can't deal with Joe's "what if" scenarios that make it seem like Trump is somehow going to have an about face in the last 2 weeks of this thing and all of sudden garner all the votes he clearly doesn't have now.
  20. I watched yesterday's show last night. That exchange between Mika and Michael Steele was absolutely disgusting. How dare Mika have that holier than thou look on her face while questioning why Steele was supporting Trump this whole time when HELLOO??!!!! Mika! you were too! At least the man is a Republican. However, I remember when he was "supporting" Trump he would always say ...the Republicans have spoken and this is who they chose. How can a party go against that? After giving this a lot of thought during the show I realized if the R's DID go against 14 million votes well we would be living in another country right? The people have spoken but the higher ups feel they are wrong so they are going to go ahead and select who they think should be the candidate. Screw democracy. They can't do that. They could have tried to stop this loser from getting there in the front place and that's on them and oh yeah that's on the Media too...like YOUR show Mika. Remember the days when you allowed Trump to call in every...single...day bloviating about how wonderful he was and how everyone else sucked??! You let him get away with that garbage over and over again. He had a cushy comfy platform to spew his stupidity on your morning show everyday. So don't sit there and judge someone else and pretend you didn't do all those things over and over. I wanted to smack her smug face. I think Michael Steele wanted too as well judging by the looks he was giving her. "like really??! you are going to sit there and say this to me when you and I both know what you and your sidekick have been doing for the past 16 months?" . But of course, he can't say all that so he just sat there looking incredulous at her. HOW ARE THEY STILL HOSTING THIS SHOW??!
  21. Wow. Steve Cortes (Trump Surrogate) just said to Chris Matthews "I will echo your colleague Joe Scarborough that this means nothing to the voter but it does to media Elites" (talking about Trump's comments that he won't accept the election results. You know it's bad when this surrogate is using Joe's words on another MSNBC show to make his point. The Bill Kristol video is up on Huffington Post as well and the comments are just awesome! These two need to be fired and replaced with Joy and Willie.
  22. Mika ..it's over. Stop with the "we shouldn't underestimate Trump" . It's 20 days to the election and your candidate (there's is NO way she supports Clinton) continues to go off the rails. Maybe that statement had some weight after the primaries but girl get over it. Everyone has made their decision and those that chose Trump weeks ago seem to be jumping ship as well. And those Undecided voters that you keep harping on will probably sit home and not vote at all. There are plenty of polls of these undecided where they say they are definitely not voting for trump but "undecided" on whether to vote for Clinton, 3rd party or sit home. Trump is no where in that equation. You'd think this political duo would actually, I don't know, read more about what they are spewing. Dammit ...Mika is promoting adopting shelter animals. I'll shut up about her for the rest of the day. Thanks Mika for that shout out to how cute shelter animals are and how everyone should adopt not shop.
  23. Oh Nicolle .....what happened? She's back on. I was hoping she would stay away as a big diss to this show.
  24. I'm trying to figure out who will be invited back to this show after today. Harold Ford might not be invited back either LOL. (about not accepting the outcome) Mika/Joe: That's not what he said Harold: That's exactly what he said. Mika/Joe: That's not what he said! blah blah blah. Harold: That's exactly what he said.!!!! Even Mike Barnicle was against these two flakes today. Really what is their problem???! Are they THIS stupid?
  25. LOL I'm on a huge delay but Bill Kristol is my fave person today. (just today). He totally called out these two. I love it!!! Say bye bye to this show Bill b/c there is no way you are being invited back but what a way to go! Man Joe is pissed and it's such a wonderful thing to see. LOL. Wow they are so delusional. He's screaming that he likened Trump to Hitler (maybe for one second) and the rest of the show you were kissing his ass Joe. I don't need you to go back a year to pinpoint each time you said something negative about Trump b/c all the other times you were a Trump groupie.
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