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  1. I wonder if Sutton would drop Garcelle to gain Kyle and Dorit? How strong is that relationship? Is it a matter of true friendship or convenience or hierarchy? Garcelle not only defends, but defers, a lot to Sutton and her world. The way she let Sutton's mom treat her? Shiiii. Is Sutton more at ease with Garcelle because she really likes her or because she feels "above" her?
  2. Dorit and Sutton's beef goes all the way back to the "Let the mouse go" incident. I thought Sutton was wrong then. Her insecurity caused her to overreact.
  3. I agree. Sutton's insecurity and rudeness is always just under the surface. That's what makes her volatile as Erika said. Even though people were EXTREMELY damaged by Tom's actions, so was Erika. She didn't articulate herself well and her personality was hella raggedy, but her life - however rich and pampered - was crumbling AND she was being accused of major crimes that she wasn't aware of. She had no reason to believe or even investigate her husband's business dealings. We see this in all tax brackets. She had to protect herself as best she could. And now, she has to live her life as best she can. And that 2022 flashback speaks volumes.
  4. I wonder what Ray will do. Might the black Bill Gates use the opportunity to extricate himself?
  5. She's been sentenced to one year behind bars. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2025-02-26/karen-huger-dui-sentence-real-housewives-potomac
  6. Jenn Lyons is so funny and beautiful. And it felt like she and Carrie were always *this close* to breaking character remembering their time together on Claws. Vanessa Williams is perfection.
  7. Reba don't like that black woman! And don't want her in her home. LMAO and SMDH. I'm black BTW.
  8. Yep. Kyle feels closer to PK because of Mauricio. Kyle was telling the truth when she said she and Dorit weren't close, close. But she was also telling the truth when she said she loves Dorit and the family. Kyle just prioritizes PK. Dorit knows that, and that's why she shared PK's behavior and her desire to know how deep their communication goes. Instead of acting outraged, all she had to do was share the text. Dassit. Let's see how this unfolds. Boz, your party and style are fantastic. Rock on!
  9. Kyle, just because PK has never shown you The Monster, doesn't mean it doesn't exist! That's not girl's girl thinking or behavior.
  10. Job hopping at that level (and every level in this market for that matter) is quite common. When they max out what they've come there to do, they move on and increase their net worth with each move.
  11. This is the Dorit and the Erika I always wanted to see. I knew there was a Dorit with more depth and spine, and I knew there was an Erika with more humanity. Both were in marriages that, for lack of a better word, subdued who they were and what they had to offer. I am not absolving them of their past behavior, but I am acknowledging their dimensionality. This is the Sutton I have never liked. She is volatile, childish, and demurely calculating until she erupts. I've never cared for Garcelle. I really like Boz. She's been navigating the highest echelons of the corporate world for a minute, so she can read behavior and motivation quite well. That she thinks highly of Dorit is a point for Dorit in my book.
  12. "Beauvais was on SiriusXM’s Jeff Lewis Live and was talking to host Jeff Lewis about the situation. Lewis and Beauvais were talking about how they don't feel like they've ever seen the real Kemsley and Beauvais said it would be nice to see the "real Dorit." Lewis said that he thought she was putting it on for the camera and Beauvais agreed with him. “Yeah, I do. I mean, I’ve said it before,” she said on the show. “This season, I’m not allowed to say a lot, but she is on fire, and I think that’s because a lot of things are going on with her.” Then things get a little tricky. Lewis asked if Kemsley was on fire in a good or bad way and Beauvais said “It depends on where you start.” He then assumed that she meant that Kemsley was a "super b*tch" and Beauvais didn't disagree with him. “Yes. Agree,” Beauvais said of the situation. “She’s definitely activated, and you know where it’s coming from. There’s a lot going on … but everybody has stuff going on. Right? So, are we gonna excuse that?”
  13. Uh oh, "bitch is eating crackers" again. https://collider.com/rhobh-garcelle-beauvais-dorit-kemsley/
  14. Is this the season with the most people going home with an idol in their pocket?
  15. I checked out this season. I didn't need that toxicity in my life. I hope Potomac comes back better. Much better. More than the C/G/R saga, the Wendy/Nneka utter nonsense was the "I'm out" for me. Wendy is just so aggravating. She played coy + shady with Nneka for no good reason, and it went downhill, left and sideways from there. I wish she'd get a pink slip, too. Mia? Major propers. Hoping for the best for her, Gordon and the family.
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