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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. From last year, so - Jenna, Holly, Kelli, Lacey, Maggie, Erica, Jinelle, Maddie, and Robin/ about half if they all decide to audition again.
  2. Can't really be determined, assuming everyone who was on last year makes it, but even then they could take more than 16 with alternates.
  3. She has in the questions thread. It's not always the GL1.
  4. I meant that it's not always the GL1, my typo may have seemed otherwise, my bad.
  5. Crystal Trevino, Mia maybe? Whitney Isleib her first year as point? It's not guarenteed for the first GL.
  6. I think it's just how she's positioned at an angle, if it were shopped the ocean behind her would look wonky too.
  7. I mean what's her face, Christina! My bad, yeah I should have caught myself as I just made a comment about Sheridan not being in camp. I can't keep these TCCs straight.
  8. My money's on it not being Sheridan because you know they like to keep the most obvious "not a fit" all the way until the end for dramatic effect.
  9. From my understanding and a previous comment by Shelly, it's not announced and not seen as a big deal as we make it to be.
  10. I really don't see how placement for a snippet of a fitness session matters.
  11. Honestly I'd be surprised if she didn't get second. Girls straight up token by now. Her isntagrams annoy me too but that has nothing to do with her skills inside the studio or on the field. She's still young but has a lot going for her. Hoping for all of the same possibilities as well. So many choices for seconds and not enough spots. :(
  12. That's alright! I'd suggest reading through all the pages first because likely your question will be answered as the comments can go back (date-wise) for some time. Welcome :)
  13. Which photo are you referring to? If you're wondering about this years team, Raylee, Allie, and HeatherH were cut.
  14. The recent Vegas one was a weekend I see now, just hoping the Cabo one is a throwback because it'd ruin my #TeamKelsey campaign if she's out.
  15. I'm sure she's just goofing. Her leg isn't wrapped or anything. Side-thought, Kelsey's been posting trips to Vegas and Cabo. I wonder if she had some rare permission to miss a day of TC or *gasp* was she cut. Don't want to jump to conclusions since she still has her Twitter and doesn't list "former", just thought it was interesting.
  16. Poor Tess, I mean Jess, I mean Bess. They have before, possibly two in the past decade? @ShellyB?
  17. That'd likely take 30 minutes alone since there's 40+ girls going into Training Camp.
  18. How or why he thought he was allowed to do that is beyond me. Players have ample time to practice on the field. The cheerleaders dance is four freaking minutes, his coaches and teammates should be ashamed. It's amazing no one was injured. The fact that he even kicked the ball with 30+ people in front of him shows how cocky he is. There have been plenty of missed kicks and he could be in deep shiz if one of them was actually hit. Sorry, #mommanonovibes rant.
  19. While not excited to see Cassie again, I hope this means we're getting proper mentoring this time.
  20. Maybe post the article link next time instead of stretching the forum?
  21. No where does it say you have to, but most Candidates do to be recognized and in the know. I don't think there's any stigma around it. The same could be done for any team or sport or job. Work with the people who've been there, go with what's popular. There have been girls not in the Dallas dance scene to make the squad as well...
  22. Girl is in the gym every damn day, she's just building muscle and I think her body type isn't really capable of that long/lean look. I'd kiiiiiill for her body.
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