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Posts posted by sweetandsour

  1. In the beginning of season 2, I think, Jenny said something about her son Justin being away at college.  That does check out with his age in season 1.

    Cassie's son Kai is much younger, but without Cassie's dad around to ostensibly be with Kai off-screen, they just need to go the full SEAL Team route and send Kai off to hockey boarding school.  As so many kids obviously go to these days.

    One huge thing this season has going for it is no annoying teenagers.  I don't consider Emily to be annoying.  But wow, were those kids in season 2 not fun to watch.  I preferred watching T-Lock compared to them.  T-Lock!!!

    It was stupid and disgusting that Sunny still had literal blood on her hands hours after her nighttime encounter with the missing camper.  Had she not washed her hands thoroughly because she has blood on them, or for any other purpose until later in the morning?  She was handling the camp's food right before Rex Linn noticed the blood.  She wasn't touching the actual surface of the food, but she was touching the plastic wrappers and containers.  That.  Is.  Disgusting.

    Donno's art of distraction made me laugh.

    Has it been mentioned here that the actor who plays Luke (the seemingly murdering boyfriend covered in blood) is Ravi from 9-1-1?  I'm happy he's getting more work with real screen time.

    I would not be surprised if the writers have Jensen say, "carry on, my wayward son" to another character at some point.

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  2. It was insane to me that they made a big point of Kevin Zegers' character wearing clothes that were too tight, complete with his splitting the seams during his foot pursuit.  His clothes were barely tighter on him than James Lesure's or Britt Robertson's.  Yet no one says anything about Niecy's clothes!

    I like Niecy in campier things, and when the pace and tone of the show fit her style and antics.  I thought she was great in Scream Queens, but that show absolutely supported craziness and people being self-indulgent.  Maybe the producers think her style works just as well in The Rookie, but it doesn't.  Is it wrong that I find myself impatient when she talks on this show?  Like, "spit it out, let's keep this crime procedural going, please!"

    That self-indulgence is my biggest problem with Feds.  She is the star, it is Niecy's show.  Got it, no problem.  But I don't want to watch "The Niecy Nash Show" where it's all about how great she always is, and everyone who doubts her is always wrong, and her constant pushiness in an order-following law enforcement group is warranted and rewarded because she is the key to success.  She is also that super annoying new co-worker who constantly talks about her previous jobs and compares them to her new job.  You know that person - they used to work at Target and then go to work at Nordstrom, and they're always saying, "blah blah is how it was at Target" and "at Target, we blah blah."

    I like the supporting players, but I too am hanging on by a thread.  Britt Robertson is a serial one or two season actress (and not by design, like in Big Sky).  I don't know that this will be the show that goes the distance.

    I know everyone is looking forward to "Rookie Universe" (side-eye ...) crossovers where Bailey and Niecy team up and solve the world's problems by fighting fires with capoeira and talking to a 40-year-old man's sixth grade teacher.  Bailey will bake a professional-level cake in the heat of the fires, too - all before Nolan comes back from his 30-minute jog.

    OK, well that was a lot of criticism, so I will at least say Rookie Feds is better executed than Monarch.

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  3. I think the cast's options expired today, so they had to make a decision about renewing the show and renewing the cast's options, or canceling it and letting the cast go.  Whether the decision was announced publicly vs. only known to the people involved in the show is maybe a different story, but it would have been obvious if any of the series regulars were cast in something else between now and when the show finishes airing, if that's when they waited to announce the cancelation.

    CBS Studios could probably also try to renew the cast's options while shopping the show around, TBD if it would find another home, but that news would make it clear that the show had been cancelled by the CW.

  4. I've seen a lot of deus ex machinas, but geez, this one was a doozy.  Felix steals an expensive car at a place that I'm sure has security cameras, Max and Lesley begrudgingly go along for the ride, even though Lesley just manufactured her way around criminal charges only one episode ago and shouldn't be going along with another criminal endeavor, they get their fingerprints all over the car, Felix attempts to steal stuff he has less than zero idea how to fence, and then a girl he used to know who actually enjoys him catches him and personally hands him over $200k of her uncle's money.  Easy peasy!

    Josh is an insane version of Cady Heron midway through Mean Girls, where all she can ever talk about, think about, and plot against is Regina George, but all of her former allies are completely over her maniacal obsession.

    Dean was a terrible person and he could be very maddening to watch, but he was more interesting to watch by far.

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  5. Josh is an absolute ghoul.

    I just could not with Murphy drinking that really tart quasi-wine with fresh lacerations in her mouth.  Obviously the writers hand-waved that like they hand-wave everyone else.

    And even though Timothy the replacement lawyer knew nothing about Murphy's case, he couldn't try arguing for lower bail with GPS monitoring?

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  6. Good Lord, I thought the Chicago skyline on the hospital balcony patio was the depths of the poor imaging on this show, and then they gave us those horrendous photoshopped pictures of Ethan's dad when he was younger.  I died laughing.

    I assume the Vas-Com company will try to kill Will at his apartment building, but newly unveiled Jo is hiding out there and helps/rescues him?

    Connor Rhodes' ears burn whenever they mention the hybrid OR, but he quickly goes back to his now fantastic life with his remarkably emotionally stable wife.

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  7. Jackson Jackson Jackson.  Oh, brother.

    It could have been the editing that gave this vibe, but it was like Jackson was at some social event and an ex also happened to be there.  So he makes a big show out of being so jovial and so involved with other people, and he's having such a social butterfly great time, that by the time he bumps in to the ex, it's like, "oh wow, I didn't see you there, I was so busy - oh, wait a sec - I see yet another friend I absolutely have to say hello to, see you later if I get some downtime?"  Lather, rinse, repeat, for every set of dishes served.

    His judgment on its own was appalling.  And then early on, Evelyn has a server go get him - and he knows he's being summoned for a reason - when she tells him that she heard the judges say hospitality was bad - and he still continues to avoid them like the plague.  What on earth possessed him to actively disregard something he had already been told by someone who could hear the judges?

    I super laughed when he said at Judges' Table that he thought Luke's fish was over seasoned.  It wasn't even at the prompting of an open question - "What did you think of the fish?" without knowing what the judges thought.  They clearly established they thought the fish was bland, but Jackson still charges in anyway saying, "no, I think the opposite."

    Oh, but I do wish that he had, once his elimination was announced, walked forward and handed the judges a handwritten sign that said, "Goodbye Judges."

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  8. I was kind of surprised they used the actual name of Caesar's Palace - I would've expected them to say something like Deezer's Palace.  (Or Pleaser's Palace ...)  And I know they're song lyrics, but I was also surprised to hear Toni/Tabitha sing the words "American Express" when the show has previously established the alternative name of American Excess.

    But that's all I was surprised about this episode.  Not the crazy storylines, not the implausible reactions to everything (and Jug really didn't seem concerned about Archie getting pummeled to bloody bits - he only seemed frustrated their plan didn't work).  Not Veronica being on her own show apart from the other three mains.

    Even though I didn't care about him on Katy Keene, it's all relative; given the disarray that Riverdale the show is, KO Kelly was actually the only one I cared about in this episode.

  9. On this week's episode of Chicago Fire: OFI: Fire Cops: Cops of Fire: Severide & Seager, we also got a glimpse of a backdoor pilot Chicago Fire: HR .....

    I do not want to police her hair now, but if you look at pictures of Andy Allo back when she was working with Prince, it's like wow.  She is a gorgeous woman.

    If they gave the OFI case of the week more time, I would have expected a twist like Marc the son really was innocent of the car arson the whole time.  His dad is the one with the anger issues and he set on fire the car belonging to the new boyfriend of his son's ex-gf, in a deluded attempt to avenge his son.  But then his son was tried and convicted instead, and the dad doubles-down on blaming OFI instead of himself.

  10. I hope they take a good hard look at the Forrester character and the Forrester/Kellett relationship for season 2 and make them both more palatable.  As they are right now, they really detract from the show for me.  I don't watch International as a completionist for the franchise, but I wouldn't have a second thought if it didn't exist anymore.

    Highlight of the episode for me was the actor who played Gabriel!  I did kind of enjoy the geography rapport, but I was mostly into the fact that he's the same kid who played the silent (mute? ...) boy Martin whom the Penguin befriended on Gotham.  He spoke slightly more on FBI: International, as he continues his journey as baby Chalamet.

  11. I also wasn't expecting Jess to be killed off.  Though I was very cognizant of how much time was left in the episode towards the end, and knew that wasn't very much time at all to lay down the context for him to be alive and choose to leave the team.

    I will miss Julian/Jess.  At least this is the kind of show that is already tonally appropriate for the death of a main character.  Unlike, say, The OC, which really suffered in the last season because the main character death really affected the tone of the show.

    I understand why the show went this direction, but I think some tweaks could have been made to this episode to enable Jess's decision to leave.  He tries in vain to protect the abused girlfriend, who dies in his arms and says all she wanted was to live a good life with a good man and her daughter.  Another officer nearby (canon fodder - not on the Most Wanted team) is also shot in a carbon copy of Kenny's injury in the beginning of the season.  Jess has a moment of clarity to not take life for granted and embrace the people he loves, so he decides the next phase of his life is leaving the team to be with Sarah and closer to Tali.  Give him and Sarah the life the abused girlfriend wanted, but couldn't have.

    I don't watch Organized Crime, so I'm open to the Dylan McDermott - no, Dermot Mulroney - no, Dylan McDermott possibilities.

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  12. I watched episode 2 while laughing out loud on my exercise bike.  It's like the producers/writers have seen the Halloween Heists on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and said, "Oh, I'll show you!"  The Halloween Heists are ludicrous in the successful pre-planning of manipulation and reliance on other characters to do and not do certain things.  Except that works in a comedic setting.  Here, they are taking it so so so seriously.  Every little thing is falling into place for Elena, all down to the pre-written post-it notes just waiting to be flashed to Val on the other side of the window.

    I'll keep watching the show since it's a short season.  I really could not imagine the plotlines and writing if this was a 22-episode per year show.

    Now with this new info about Val's mother - they should go full Blacklist and make Elena turn out to be her mother, after a lot of extensive surgery and medical procedures.  Who even is Red anyway????  I have seen every episode of The Blacklist and I can no longer remember anything about the mythology.  Hopefully The Endgame doesn't turn out as convoluted.

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  13. lol I only know the lead actor from Pretty Little Liars.

    Scott Forrester can be such a jerk to his team.  Maybe I'm just too soft, but he is consistently cutting Raines off.  It was really egregious in an earlier episode, when Forrester treated Raines the same rude way Voight would treat Sheldon Jin on Chicago PD, like "Shut up, I don't want to hear how you got there, just tell me what you found."  Forrester did it again here, too.  Is this a leadership trait that the Dick Wolf universe really likes?  And it annoyed me even more in this episode because Forrester cut off Raines when they were in Vestal's apartment, but then let Vo explain everything she did to identify the location of Vestal's live video.

    Not sure if this was meaningless, but they showed two shots from behind where Raines and Katrin were walking together - early in the episode when they were leaving the police station, I think Katrin had her hand on Raines' back, and at the end of the episode, Raines had his hand on Katrin's back.  Maybe the actors are just friendly and that comes out in peripheral scenes vs. it meaning anything.  Not that Katrin would be as unprofessional with workplaces romances as Forrester and Kellett, anyway.

    Adler from the German police is self-declared in "warning" as blunt, but he was a real pleasure to watch.  And I thought his temperament is way better than Forrester's.  I absolutely prefer him.

  14. This episode seemed to have more dopey elements than usual.  I was really happy to hear that old K7 song once Pearce went up to bat, though.

    Episode directed by Chad Lowe and co-written by Rob's son.  I wonder if writers and other production people feel comfortable dissenting with something someone in the Family Lowe wants.  Even if they don't, that's probably not the only reason for the questionable quality at times, but that's one differentiating factor between Lone Star and the LA show.

    Re: the discussion about who is softer/lazier/more fill-in-the-negative-adjective here, the 126 is just lucky that O'Brien didn't take a full tour of their firehouse.  If he saw that their bunks are an upscale Nordic furniture store, Owen has 50 different skincare products, or Owen's glassed-in office looks like a tech start-up, is there much of an argument left?

    Owen deserved to lose the game, period.  What an idiot to challenge an undefeated team to a sport that his own squad doesn't even really play.  It's supposed to be funny, but it's just dopey.  Like challenge the firefighters to a barbecue cook-off or something.  At least Owen knows Judd is great at that.  I know Carlos couldn't play because he's not in the 126, but they literally have him on the sidelines.  At least TK didn't nearly die this time while Carlos was off to the side.

    When the two teams were arguing about whether Nancy was purposely tripped, for a moment I thought, "oh, they'll go to the news crew to see if their footage caught it."  But no.  Can't do that.  Have to have a dopey fight that makes them look stupid and immature, and have to have the news crew air it.

    I have no doubt Pearce did lodge a complaint with his union rep, and he is right to do so.  How did Owen and Tommy explain that one to their superiors?  On top of the bad and related press coverage from the game?  Dopey.

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  15. I like this show (some parts more than others) and I wish it had more time, but that's obviously not going to happen now and the show won't find another home beyond ABC.

    Can't say I'm surprised by the Margaret reveal at the end of this episode.  But I'd like it if the series would end with something crazy like Billy ultimately pulling all of the puppet strings.  He's the one who made sure Margaret found out he's a priest in the first place, and he's been playing her the whole time.  He's deceiving everyone so he can take control of Heritage House.  Since he left his family however many years ago, he got sober and fell in love with the illegitimate adult daughter of Father Honeycutt (Margaret's dad).  Mr. Honeycutt impregnated a female field worker (of course) and would not claim the child as his own.  Billy will share Heritage House with her and Mateo.  (Billy, possibly with the illegitimate daughter, is also responsible for Mr. Honeycutt's mysterious death.)

    He's also seeking to avenge Lettie's sister, Rosa, whose eventual death Billy blames on Joe and Lettie.  Billy was in love with Rosa before he married Lettie.  So not only does Billy get to claim Heritage House for himself, his current lady, and his son, he gets to take it away from the people he once loved more than anything but now despises more than anything, in the name of his past love.

    And Veronica's husband has been sneaking away all the time and spending money because he's playing high-stakes Magic the Gathering.

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  16. Direct quote from me several times at the interaction between Crockett and Blake - "yipes yipes yipes yipes yipes."  On the other hand, I do have to like how he's moved on from Natalie.  (Who I am positive is now being held captive somewhere by Philip and no one else knows or cares.)

    Abrams is a softie who blows kisses to sick children!

    OK, so there may be some truth to the negative consequences the lawyer was explaining to Goodwin and Halstead.  It does give the hospital a black eye in a certain regard, but if that also means corrupt or easily corruptible doctors don't want to work there while doctors who want to do the right thing (like Dr. Scott) gravitate to a hospital with a top-down culture that seems like a good fit - that's GREAT.  When the lawyer said that A-list doctors would leave Chicago Med, I have to admit I thought, "no, not Abrams and Latham!" but if they went to a different hospital on a different show written by better writers, I have zero problem with that.

    Though I agree with everyone else who has said something has clearly changed in the writers' room this season and we are seeing positive evidence of that in every episode.  They also let Dr. Scott be the voice of the audience on a regular basis, like when he openly calls out other characters on their BS, so that's very appreciated, too.

    If S. Epatha was shooting some episodes for the Law and Order revival, I would think they were temporarily writing her out of her position on Chicago Med to allow her to film something else (like they are doing for Brian Tee), but I don't think she's going to be on L&O ...

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  17. Ugh, the previews for the next episode annoy me in concept (at least how the preview presents bits and pieces).  I didn't like it in season 3 when Harry did stupid shit to ingratiate himself with Jamie, and I don't like the idea he would do it again in season 4, even if what happens in the next episode is more innocuous than agreeing to be buried alive.

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  18. I totally cried, too.  Pete is not one of my favorites, though I certainly don't mind him.  But now that I know more about him, I like him a lot more.

    Most of the main characters are ghosts, but I don't think about mortality at all watching the show.  That said, I was totally moved by what this episode showed about death.  Usually, I think there's a lot of pain about who and what we left behind, but I really liked seeing Pete so happy about the people he left behind.  He can't see them when they leave Sam and Jay's property, and he can't talk to them, but all he really felt was joy, and that was great.

    I also really loved that Grandson Pete was a Pinecone Trooper.  His family clearly knew that Pete died during his Pinecone duties, during a Pinecone activity, at the accidental hands of a Pinecone kid.  For some people, that would just be hard memories and triggers.  But his family knew how much Pete loved being a Pinecone and they let Grandson Pete follow in his footsteps.

    Thor made me laugh a lot.  He never knew he had so much he could learn from Ashleys of all last name initials.

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  19. 19 minutes ago, ybrik said:

    Okay did I just not remember this right but was the package that the female officer/attorney showed Carson like the one that Ace was delivering for Amanda’s father?

    Yes, addressed to Terry.

    People who don't think men and women can be friends, or don't understand what that looks like - look no further than Ace and his friends. Sure, it's fictional, but it's a great example devoid of "friend-zoning" or "nice guy" pining - real connections that enrich the lives of both parties.  I really want him and Nancy together.

    Ryan is one of my favorite characters.  I know they changed directions from him from how he was framed in the first few episodes of the show (I seriously just block out that he and George were in a sexual, adulterous affair), and they have done a really nice job with fitting him in.  The show does a lot of things right/well, but one of the best things they've done is quash the rivalry between Carson and Ryan quickly and establish them as a duo of fathers who want the best for their daughter.  Ryan was originally worried about losing all of his money if his father's empire came crashing down, but I really think that his life now is the happiest he's ever been.  The comfort he gets from being welcomed into the Drew household is the warmest he has ever felt.  He doesn't mind being stared at in disbelief while chopping mushrooms like a child, either.

    For anyone who also watches Brooklyn Nine-Nine - that scene at the end with the universal appreciation of all five of Ryan's mustards - that was a real Captain Holt and balloon arch ("Vindi-CATION!!!!!!") moment for him.

    People on the 9-1-1 board were wondering where John Harlan Kim (Albert) on that show went this season, and why he hasn't been shown in the blackout episodes in LA.  I guess he traded "up" to a frozen heart serial killer in Maine!  I'm expecting there to be some level of spark/chemistry between him and Nancy in future episodes.  On other shows, I would kind of roll my eyes, like, "of course they bring in yet another guy who is attracted to the female lead," but I really don't question why Nancy captures so much interest.

    I do want to see Tamura again soon, though.  He is so handsome, even though his head is objectively physically enormous.

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  20. Now I'm wondering if the funeral is for Kyle's mom.  She left town, but I imagine she would come back if Kyle is seriously injured, recovering in the hospital (or dead, with his funeral happening at another time).  She would have gone after the people who did that to Kyle, and the only one of the regular characters who seem really, really upset is Max, who used to work for Kyle's mom and had more of a relationship with her than anyone else they've shown at the funeral.

    I'm still really mehhhh about the Wyatt redemption thing.  Hopefully it's over.  It's so easy and unearned and frankly, I find it to be the opposite of inspiring or hopeful.  He didn't come to disavow his racism and violence through hard work and changing his mind.  He just forgot what he had done, what he had believed, and the major loss event in his life that was the impetus for his racism.  OK, I'll give him a point for resisting the racist influences around him now and maybe all the show is really trying to say is that racists are made - if factors are different, they don't turn out that way, but I'm still not here to see this.  I know redemption arcs are common, especially in genre shows where supernatural forces are at work - vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. did all kinds of horrible things, but oh, that spell has been broken, that intrinsic nature was overcome by their sheer will and honorable strength, they lost their marbles avenging an unholy, evil act committed against their families - tons of the collateral damage, but you can kinda understand, right? etc.  But I am not into this here.

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  21. On 8/11/2021 at 9:20 AM, chediavolo said:

    And most of the TV anchors are quite thin so this was not believable at all also what was up with a terrible terrible wig? I


    On 8/11/2021 at 2:30 PM, GaT said:

    I wondered about the wig also because it was really distracting so I looked up her photo to see what she really looks like, (photo from May) & I don't understand why they used a bad wig instead of her own hair.


    On 8/14/2021 at 11:35 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    I have no idea but I do recall she wore a wig on Scandal too and sometimes it wasn't great there either. Many actresses choose to wear wigs to save time or because the show they're on doesn't provide adequate/any hairdressers.

    Apparently,  Bellamy has been dealing with hair loss for almost two decades.  I just saw an article with her talking about it (and promoting a product line) - https://www.usmagazine.com/stylish/news/bellamy-young-gets-real-about-hair-loss-mental-health/.  What we've been seeing for a long time is usually not 100% her real hair.  It's been supplemented by extensions or a full-on wig.  So her wig on this show may not have been great, but that's why she wears one.

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  22. I just want Darnell to be happy.  I would absolutely watch a spinoff of him and Trey starting over somewhere else.

    The gang sure got lucky that Gene was fired.  Otherwise, he could look up the phone number Murphy dialed from the station and track that phone.

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  23. Nothing on this show ever resonates for me.  Yes, I think it's a very silly show that takes itself incredibly seriously, but I've felt emotional about things that have happened on bad shows before.  Here - nothing.

    It took me way too long to watch the two-parter because my mind just kept wandering.  Then I'd rewind 1-2 minutes to catch what I hadn't the first time, only for my mind to immediately wander again.

    Sucks to play a mostly hated character, so too bad for Holly Taylor.  (I say mostly instead of universal since Angelina probably has some fans?  Somewhere?)

    Speaking of awful characters, Calamander sucks, too.  And Olive is going to feel terrible when she gets out of the basement.

    I'm not sure if Grace is really dead, either.  I think Ben's brain would explode from the overload of grief plus constant obsessing over the lifeboat and how Angelina has threatened it.  If she did kill Grace, can Angelina actually be redeemed?  And why did it look like she stabbed Grace with a sword?  That handle didn't look like a knife handle.  Did Cal tell her the Stones hide a sword in a bush next to the gnome hiding the house key?

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