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Posts posted by ladle

  1. You know that episode of "Frasier" where they have a focus group to evaluate Frasier's radio show, and one participant, played by Tony Shalhoub, can only contribute, "I just don't like him."  No elaboration, no explanation.  "I just don't like him."  That's sort of how I feel about Heather. 


    On paper, in principle, I feel like I should like her.  But I just don't like her.  And I can't really put my finger on why, except maybe it goes back to the mud run when she told Kristin she'd have her back, and then literally left her behind in the dust.  That seems like quintessential Heather.


    I just don't like her.

    • Love 7
  2. I know [beth's] always been acerbic, but I don't remember her being this bitchy and harsh. To the point where I think something's wrong with her.



    You could be right, but I think also the show in general has gotten more scripted and forced.  I recognize that it was always forced to a degree, but it seemed more organic when Beth was last on.  Now I see her and feel like she's trying very hard to be "Bethenny the Character (!!*jazz hands*!!)".

    • Love 5
  3. And for the love of Pete! Brandi is, what, three years younger than Kyle? Why is she acting like she's an entire generation younger with these menopause remarks?

    I wonder if it's actually true that Kyle is in early menopause, and she told Brandi that while they were "friends" and now Brandi's throwing it back in her face.  That would be 100% consistent with Brandi's personality.  Even people in Ohio should be able to see that. 

    • Love 5
  4. Admittedly, my entire knowledge of the uniform code of military justice is confined to viewings of "A Few Good Men," but how can Ian be charged with going AWOL if he enlisted under a fake identity and was too young to enlist at the time?  (I mean, I'm sure using the false identity is *some* crime, but if you're too young to enlist, how can you be AWOL?)  And wouldn't his (now well-documented) bipolar disorder be a good defense here?  Also, how did they know his name was Ian?  Did Sammi tell them?  This whole season, whenever Lip was dealing with getting his grant money, I thought his name was going to ping as a military deserter ... but, with the federal government, I guess it's plausible the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.  

    • Love 4
  5. I liked the baby shower scene in season 1 when Charlotte was upset that her baby name was stolen and Samantha said "you BITCH!!!" I loved that.


    This is one of my absolute favorite scenes from the show for that reason.  Sam never hesitated, she immediately defended Charlotte and I loved it.




    See, I read this scene differently.  I thought Samantha was just waiting for an excuse to unload on Lainey, and Charlotte gave it to her.  I do agree that Sam typically had the other women's backs, though (and I also loved that line!).


    So I get Carrie not feeling like she could go on with Big. What I don't get is Carrie continuing to go back to him knowing how he is, letting him hurt her all over again, then indulging in his discontent with his grad-school-aged wife while simultaneously sabotaging and hurting Aiden



    Unfortunately, I can relate to this.  That was one plot arc on the show that always rang true, to me.  I wasn't as stupid about it as Carrie (I hope...) and I didn't end up with the guy, but I and (I think?) many others can relate to the masochistic pull of an on-again/off-again relationship with a person you just can't seem to shake.  I hate that everything was magically "fixed" and they ended up together -- but I did see myself in that relationship at times.


    Also, I LOAAAATHED Berger but I do have to say, I thought that was one of the most realistic relationships in the run of the series.  His professional insecurity, the devolution of their relationship -- heck, even the post-it note -- it all rang very, very true to me.


    I used to live in New York, and I miss it.  And I miss this show, you guys!

    • Love 1
  6. Also, I watched the commercial where Meri signs the documents and talks about her heart pounding (and I also saw Robyn's gross fake-crying face), and I wondered if Meri was talking and moving so slowly because -- even IF she was a part of the decision -- deep down she was hoping the Kody would yell, "STOP!  Don't sign it!  I can't let you do this, I love you too much!"

    Watching that scene, I felt a weird emotion I'd never felt before.  I felt legitimately sorry for Meri.


    Janelle must be dead inside not to have paper cut Robyn to death with her own Victoria Secret credit card statements.


    This is fantastic prose.

    • Love 4
  7. Why not see if Robin's ex will terminate his parental rights (which would seem to be the biggest hurdle here) first, and then if you're able to get him to do that, go through with the divorce/remarriage?  This is a drastic step to take for potentially no payoff.  I mean, I assume this is all bs anyway, but even their bs story makes no sense.  Just make your bullshit logically consistent, Browns - that's all I ask!


    Also, I can't help it: I love Jenelle.  "I'm not going to comment on this."  HA!

    • Love 2
  8. Who was that random (non-Caucasian?) child in the living room with the Browns at the beginning of the episode?

    Is it just me or are the show-runners allowing outsiders to be more critical of the Browns this season?  In the past, whenever it looked like folks were about to tear into the Browns' lifestyle, it was typically a bait and switch .... Now we have people actively questioning them on difficult issues.


    Minor point, but I think it's telling of the power dynamics in these relationships: Kody mentioned that he "gathered Garrison, Gabriel, and Janelle," NOT "Janelle and I gathered Gabriel and Garrison," to discuss the fight.


    If those two so called students had any inkling of what they were doing, they would of been silent and just observing.



    As a social scientist, I just want to say that's not accurate.  The purpose of ethnography/participant observation is to integrate yourself within a community.  Sometimes researchers are passive fly-on-the-wall observers but other times they choose to be more active participants, and that's fine too from a methodological standpoint.  I could give you numerous examples of legitimate studies in which the researchers actively participated in the communities being studied.  In fact, I once had a reviewer be critical of my work because he felt I had erred *too* much on the passive side in my approach.  That said, there were multiple issues with what these "anthropologists" were doing, and I do wish someone at some point would have clarified that the purpose of ethnography is NOT to determine whether you, personally, "agree" with a lifestyle or about determining whether it's "good or bad."  I mean, shit, that's one of the first things I tell my freshmen in our methods course.  Social science is not a normative project. 


    Meanwhile, my husband and I are going on a Valentine's date tonight.  Maybe I'll feed him off my fork!  Wouldn't that be zany??  What would the waiter think!?  It'll be the craziest prank ever!

    • Love 7
  9. I sometimes wonder why, to keep things "fair," Kody doesn't just divorce one of his four wives and legally remarry another one, in sequence, every four years or something.  I think I remember hearing that's what Tom Green did.  I guess maybe that would get expensive with all of the divorces (like this family cares about what makes financial sense?) but it seems wildly unfair to me that one wife should always have all of the legal rights.


    I think your take on Robyn being so wrapped up in herself is spot on



    I agree with this assessment as well.  And didn't the fortune teller in that one episode even say something similar to Robyn, about how Robyn knows how to always land on her feet?  I, too, don't think Robyn is evil or anything, but I do think she looks out for #1.  And: Robyn may be a moron, but she's no moron, you know?


    As others have mentioned, assuming Jessop terminated his parental rights, Kody would not need to marry Robyn in order to adopt her kids.  Maybe, as someone pointed out upthread, this has something to do with Mariah getting financial aid? 

    • Love 1
  10. How am I just learning about this?!  Stupid job, kid, and husband getting in the way of my reality TV enjoyment... Admittedly I know nothing about bankruptcy that I haven't gleaned from following Real Housewives of New Jersey, but I'm still confused about how this would be a bankruptcy move.  Couldn't Kody and Robyn still have filed for bankruptcy separately?  

  11. I think Robyn said one thing this entire episode, and I was still like, "Shut UP, Robyn!"  Seriously, you're going to sagely weigh in on Aspyn and Mykelti's childhood dynamics, like you're OG?  Take a freaking seat.  I so wish I had the time and ability to register the domain www.shutuprobyn.com.  It would feature some of the highlights from Robyn's talking heads.

    • Love 3
  12. My gosh, Christine is exhausting.  She reminds me so much of a co-worker of mine who seizes upon any slight (real or imagined - but mostly imagined) and prolongs it for so long after the fact that everyone's sick of hearing about it.  Like Christine, she has the awareness to realize that how she's acting is maybe a little nuts and that it's impacting others, yet does not modify her behavior accordingly!  It's draining enough to work with, I can't even imagine what it would be like to live with. 


    And I write this as someone who thinks Kody is a megadouche and generally likes Christine better than two out of the other three wives.


    Also, maybe I'm a stick in the mud, but I hope they cleaned up the marshmallows.

    • Love 3
  13. I'm hanging onto this show to see what dirt Jenelle spills on Meri (It's like the producers were reading these boards and decided to make our dreams come true!-- though I'm afraid I'll once again be disappointed) but, my God, these people.  When Logan said that he was participating in the graduation video but he didn't really have time to do it, that was the most intelligent thing anyone said all episode.  Why do his parents have time to do all that?  Aren't they soooo busy with joory and comb-over maintenance and managing their seething resentment toward each other?


    Also, I thought it was interesting that Jenelle mentioned that she and Meri had been "friends" but didn't mention that she had been married to Meri's brother.  Has she ever mentioned that on the show?


    I just turned it on and i can feel my back teeth hurting already.



    Perhaps that's just your hormones escaping through your mouth?

    • Love 10
  14. Haha, just when I thought I'd be able to go my whole life without being accused of being Jill Zarin... :)  But hey, I always enjoyed Jill on RHONY.  I found her complete lack of self-awareness bizarrely captivating.  


    But, yeah, I guess it's possible that Ally's weight fluctuates and she was at the low end of the scale when I saw her.  It was just so shocking to me, the difference between what I saw in person and what I'd seen on the screen.  Ah well.  

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