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Posts posted by ladle

  1. On 12/10/2023 at 5:27 PM, heatherchandler said:

    Its like someone said above- they can’t afford the fancy private schools and they would dare to send them to public school, so they only have one choice.

    I was totally shocked to hear PK say that he wanted to send the kids "back to public school." That just seems so off-brand for them! 

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  2. On 12/7/2023 at 12:11 PM, TattleTeeny said:

    I'm amused by Dorit's casual jeans ensembles. Never thought I'd be dressed similarly to her of all people.

    Dorit's one of my least favorite Housewives, but I have to say that she looks absolutely gorgeous in jeans, a sweater, and glasses. I wish she'd stop messing around with fussy outfits and tinfoil in her hair, but I guess I don't understand faaaaashun. 

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  3. On 12/7/2023 at 7:22 AM, Pi237 said:

    But I feel like we’re missing a step that explains Sutton’s new hatred for Kyle. 

    I'm so interested in knowing the actual order of operations here. Did Kyle get wind that Sutton was going to use the cheating rumors as a plot point, and retaliate by bringing up Sutton's drinking? Or, did Sutton get wind that Kyle was going to use "Sutton's a drunk" as a plot point, and retaliate by bringing up the cheating rumors? The editing of the show makes it seem like the former, but perhaps it's the latter?

    Regardless, *reclines and lights up a J*, I'm immensely enjoying this season. 

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  4. On 12/6/2023 at 9:06 PM, RoseAllDay said:

    Loved Mikey giving career advice.

    Was Mikey slightly less terrible in that scene than he usually is, or is it like the women's frozen, reworked faces where I've become so inured to them over time that they start seeming more and more okay and normal? 

    FWIW, PK also seemed normal and reasonable in this episode... 

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  5. @65mickey, I do think it's a good point that there's a racial dynamic here, with a white woman yelling at a Black kid that he's out of place. I was considering the incident through my own (privileged) lens as a white person/mother, but Garcelle is used to her kids being treated differently by larger society (and specifically the cast of this show). So I could see how this would land differently for her. That's a really fair point.  

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  6. Okay, I'm going to say something, and I know I'm going to get excoriated but... *deep breath* .... here it goes:

    I don't think what Erika "did" to Jax was that bad.

    I say this as someone who generally likes Garcelle and loathes Erika. And I say this as a mother. It's not like Erika was yelling at Garcelle's son. She was telling him to "fuck off" in a lighthearted way -- I thought the gist seemed to be that she was saying what a good kid he was for hanging around and that he should go home. And this is not a 5-year-old. This is a teen. A teen who was raised in L.A., adjacent to the entertainment industry. Pretty sure he's heard the f-word a time or two. Hell, my 9-year-old has heard the f-work and knows what it means. She also know now what "DILF" means because she randomly read it on a bathroom wall, but I digress...

    Now, should Erika have said what she did? NOPE! If I had been Garcelle, I would have been pissed! But, for Garcelle to bring it up over a year later, after everyone's already apologized? For her to scold Dorit for not scolding Erika in the moment (again, over a year later)? For her to say that Erika should have apologized to her son (after telling the women that she didn't feel comfortable with them around her kids... Like, again, I haaaaate Erika, but I can understand why she wouldn't have approached Jax directly)? For Garcelle to compare the incident to Dorit literally being held at gunpoint in her home

    Come on.

    Okay, commence throwing the tomatoes. 

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  7. I don't want to be an ass, and I truly wish happiness for all, but I cannot work up the energy to care about Crystal's brother's ex-fiancee who didn't even consent to have her image on the show. I can barely work up the energy to care about Crystal's own plotlines ("What plotlines?" you ask) as she is such a non-entity on the show this season. 

    What's next? A storyline about Dorit's thief's dog groomer? Sutton's ex-husband's urologist? 

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  8. On 11/25/2023 at 10:06 AM, ZettaK said:

    Sutton made a scene though. Before any women followed, even Garcelle, she rushed out, and she told the camera crew loudly while trying to remove her mic pack "I'm taking the f...... mic pack off" by the entrance. 

    I feel like that could be read as Sutton not trying to make a scene. She didn't want her exit to become a "thing" on the show. 

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  9. Oh I totally agree that this is what they do. Every decision is dissected, every minor comment debated ad nauseam. It must be exhausting to be on this show, knowing that any of your “friends” would turn on you, given the right conditions. 

    I still think we can critique them for what they do.

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  10. 25 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    No one is dogging her for not drinking tho Garcelle made a comment and moved on and so did Dorit .. it was just new to them because she does Normally drink .... and it is strange all the sudden to stop .. now if they continue to harp on it then yes id see having a problem but as of now no one really cares it seems

    Garcelle asked Kyle, about the drinking, “How much longer is this going to go on?” To me, that seemed unsupportive. Dorit bemoaned the fact that Kyle isn’t getting wild and crazy with her (aka drinking with her) on this trip. When the women were together in the morning talking about Kyle’s exercising and sobriety, Dorit said these things were “unsustainable.”

    Personally, I love a good drink! But if a friend told me they weren’t drinking anymore for health reasons I’d just say “great” and keep it moving. 

    Of course, this is RHW, so standard rules of decorum will not apply… 

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  11. On 11/15/2023 at 9:40 PM, Straycat80 said:

    Probably unpopular opinion but : I hate when people criticize other people for making the decision to not drink alcohol anymore.

    I don’t know why that opinion would be unpopular! It’s really crappy the way the other women are going at Kyle for her sobriety, and acting like it’s some sign of dysfunction. Even Garcelle, from whom I’d generally expect better. 

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