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Posts posted by fishcakes

  1. This was a particularly obnoxious group of contestants. I'm sure not all Gen Zs are this heinous, so they're clearly casting specifically for the worst of the worst. The dude ranch guy was likeable and the doctor (I feel like I want to put that in scare quotes until I see some verification) was inoffensive, but rest of them would benefit from a good shaking. Shirtless pics guy was really bad, but I found Becca worse. Even before she said anything, I could tell from that smug look on her face that she would be hard to take, and she was.

    13 hours ago, mlp said:

    A professional cornhole player?  Seriously?  If that's what I did for a living, I don't think I'd admit it.  I didn't like anything about her including her voice and ripped jeans so I suppose she'll hang on for weeks.

    I was trying to have sympathy for her based on her having to look at her husband's mullet. But then she used teriyaki sauce on lamb, so I want them both in jail.

    12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    Gen Z made salmon and mashed potatoes, lava cake , lamb souvlaki, Chinese dumplings, a stir fry. Those are examples of Gen Z dishes? They seem pretty ordinary dishes that have been around forever.

    That's what I was thinking. It sounded like a menu from a chain restaurant where it's mostly steak and fries or burger and rings, but then they add a few dishes like jambalaya or fajitas, which they describe on the menu as "authentic."

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  2. Tonight's episode description:


    The 12 remaining entrepreneurs partner with Delish to maximize their promotional abilities; Teams Ramsay and Vanderpump create a Fourth of July inspired recipe that can be easily recreated from a 30-minute cook-a-long demonstration.

    Right, because there's nothing a group of Brits wants to see more than a Fourth of July cooking demonstration.

    • LOL 5
  3. 3 hours ago, Anduril said:

    I was born in February 1981 which would make me part of the oldest millennials. But I think my generation can be divided up as well. I didn’t have internet access until I was 15-16. I don’t have anything in common with someone who has always had it growing up.

    This is a good example of how the generational stereotypes are meaningless. I was born in the early '60s, making me a late Boomer/original Xer, and I've been on the internet since the late 1980s because I worked at a university, and colleges/government had internet earlier than businesses and the general public. Granted it was mostly green screen and text back then and images were usually just ASCII code, but we managed to evolve as the net did. So I'm alternately amused/irritated when younger people act like Baby Boomers don't know how to turn on their computers because I'm thinking, "well, we invented the internet, but please do continue." Recently, a millennial youthsplained to me how instagram carousel posts work as if I don't get IG here in the nursing home or cemetery or wherever it is she imagines I live.

    14 hours ago, dmeets said:

    Joe’s insistence that peppers should be skinless, and therefore slimy, has greatly reduced my desire to eat at one of his restaurants.

    Haha, even Lydia was taking pains to distance herself from him and his nonsense. He's always making declarations about the "right" way to do things and they always sound absurd, so my guess is he's not much of a cook himself. I vaguely remember he did a demonstration once on the show with Lydia leading him through it. He's said that although he's not a professional chef he could beat Gordon in a cooking competition, and I would very much like to see him try that. Gordon would be plating up his entire meal while Joe was still peeling peppers.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    That's an interesting take, I have always read that Gen Y was the original term for Millennials but the term Millennial took over as the more common one so Gen Y fizzled out. 

    Gen Y was the original term for what's now considered Gen X. I remember at the time people in that generation (so slightly younger than me) saying it sounded dumb, whereas they thought Gen X sounded much cooler, which is why, I assume, they took it. And real Gen Xers, being as apathetic as we are, were like, yeah, whatever, no one cares about this. Then Gen Y did become the original term for Millennials, and I guess they didn't like it either, heh. Honestly though I find the subsequent Y - Z - Alpha naming scheme so lazy. It's like when Survivor got to the season after Winners at War and then said, "eh, let's just call this next season 41."

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  5. 5 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    People sometimes give Boston Rob a hard time for showing up overweight (and it proved unnecessary on Deal or No Deal Island), but he does it to compensate. 

    Partly that but partly, as Tyson has pointed out, that Rob is a "portly gentleman." I expect he'll turn up on Traitors next season looking every bit the 47-year-old rocking a dad bod that he is. He does get some shit about it from viewers, but he looks like he's living the life, so I say good for him.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    Generation Jones was a phrase coined by a writer who felt the same way and postulated another generation in between Boomers and Gen X.  It roughly starts at 1955 and ends in 1965, so it's basically the tail end of the current Baby Boom birth years.

    The term Generation X started this way too. When Douglas Coupland published his novel (1991, I think) (also there's a non-fiction book that came out around the same time written by Geoffrey Holtz), he said that Gen X were not a full generation; the term was meant to designate those Baby Boomers who were born between the late '50s and mid- '60s because he and other social commentators felt that we differed from other Baby Boomers in significantly different ways, primarily economic, but also we seemed more -- how can I put this? -- pessimistic and less ambitious. I even recall that at that time, people born in 1965 or later were called Generation Y (the term Millennial hadn't come into use), but those original Gen Y's kept referring to themselves as Gen X, so eventually they got folded in. Eventually, Gen X came to be roughly 1965 - 1980, Gen Y became Millennial, and the original Gen X (or as I think of it, the only true Gen Xers) went back to being considered Baby Boomers. I think this is how Generation Jones came into use; since Gen Y had coopted the Gen X term, Gen Jones was used to designate what was originally Gen X. Coupland (born in 1961) in more recent interviews goes along with the newer designations, but I can't help but think in his heart of hearts, he's a little pissed off.

    39 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    From what I saw in the previews, they act as if they created how to cook. Like their parents and people before them hadn’t heard of the concept or also knew how to cook.

    I think all the generations are going to do this throughout the auditions, and I can only hope everyone will tone it down as the season progresses. The Boomers were doing that this week too. Lydia said something about how they were the basis of all cooking, and one of the cheftestants said a similar thing. Like, sure, there was no cooking before Boomers got old enough to invent the stove. Before that it was all raw meat and standing in a field eating grains right off the stalk.

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  7. 8 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I seriously hate whatever previous newish era season started with the whole resume thing, but I hope eventually someone comes along and breaks it.  I've never seen a cast more obsessed than this one with big, flashy resume moves.  And the one who really had some of the least on her resume ended up winning.  What's the big deal?  It's always going to be a popularity contest in the end anyway. 

    I blame Penner for that mess. He was the one who counseled Lisa Whelchel that she needed a "story" to tell the jury and for a few seasons after that players would talk about having to have a good story. At some point, "story" morphed into "resume." Some long-gone poster put it best when they said they didn't care about big moves, their criteria was just "play game, don't be asshole, that's all I ask."

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  8. 24 minutes ago, dosodog said:

    In 1982, I had nachos for the first time.  It was Doritos, covered in American sliced cheese and Old El Paso "salsa".

    I confess that I'm fond of ballpark nachos, which is just a basket of chips with melted processed cheese poured on top.

    • LOL 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    And Maria shared that people have been calling and texting her and her business.  I’m in the camp that thinks Maria is bitter and just can’t own that, but this is taking it too far.  

    Yeah, fans or viewers should never send any hate directly to the players or intrude into their personal lives. At the same time, it's hard to have sympathy for Maria because she's claimed that Charlie was "stirring things up" against her, when actually he's asked people more than once not to send her hateful messages, and she also seems to be trying to sic her own fans on Venus. I just think Maria is incredibly immature and dishonest.

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  10. 5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    In other news, I saw on SM there’s more drama with Venus/Maria/Tevin/Q.  I guess it stems from something Venus said in a cameo to a fan (who then posted it) about listening through a door and overhearing Maria campaigning against Charlie in the jury house.  Q then posted something in Maria’s defense, Venus deleted her Twitter (again), she’s called Q out, Maria said she wants her megaphone, Tevin’s tried calling Venus a liar…

    It is just so, so messy. Venus's Cameo was someone asking her why she thought Maria voted against Charlie and Venus only said what a lot of people are thinking, that Maria was being bitter and petty, but she also said it was just her opinion. Then Q posted a video on twitter claiming that Venus had been spying on them at Ponderosa, Maria posted three or four times that I saw saying she was no longer going to be silent about Venus's lies and seemingly trying to rally her fans against Venus. Then Tevin tweeted some anti-Venus thing. And then Soda, who no one has been talking about at all, jumped in with a long ass thing about how she's being slandered and attacked. Most of the tweets have now been deleted, but a lot was happening on instagram and I'm not sure what's still up there.

    Also, someone posted a photo of Tevin and Hunter together at a  gas station at night, and suddenly there was a ton of speculation that they were a couple. Hunter denied it and is now posting tons of photos of himself and Tiffany together, I guess hoping that if people assume he's boning someone, it's Tiff and not Tevin. Doesn't seem to be working.

    As for whether Maria IS a petty person? I mean ... Venus posted a picture of herself and Maria standing in front of graffiti reading "Free Palestine." Maria then posted the picture on twitter, but with Venus cropped out of it.

    It is the craziest thing I've ever seen in a post-season Survivor cast.

    5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    if only this cast was on Big Brother.

    I really want this to happen. The whole cast in the BB house for a hundred days. All of them, even Jelinsky and Bhanu. As long as Charlie gets out alive, I say whatever happens, happens.



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  11. All the "my generation is the best!" talk might drive me away this season. That kind of thing is so tiresome, and how does it even apply to food? It was obnoxious enough last season with the geographical teams, but that at least made some sense in that there are geographical food differences/trends in the U.S. But this season the show would have us believe that only millennials use air fryers and boomers do what? Churn their own butter, I guess.

    The only contestant I liked was the Vietnamese guy and his plate was the only one that looked remotely appetizing to me. It wasn't particularly special, but it looked like something that I'd want to eat. Everything else just looked bad.

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  12. I missed the first episode, so I'm trying to imagine how bad the other hopefuls must have been for Tyler to be selected to be on the show instead of one of them.

    Not sure why, if the goal is to find America's Next Food Star, that they're doing this in London, but I guess why not? is a good a reason as any.

    12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    Did team Ramsey actually make mexican food with kraft singles?

    That was horrifying but funny. I'm surprised Gordon didn't come in and just end the show forever at that point. And I like Kraft Singles, but you don't make tacos and quesadillas with them.

    So far, I like the pretzel truck guy and anyone who didn't speak last night.

    • Like 4
  13. I've always said the person who wins deserves to win and that's no different this season, but damn. Charlie played a better strategic game than Kenzie did and while I have no problem with someone winning because they had a good social game, Charlie's social game was just as good as hers. Yes, she was kind and helpful to Ben, but we also saw Charlie being kind and supportive of Ben and others. The difference is that he didn't give numerous self-congratulatory confessionals and talk in TC about how helping people is his natural state of being.

    Even her statement about what she'd do with the money was her painting herself as an altruist. She said about her salon, "I make no money off the chairs I rent." Except she does. She makes the rental money. Instead of hiring employees and having to insure them and taking a percentage of what the stylist charges, the owner rents the chairs out. That's how a lot of small salons work. Also not super impressed with "this is the first time I'm doing something just for myself." She's in her twenties. It's not like she's lived decades upon decades of self-sacrifice. And I like Kenzie. But give me a fucking break.

    I'm proud to say I've disliked Maria since the beginning. I don't think she's that great a player. Yes, she won challenges, but her big strategic move after she lost the F5 IC was to go to Charlie and Liz and attempt to paint Ben as a diabolical, deceptive mastermind. BEN! The guy who just wants to make Van Halen references and get some sleep.

    Her vote was probably 60% against Charlie because he succeeded at voting her out where she failed at doing the same to him and 40% for Kenzie because she relentlessly kissed Maria's ass at the TC where she got voted out. That entire tribal council was nauseating, and the standing ovation was absurd. She's not Sandra or Parvati or any other legendary player. She's the person who tried to sell Ben as an evil genius and who thought teaming up with Q = success. She was a decent player in a season of unprecedented strategic blunders, but that's all.

    41 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    As delusional as Liz clearly is, I think that her decision to help Kenzie in that challenge was brilliant. At least in terms of how she saw the game. She wasn’t going to win that challenge, but she might win the next one if Maria was gone.  Why not do everything in her power to defeat her biggest threat while she could?

    It’s not cheating if it’s allowed.

    I agree with this, and honestly, that was the only time I liked Liz all season. But then she went completely off the beam again with all the talk of how she's the biggest threat but now she might lose the game because of her wrists. Like others have said, I too wanted her to be in FTC just for the reality check of zero votes, but Venus's alarmed face and everyone else uncomfortably pretending they weren't even there while Liz was going off about how the other three were lucky she lost at fire made up for it.

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  14. I like Angie and Will together. I only read the first book, though (and truly hated it and am now pretending the books don't exist), so I only know the characters from the show. I don't know if that makes a difference.

    I also like that Angie and Betty have bonded. It was sweet when Angie laid down on the floor and immediately reached up to Nico for Betty.

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  15. Will [cop voice]: Angela Polaski
    Me: ohhhh nooo he's arresting her
    Will [normal voice]: Will you marry me?
    Me: wait, what
    Will [giddy]: SHE SAID YES!
    Everyone in squad room: Yaaaaayyyy!
    Me: lol oh this is fake

    Even so, the imaginary lifetime was very touching, but I could not grasp that "Betty Maria White Trent" was Betty. I was wondering who that was and then it dawned on me and fortunately things were moving fast so I didn't burst into tears. I think it's hilarious that his kids got him another purse dog.

    Ormewood's wife is making me side with Ormewood.

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  16. I've seen several people mention that Vinnie speaks Spanish because he grew up in the Philippines, so this is not singling out anyone in particular, but the primary language in the Philippines is Tagalog, not Spanish. English is also an official language there, but Spanish is not widely spoken. Vinnie didn't seem that proficient in Spanish to me, but also I don't like him so was never inclined to give him any benefit of any doubt. (My super secret message to Amber: Run, girl, RUN.)

    Juan was clearly fluent in Spanish as was either Yvonne or Melissa. I don't know which one because they got a fairly invisible edit for a team that made it that far into the race.

    Ricky and Cesar probably did benefit a little from being able to converse with the locals when getting directions, but I don't think that was the deciding factor in their win. They were also good navigators, athletic, and didn't let setbacks (not that they had many) psych them out. I don't think you can consistently place in the number one or two spot based on language ability alone. They weren't an interesting team (to me, anyway), but they were deserving of the win.

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  17. 11 hours ago, twoods said:

    I’m also worried that Crystal is the serial killer by Will’s shocked face in the previews.

    That was what made me think Crystal as well. It has to be someone he knows, so I was thinking Crystal, Pee Pee Percy, or Paul Campano, but the latter two seem unlikely. Percy just wants to work and maybe be friends with Will, and Paul is supposed to be a little bastardy but good at heart.

    I got a little choked up when Antonio's dog sadly picked up the cheeseburger squeaky toy on his way out.

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  18. 2 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

    Did the show put up any sort of placard in the last few episodes that I might have missed addressing the passing of Sonja the first ever person to get their torch snuffed on SURVIVOR? If they didn't they should for the finale.

    They didn't. I believe the only person they've done that for is Rudy. Someone posted an article in the media thread about all the players who've died and it's a substantial list. There were a few that I hadn't heard about until now.

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  19. Charlie looks like he has a stylist out there. It's always so strange that there are people like Charlie and Venus, who at 3 weeks plus, look like they just got back from a haircut and shopping trip, and then there are people like Liz who look like they slept in a mud puddle. Yet another reason I could never do this show because I would definitely be the mud puddle version of me.

    Maria is a Black Widow in that every person she's been in an alliance with is now out of the game except for Charlie and that's only because she failed. Q not playing his idol is partly her fault because she convinced him that he was safe. She's so full of herself that she didn't believe Charlie would turn on her and it never seemed to occur to her that Kenzie and Liz, who have had long and loud grudges against Q, would lie to her about keeping him over Charlie. If this leads to her getting voted out next time, she has only her own hubris to blame.

    I'm glad they didn't, but really the smarter move would have been to vote out Charlie because he's so likeable. Ben/Liz/Kenzie would all lose if either Charlie or Maria is in F3 (assuming that Maria comes across better in person than she does on TV). They need to get rid of both and this might have been their only shot at him. Ben and Kenzie are basically the same to me post-merge. Neither has really done anything.

    3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I'm also tired of Jeff working hard to get sad stories-'Liz why are you upset?', 'Maria why are you upset?'  We know why Jeff, you don't have to include a segment in which they explain the obvious to us.

    I would have switched all my allegiance to Maria if, when Jeff asked her that, she had turned to Charlie, given him a possessed-by-Satan face and screamed, "I BEGGED!"

    28 minutes ago, blackwing said:

    It's been a long long time since a woman over the age of 40 has won (Denise, over 20 seasons ago) and the only other woman age 40+ who has ever won was Tina Wesson.

    Tina was only 39, but she looked a lot older. I remember because when I learned her age, I committed to never going outside without sunscreen.

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  20. Jordan being the final contestant was the worst for me in terms of interest because I didn't care if she did well or poorly against the banker. If it had been Rob, I'd been rooting for him to win a lot and if it were Amy or Stephanie I would have been hoping they ended up with next to nothing, but Jordan? Meh. I mean, good for her, but she lost me when she turned down the first million plus offer. If someone offers you a million dollars, you don't risk that.

    OTOH, this game is so dumb, it ended up not being a risk because the offer went up even though the case she eliminated after that was the $13M one. At that point, the offer should have gone waaaay down, but instead Howie increased it by a few thousand? That's stupid. I never watched the original show, but if that's how they did it, with the offer never decreasing, then everyone could just stay in it until the next to last round, then take the offer, and even an alleged "bad deal" would still be pretty damn good.

    Stephanie's evil grinning while Rob was being eliminated was more than made up for by her going out two minutes later. And I was honestly shocked by Amy trying to bounce Jordan off the rope. I can't remember ever seeing anyone trying (and being allowed!) to interfere with another player that way on any other show before. There was an incident on The Amazing Race where a team tried to move some equipment needed in a challenge to make it harder for following teams to find it, but they were immediately penalized for it.

    I probably wouldn't watch another season of this without a known reality show veteran, or better, an entire cast of them, but the non-suitcase part of the show was pretty fun, so I might watch for that.


  21. 2 hours ago, Thalia said:

    But there has to be a segment of people who will forever after be saying, "Boston Rob?  Isn't he the guy who cheated on DONDI?"

    These would be the same people who are still saying that Rob and Amber cheated at Survivor by getting married. They've been married for almost 20 years and have four daughters, but still these fools are like, "yes, that was all part of the plan so they could split $550,000 after-tax dollars."

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  22. 19 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

    And Maria's choice making was pretty interesting and not a great look. But it definitely makes it clear that everyone really loathes Liz on a deep level. Like, how bad do you have to be that twice in a row, people have an opportunity to provide food to a starving person and they find ways not to do it.

    It's especially bad because Liz was the fifth vote Maria needed to blindside Tiffany. Liz has been salivating over the idea of voting out Q; there were finally enough votes to at least force a tie and then somehow Maria convinces her to vote out Tiff, who as far we know Liz had no problem with. Then within hours, Maria has the chance to thank her with some pizza and instead makes her ... fight Q for it. Haha, I hate them all, so it's fine.

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