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  1. I like this family too; they are all so supportive of each other. The show is also showing real issues people who have eating disorders deal with. I hope it comes back too.
  2. A lot of people who post things here simply do not understand the dynamics of addiction. As someone who has lost over 100 pounds at least 3 times in my life, it is not as simple as "knowing what to eat and moving more." I've read it all, tried it all - except surgery, and it is a lifelong chronic problem for many people with no "cure." It is more than willpower can fix. It is more than surgery can fix; a lot people undergoing these surgeries have long-term health problems because of it. There is more to morbid obesity than even the medical/psychological community understands. Too much money is being made off of fat people for the medical industry or the science industry to find decent solutions. A fairly new good read out right now is Sylvia Tara's "Secret Life of Fat." It chronicles the science behind why so many gain their lost weight back. Unfortunately, people who are obese are judged by others who are "driven crazy" because of their behavior. Instead of judgment, how about sincere compassion and hopes that someday there will be a solution.
  3. Thanks for the update! This clip looked familiar, but the stories are all so similar. I agree, it's hard to watch. Is it bad that I'm happy it's coming back for another season? I've lost over 100 pounds myself and this show is part of my maintenance plan, to remind me where NOT to go. I didn't do it through surgery though. I really don't think these patients are prepared for how everything can change after such a huge weight loss. I do wish they would talk more about the psychiatric/emotional aspects of this process they go through. Thanks again for posting!
  4. I was wondering about season 5 also...anyone have any info?
  5. Anyone seen this?? OMG!! http://cheezburger.com/932613/this-couples-relationship-goal-is-to-eat-until-woman-becomes-so-fat-she-cant-move?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=ss&utm_campaign=dailydot
  6. I usually just lurk, but can't help wondering if TLC "planned" for Whit to spiral out of control and then they can spend a couple of seasons with her losing weight and getting her life under control. She's just way off this season. In the beginning she talked about her thinning hair and always wanting to wear extensions. This season she can't even seem to find a brush. Just seems too odd...
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