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Posts posted by Fellaway

  1. You might as well say zero children then, because Sonny and Carly don't count Morgan at all, heh.


    Ain't that the truth.  I might not consider Michael to be Sonny's son - It galls me whenever anyone says he is. - but they sure count him as such, and their favoritism is no kinds of subtle.  With that and Michael now being with his ex-wife, I give Morgan all kinds of credit for being any kind of a decent brother to Michael.


    I just hate the ridiculous nonsensical hypocrisy of it all.


    The number of inveterate hypocrites on this show boggles the mind.


    Maxie has always been ditzy, but I always thought of her as having a pretty good read on people.  She usually made some crazy plllaaaan in response to what she what she picked up on, or acted impulsively, but I never thought her a fool.


    I never did, either, before, but if something doesn't happen soon, she's gonna be just that fool.  And for Levi, for pity's sake!  ICE.

    • Love 1
  2. But at least with Sonny they do share children and a past...happy times. With Franco, it just makes no sense.


    Yes, happy times, indeed, when Michael was in a coma.  I definitely don't see her in thrall to Franco, though, nor should she be.  Nor should she be with Sonny, who is every bit as worthless a human being, at least.  And sharing one child (I don't count Michael.) doesn't explain it, otherwise she'd be just as enthralled with Jax, the other baby father she acknowledges.  Carly has always been selfish and self-centered and done whatever it took to get what she wanted.  Contrary to what she said today about her children making her a better person, she's still the same person.  She's just extended her circle of "Me me me" to include those kids and, inexplicably, Sonny.  I think she'd cut Franco's throat, without  a shred of guilt, to protect herself or her kids or Sonny.  I don't think she'd do the same to Sonny to protect Franco.


    As to Maxie, good glory.  She's never been a favorite of mine, but I've never disliked her.  I'm one hairsbreadth away from that, though, if they don't start turning this storyline around.  She can't be any stupider than this, can she?  Not one person in that group couldn't have suggested that someone (We all know who.) could've used Nathan's phone when it was unattended?  (I'm presuming he doesn't take it in the shower with him, but this is PC, so who knows.)  Please, Show, let's get Levi's evil scheme in gear here, because of course he has one.  If you don't, soon, any goodwill I have left for Maxie will evaporate in the face of her stupidity, and it will all be because you sacrificed her on the Altar of Plot Points.


    Edited because spelling and grammar count for 25% of your grade.

    • Love 3
  3. I agree that there is some part of Carly that knows her being with him is sick.  She knows all the damage he has done to her, her family and her friends.  This makes it even worse for Carly.  Again, she has never been a stupid character.  So why does she insist on staying with the gigolo?  Because, I do think at one point, she did have an inkling he was only with her so she could support him.


    I wonder all of this with regards to Carly's enthrallment with Sonny.

  4. Whoa, double post.  Don't know how that happened, but my apologies!  To add something new, to peachmangosteen below, I agree!  Regardless I'm all for deporting Levi, or, at least passing a law that he should be fully clothed at all times.  As someone said above, how can he have those muscles and still look flabby at the same time?

    • Love 1
  5. Isn't it some kind of law that everyone of ALL ages loves The Golden Girls? :P


    If it is, I'm breaking it because I hate that show.  ::g::  Murder, She Wrote, too, so perhaps that colors my perception of Lucas' and Felix's love of them.


    So is Dr.O going to lose her job like Steve Webber lost his? He was demoted because Liz slightly botched Siobahn's operation. At the time I thought it was supremely stupid to allow Liz to operate on her ex husband's current wife, but Siobahn and Liz didn't hate each other (and in the end Siobahn survived). Having brain surgeon operate on the boy that accidentally killed his son after he flat out tells you it will be a problem? Does that warrant losing her job?


    I would've thought the hospital's liablity, in the event something went awry, would've been in the forefront of Obrecht's mind.  If she can be concerend about the dollar cost of how much hand sanitizer Elizabeth uses, this should've had alarm bells ringing in her head.  It should've to any one with a couple brains cells to rub together.  And, shut up, Epiphany.  Patrick needs no reminders of how much he hates his patient, when he's got said patient's brain in his hands.  Also, Epiphany is a surgical nurse?  I didn't know.


    There used to be another hospital in PC.  I wanted them to call them up and ask for a doctor or a patient transfer or something, but that wouldn't have furthered the plot.

    • Love 2
  6. Ron thinks sexual harassment/assault is romantic.


    Do not get me started on Jessica Buchanan, the rape, and the abomination that was Robert Ford.


    Count me amongst those who found the cultural icons of Felix and Lucas to be rather out-dated.  And, speaking of Lucas, am I alone in thinking the actor playing him not very good?  Mind you, neither is Felix's actor, leaving Brad to carry all the weight in that triangle.

    • Love 1
  7. If Fluke is Bill Eckert, that would be so anti-climactic and snooze worthy.  Whoever he is, I'd like him to get about the business of punishing Sonny because, so far, he's done nothing.  Flooding the streets of PC with drugs does nothing to Sonny.  So very, very anti-climactic...  I'd like to see someone punish Sonny.  Just once.


    I hope Levi is not tied to any legacy characters in any way, shape or form because that increases the likelihood of him sticking around.  I want him gone.

  8. The annulment papers confused me. If they weren't real, why would she leave the signed papers with Micheal because she never got them back.


    Signed or not, I think those papers are pretty worthless unless someone actually files them with the court.

    • Love 1
  9. I hadn't thought of Scotty unmasking Fluke, but, yes, when you hate someone that much and for that long, you know your enemy.  (And if something were to keep him away from Lucy for awhile, I'd be much pleased.)


    Brainpower aside in not being even a little bit doubtful when multiple people, including her son, tell her something's up with Luke, Tracy not realizing she's not with Luke doesn't speak well of either her connection with the real Luke or of his individuality in her mind.  (Or Bobbie, Lulu, etc. either.)  Fluke hasn't exactly been careful of keeping the Luke persona intact.  It is showing just how pathetically desperate she is to have Luke, any Luke.  That'll show Laura.

    • Love 2

    It is sad that Eddie Ryder the actor who played Slick has passed on. A scene with an old man in a Hospital Bed, who hears Fluke out in the hall and turns to Elizabeth (or some hospital staff) and says "You know that ain't Luke, right?" would be awesome.


    I love that scenario.  Likewise, if Laura were to come back and know instantly it's not Luke.  Anything to get a dig in at Tracy, who has always been so dismissive and disparaging of Luke and Laura's past.



    She still isn't making watching Silas scenes anything more than a big zzzzz.  ME has to be one of the most boring persons on the show since Dr. Tony Jones.


    I loved Tony, but I do agree on ME.  He was deadly dull on OLTL, as well.  (At least he's expanded his repertoire and does a bit more than just standing around with his hand on his hip, looking dour.  Slightly expanded.)  I never understood Marty and Natalie fighting over him, and I'll never forgive them for taking down the mighty Marty Saybrooke and making her crazy in the name of John McBain.  Now we have Nina, a woman who we're told was nigh unto a saint, turned crazy in the name of Silas Clay.


    Now I'm wondering if that pharmacist was the first person on Nina's To-Do List and she was actually his killer.



    Nina's line "Can I cook or can't I?" is straight out of Star Trek II "The Wrath of Khan".


    Today we had a call-out to Star Wars, via Spenser.



    Mac/Nathan are good together.  Between the two of them having Maxie's back I hope they rout out Levi soon.


    One or the other, or both of them, needs to put their investigative skills to good use and check out his background.  I'm really surprised Mac hasn't done so already.

    • Love 2
  11. Aside: In the GH in my head Spinelli was always the grandson of Slick, Luke's cab driver friend.



    That?  Would be awesome.  Loved Slick, back in the day.


    TeeVee329, I had an idea that might be who it was.  I like her, but I'm suffering severe character fatigue and would just as soon they held off on that development.


    My local affiliate said there was going to be three big surprises at the end of the show.  What were they?


    Three?  My guess would be they were it being revealed in flashback that Levi did rat out Nathan to the judge, that Nina still has money, and Ava calling a mysterious someone she'd like to reconnect with.  I could be misremembering, though, as eps run together in my head.


    You guys are going to give me a complex. I like Sam's dress. It's cute.


    I liked the dress!  Though I don't think it was flattering to Sam's body shape.  Seriously, Silas just up and left Sam in the park, alone and at night, with all the stuff and no ride home?  What a gentleman.  He should've just called 911 for Nina.  That would've frosted her cookies.


    Has Maxie every been this dumb when it came to a guy?


    Truly.  If she would just fire up two brain cells, max, she'd realize he has to be the lead suspect, even if she doesn't want to believe it.


    Count me amongst those not taking to MS's style of acting.  She's too OTT for my tastes.  If it comes to a choice between her and MW for the show, I hope they opt for MW.  Do we know how long her contract is?  Can't stand the character, but I've got to admit I find her entertaining.  As to RP, I really think he's making good strides in developing his acting ability.  I just hope he doesn't take any lessons from MS.

    • Love 1
  12. How pathetic is Sonny that he can't even go around the house collecting all the alcohol bottles, himself, to dump down the drains?  He actually has to have Max come to collect them tomorrow?  Of course, this is the same man who doesn't know where the towels are, so...


    And speaking of pathetic, we have Maxie.  It doesn't even occur to her that Levi spilled the beans until someone suggests it to her?  And how childish she still is.  She's the one who wants to hash it out with Nathan, right there and then, even though he doesn't, for her sake, but as soon as he says something she doesn't want to hear - "Who else would've done it, Maxie, and oh, by the way, he didn't even want you to get Georgie back." - she doesn't want to talk about it anymore and virtually stomps her foot and goes to hide out in her room.  Her Eat Pray Love trip did her no good whatsoever.


    Re:  Ava's phone conversation:  Not another character!

    • Love 1
  13. There were three people who knew: Maxie, Nathan, and Levi. The first two wouldn't jeopardize the case, so that leaves Levi. It hardly took Sherlock-level sleuthing to figure it out.



    Let's not forget, though, that this is the same town where no one considers the initials "AJ" could stand for someone other than A.J. Quartermaine.  Nathan's piece of sleuthing today makes him brilliant in comparison to everyone else in PC, including Diane who never even presented Ava Jerome as an alternative suspect in her defense of A.J.

    • Love 2

    Sonny's father was sent off to gambling rehab never to be seen again.


    Ah, thanks, Lillybee.  I always liked him.  I have no idea how he managed to spawn one such as Sonny.  It might be interesting to have him come back, looking just like Ava's stepfather and Delia's husband.  Which means it won't happen.

  15. Was that an Aztec necklace Maxie was wearing today?


    Sonny continues to amaze, not in a good way.  He's always treated Ric like he was something he couldn't wipe off the bottom of his shoe fast enough, but now he's all righteously indignant at his "death" in police custody?  I guess even someone who shares part of his DNA is sacred, in spite of the hate, because it's all about Sonny all the time.


    Whatever happend to Sonny's father (aka Delia's/Roxie's husband)?  He disappeared during the years I stopped watching!


    They keep telegraphing that Rafe is the baby killer, but I keep hoping it turns out to be Levi.  Hate him.  While not the most scintillating of actors, I don't think Rafe's actor compares so badly next to TJ's.  They're both blah, take-it-or-leave-it characters for me.  But I'd take both of 'em and hand them Emmys if it meant getting rid of Levi.

    • Love 2

    I'm glad that Puke is having to "put up" with Tracy so much on their honeymoon, which annoys him. But it sounds like she is completely oblivious and on a romantic high about him, still apparently discounting everything Ned has alleged about Puke.

    Other than being annoyed about Tracy, Puke has apparently not had to pay or suffer at all for his heinous acts and plans. Now he might be planning to have Sam harmed, and the demise of Patrina's baby and all their misery may be laid at his doorstep too. Lucas is barely recovering from his wounds in the hospital, and TJ is furious at his mother.

    Thus, several families are suffering because of Puke's direct actions.


    I would just like to know when Fake Luke is going to get about his purported business of hurting Sonny where he lives, since he "needs to be punished" and all, for... whatever.  I agree, Sonny needs to be punished for a multitude of things  ::please have Michael find out he murdered A.J.:: but at this rate, it looks like Fake Luke is going to be about as successful as the law in PC in doing anything to punish Sonny.  He's going after everyone but Sonny.

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    No, because, if they were going by normal lines of succession, the eldest son of the eldest son inherit.  Mikkos' son is Stavros, whose son is Nikolas.


    This has been bugging me for awhile now, ever since Stavros' return awhile back, when he put Lulu on ice and everyone kept referring to him as Nicholas' father.  I could swear at some time in the past it was established that Stefan was actually Nicholas' biological father.  Did I imagine that, or did I miss something in the years I was AWOL from the show and they flipped it back to Stavros?  I bow to you folks' knowledge and memory of this show's canon; it's far better than mine.

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