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Maggie Mae

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Posts posted by Maggie Mae

  1. I'm glad it's over. Despite rooting for a woman to win against a man, she needed to deserve it. Paul outplayed Nicole for sure. Oh well. My life goes on. Thanks to all of you for watching the feeds. 

    BTW Did anyone else think Nicole's time in the 2nd round against James was a bit hinky? He had to make one extra trip but his time was almost 3x Nicole's.?? He wasn't moving that slow!!

    anyway, I don't know if I can handle another BB while Survivor and TAR are also on. 

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  2. I don't think anyone has mentioned this (I could be wrong) but that last Veto comp that Paul won was supposed to be won by Corey. Here's why I think this. Corey had the perfect stride distance to round the bases with no wasted effort. Paul had to take a bit of a hop step and Nicole almost had to take an extra step. This allowed Corey to quickly get to the number he needed. He also 'conveniently' knew the correct numbers for someone seemingly so dense. But I digress. If he had only focused on that last one and not gone over his target number he would have won and we'd be looking at a James eviction. At that point it most likely would have been a final 2 of  Nicorey, something I believe Production was pushing for. Anybody agree?

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  3. On the show, many weeks ago, BB had a segment with Paul's family. I thought that was weird at the time but then I forgot about it until they just did one on Victor's family. Why only those two and has this singling out of a couple of hg for random family segments ever happened before? I would understand if they did a segment with Vanessa and Cody as 'the siblings' but this P/V thing is bizarre (to me at least)

  4. Just now, poopchute said:

    I don't think Paulie is going to make it another whole week in the jury house with the ladies.  I hope they mock him until he removes himself.

    I want real Paulie tears, with him sobbing hysterically that he should have won. It was his destiny. He was bred for it. Then, I want Tiffany, as he is leaving the jury house, to call him emotional over and over again.  I can dream.

    • Love 12
  5. 2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I believe they've always been vague about how many RTs there were. There might have been four RTs for all we know and he currently would have a 50/50 shot of having one. 

    Well, if that were the case it could have created havoc if the first four evictees had RTs, don't you think? I choose to believe, at least until this RT twist is over, that there is only 1 and PAULIE DOES NOT HAVE IT. 

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  6. Paulie has a 1 in 8 shot of having the RT correct? I am going to believe what he's been saying lately and how he was shown so favorably on Wednesday's show was due to the DR giving him the choice: either change your piss poor behavior or we will continue with actual footage of said behavior for all of America to see. He changed (albeit somewhat) so they followed through...though for the life of me it would have been better if America could have seen the real Paulie the Baby Calafiori. 

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  7. This question has been on my mind for a while and I don't believe it's been addressed.  When Paul was HOH (Rolling the Red Ball), Corey, Paulie, Z and Nat were Have Nots. Paulie volunteered to go OTB.  The night before the VETO was played, he got into a fight with Z about sleeping arrangements and wanted to get a 'good night's sleep' I think he told her because he was playing in the comp the next day.  He ended up sleeping in the HOH bed with Paul-at least until Z woke him up.  When is it ever allowed for a Have Not to sleep anywhere except the Have Not Room?  Or is Paulie the exception???

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  8. Hi everyone!  I've been following this forum for quite some time but decided to actually join in.  I have one question that doesn't seem to have been addressed.  When Julie was interviewing Jozea, she showed him the goodbye messages from players still in the house.  If he has a chance to come back in, wouldn't this be a bit unfair to those still in the house?  I think Day especially could be hurt. However, I do realize that it's Jozea we are talking about  but still!

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