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Maggie Mae

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Posts posted by Maggie Mae

  1. 10 hours ago, Sketcher said:

    But what if the "prankster" rewinds the week and they do it all on a Thursday live show...HOH, Veto, and eviction...someone would still leave for the jury house that night.

    I thought of that too but the inclusion of our votes could really make people mad. Their ratings could tank. Maybe the 'punishments' are that they have to do pranks. Lame but possible.

    ETA...oh, I see their punishments are pies. Could be a diversion from other pranks....

    • Love 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

    I think he would put up Jackson or Christie...but how does this work?

    Does Holly know she only has one chance to put someone up? Or does she put up two and the prankster gets to pull one off and put up someone different? 

    I'm confused about the prank power....will the prankster know who Holly nominates? If not, he/she could put the same one up? Is the prankster immune from being on the block?  If the prankster chooses a player to go on the block and a replacement is needed, when is that replacement chosen?  It sounded like the prankster has to prechoose!!! So many questions. 

    • Love 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Nashville said:

    Because in a Kat/Nicole/#3 nom situation, Kat already has 3 votes against her - Christie and Anal (who are still suspicious of a Jackson/Holly/Kat threeway relationship) and Cliff (who is still supremely loyal to Nicole) - which is 1/2 of the House’s 6-vote pool.  So even if Kat doesn’t receive another vote:

    1. Only two possible vote outcomes would exist: a 3-2-1 split or a 3-3 split, with Kat being a 3 vote in both cases.
    2. In a 3-2-1 split, Kat is a simple plurality of the votes - say hello to the JH, Kat.
    3. In a 3-3 split, Tommy will be the tiebreaker - but does anybody see Tommy EVER do anything contrary to Christie’s wishes?  Tommy, who is still doubling down on the notion of Holly and Kat having a preexisting relationship?  Once again - adios, los gato encantato.

    Ok, I see this happening if the Field Trip 3rd nominee is not Christie nor Anal. If one of them is up, specifically Christie, I see her going home over the other 2. I don't think Jackson and Holly would miss the opportunity to take her out and you know they would convince the others. So in a Kat/Nicole/Christie scenario I see this happening:

    Christie:Jackson,Holly, Jess, Cliff

    Kat: Anal. Maybe Nick though who the hell knows what he's doing in this game but being creepy

    • LOL 1
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  4. 1 minute ago, missyb said:

    And Nick, threw that one. Hope he is a nomination. And Christie loses on the field trip and goes up as the third nominee. On Tommy's HOH.

    Oh...I didn't think of that! As long as the Field trip loser is Christie, Tommy's side cannot save her. They'll only have 1 vote...Analyse!! Oh Happy day😀

    • Love 6
  5. What was it that Jackson said about the "juice" wasn't worth it? He was referring to Kat and it was right after he told her to stay away from him. It was disgusting but I have no way of watching it again!!

    ( I cannot get rid off the box below. Sorry Lady Calypso. It's from weeks ago?)

    On 6/17/2019 at 6:47 PM, Lady Calypso said:
    • Love 1
  6. I think there was a big difference between what Ron did to Devens and what Devens did to Lauren and Julie with respect to fake idols.  Ron was telling Devens that the idol was real and was pretending that he was allied with him. There was never any alliance between D and Lauren/Julie. Those fake idols might never have been found either. Kudos to him for playing the game. He came off as a bit arrogant but he played the best game without a doubt. He'll be back

    • Love 8
  7. With 10 people left and one coming back from EoE, the finale  needs to be 7 weeks from now just to get down to the final 4. Is this going until the end if May?? Of course, there could always be a double eviction. In any case, I'm so happy TAR is back. 

    • Love 2
  8. The tribal council was fun and I really enjoyed the 'jury' reactions but I swear to God I would have slapped that pot away from Victoria. How could she not realize she was getting on my last nerve!!

    • LOL 10
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  9. I don't know...I like Wendy. Sometimes, if confronted with a live animal, its hard to imagine killing it to eat it. At least her new tribe, since they did not actually win the challenge for the chickens, could have waited a few days before talking about killing one. 

    • Love 10
  10. IMO...

    Davey is the best player out there. Enough said.

    Nick is the second best. He could have been tied with Davy but for the stupid fake idol stunt. He put a huge target on his back with that idiotic move.

    Kara is a distant third. She hasn't really annoyed me and seems to be involved in some strategy or come up with strategy on her own but is nowhere near Davy or Nick's level of play.

    Allison and Angelina are tied at fourth for different reasons. Angelina is trying to play the game and is initiating strategy but is really, really bad at it and has no read on how she comes off to others. Allison is just playing a great game in her head. Except for her challenge ability and her uncanny cat like survival, she should have been gone long ago.

    That leaves Mike. Mike targeted Christian for the sole reason of wanting to be the smartest survivor. He's not even anywhere near as intelligent as Christian nor does he have a fraction of Christian's personality. As someone said earlier, he's a shit stirrer as a result of his jealousy. 

    The perfect final three would be Davy, Nick and Angelina (and she gets no votes). Sigh...I probably won't get my wish.

    • Love 17
  11. I wasn't surprised by how mad Nick was after the Carl vote. It was the wrong move on Christian's part. I think his anger even surprised Nick. Did anyone else catch him saying to Christian during their tête-à-tête on the beach that he was "surprised by what a sore loser he was"?

    Glad Gabby is gone. Angelina or Mike can go next but probably won't due to their goatyness. 

    Davey for the win. (I also don't believe Christian will make it much longer.) Kara is playing a good game too.

    Kudos to all those voted out who took it gracefully...ahem, I'm looking at you Natalia!

    • Love 11
  12. 22 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    I was about to add, “and unhealthy as hell, too” - but then I remembered the House is located in Century City, so opening a window wouldn’t necessarily improve the air quality THAT much....  ;)

    What I've never understood is why they can't create a small rooftop garden/terrace with walls that the HGs can at least get some outside air (debatable quality) and some sunshine. It doesn't have to be big...just enough for maybe a couple of chairs or lounges. Also, while I'm venting about the claustrophobic conditions, how about they use the underground rooms for the question comps. Just sayin'

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