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Maggie Mae

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Posts posted by Maggie Mae

  1. 22 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    I interpret ‘ah’ as having that Southie sinus-cavity-originating inflection, like pronouncing Harvard “HAH-vud”.  :)

    ETA:  My mind translates ‘aa’ to a long A, while ‘aw’ sounds like “Aw, shucks.”  :)

    In Boston, that aa sound is the 'a' sound in pack. So park and pack both sound like pack. Pack yuh caa in Havud yaad.  To me the 'aw' sound is like 'or' but instead of the r you say a w sound.

    • Love 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Outside of South Bahstun - and maybe Elwood Blues - I’ve never heard of such a thing.  They drinking decaf, or what?

    I do believe that our pronunciations of 'aw' and 'ah' are a tad different. In Boston they would say caa-fee, standard pronunciation in dictionary, cah-fee, here in the NJ/NY area it's caw-fee.

  3. 9 hours ago, Nashville said:

    In what misbegotten heathen corner of the world is some brain-dead lunatic mispronouncing coffee, and how?

    I’ve never heard anything BUT “caw-fee”.

    Hahaha...some brain-dead lunatics pronounce it ' cah-fee'.  Nails on a 'chawkboard'. ;)

    • Love 1
  4. North Jersey native born and raised but I spent 6 years in KY. A whole other world!! And a whole other language at times.

    Cities...Versailles pronounced Ver-SAYLES. ( this one killed my French speaking heart), Yosemite pronounced

    Yo-seh-MAAT, Louisville...LOW-vuhl

    i taught HS and my students were always asking me to borrow an 'ink pen'. I finally had to ask why do you all say 'ink pen' ...what other kind is there? Apparently they pronounce pen and pin the same and they didn't need a safety pin.

    i knew about 'bless your heart' but not 'I don't care to'. That means the exact opposite. 

    For me: PEE-can, AH-mund, soda (Coke is a brand name), catty-corner, sub not hoagie, pie (pizza) and sneakers, leaf watchers, down the shore and I drink cawfee. 

    • Love 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

    I'm from Warren County, a world apart, now exiled in SJ :)

    And don't start any nonsense about central jersey.  Indeed!

    As for leaf peeping, from the link from NBC4..

    "Meteorologist Raphael Miranda says leaf peepers won't find the fall colors around New York, Long Island or the Jersey Shore just yet. "


    So many accents in such a small place  :)

    Warren County is definitely influenced by PA...I work in Warren. I love that you understand the central jersey nonsense. However, two points: upstate NY is not NE and what did you say in your family, peeping or watching? I've heard both but we never used peeping. 

    3 minutes ago, Wings said:

    I have a friend who says ah-mond, not prouncimg the L.  I say ahal-mund. 

    Probably good to get this sorted before the feeds command our attention.  ;>

    I don't pronounce the 'l' either. I bet you pronounce the 't' in 'often' but not 'soften' ...;) smh

    • Love 1
  6. 29 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

    Pah-Kahn here in New Jersey, just not drawn out.

    Also it's leaf peepers here and in New England :)

    Oh, and Fuck You Fessy


    Empty Head.jpg

    Absolutely not puh-káhn in NJ. Maybe South Jersey but not North Jersey where we say it correctly. And don't start any nonsense about central jersey. No such thing! As for leaf 'peepers' ...NO. It's leaf watching here and in NE.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Siciliangirly said:

    Hi everyone!  Long long long time lurker, first time poster! I have the live feeds, but I enjoy this forum so much better! You guys have me in stitches sometimes! I’m loving this season so much after the shit show last year! 

    Just wanted to share a little tidbit....Fesso in Italian means someone who’s dumb and gullible! I kid you not! Fesso...Fessy...you can’t make this stuff up!

    LOL...in French, les fesses are the buttocks..aka your ass. 

    • Love 11
  8. A page or two back someone mentioned Celebrity BB UK. Of course I checked it out. Episode one is just introducing the houseguests...boring af but I didn't know most of them. I have binged watched 2&3 and the show is trolling Trump. OMG I'm dying here. Natalie is about to go off on Kirstie. Not sure I should put this here but....now I need to find that forum!!!

    • Love 2
  9. 12 hours ago, vb68 said:

    She does that and not only does she deserve to lose veto, she also deserves to leave next.

    I would hope she would get a penalty nom, but wouldn't hold my breath.

    Penalty nom!! No. That's poisoning. Not deadly more than likely but she doesn't know complete health history. Automatic expulsion from the game!!!

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    About the hacker comp, Rockstar: "I hope it's not math. That's my kryptonite."

    No shit. 

    I'll never understand why they don't memorize 3 numbers before those contests.

    3600. (Seconds per hour)

    86,400 (seconds per day)

    1440 (minutes per day)

    This would save time and multiplication errors on those chalkboards.

    just sayin'

    • Love 5
  11. Okay..i saw a few pages back that Swaggy and Bayleigh were nicknamed  'Swayleigh'. No, I think it should be 'Baggy' instead. We need to discourage these showmances. Also, no to 'Kaityler'. How about 'Tylit' instead?  ; )

    • Love 3
  12. I was getting worried because Chris was getting the 'vote out' edit and I thought it might be a misdirect. Thank you Survivor gods. Hopefully Chris can learn something about himself after watching... Oh, hell, who am I kidding???

    • Love 19
  13. Maybe I missed it but has anyone posited the scenario where James goes up on the block? This twist makes that a possibility and Omarosa would have no say. If James and Ross ended up being the ones on the block, wouldn't Ross stay? Omarosa couldn't vote so there would only be Metta and Mark voting to keep James. 

    • Love 2
  14. 21 minutes ago, Wings said:

    Her name is all lower case with no space.  This variation sliped through the cracks I guess. 

    I think Omorosa is the easiest to beat in the end so she might be dragged along. 


    Yeah I saw that. Still confusing.  I agree Omarosa would be the ultimate goat but seriously, she's so manipulatively toxic I would think it wouldn't  be worth it. IMO

    • Love 3
  15. I can't see how the partner swap could be anything but a non-elimination leg with an airport (or travel) bunching before the next leg. If a couple were to be eliminated, there would be no way to undo the switch. If there were not to be a bunching after they switched back, how would the departure times work? Sounds fun for one leg or task but it needs to be fair.


    in the telephone challenge, didn't Jessica have 5 words and the other person none. (I may have to rewatch) I really don't think she was wrong to share and keep one back.  Brittany needs to get over herself. She's the only one getting on my nerves which is 'Amazing' this far in.

  16.  I would have liked the frites race more if there'd been one change. If you lost, you got to remove one sack of frites from your handcart in your next heat. Evan and Henry would have been wheeling around an empty handcart perhaps! Also, was there any reason you couldn't pull the cart behind you? 


    This twist reminds me a bit of the 'crossroad' twist from many seasons back. A team would have to wait for another team to arrive and then one person from each team had to perform a task together. Once completed, both teams moved on. Anyone else remember it?

    • Love 12
  17. 2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    Julie is live on Facebook right now. She thinks Paul was robbed. 

    She is wrong in my opinion. Paul's jury management was poor though he thought he was so good at it. Josh snookered him with his goodbye messages and Paul didn't see that coming. Overlying to everyone also didn't help. 

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