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  1. Thomas does absolutely own up to his own mistakes. However, the big difference is he is self-made. He's worth millions and has several successful companies throughout Charleston, well, really SC. He's primarily in real estate. I know because I've had to write his company checks every month for over ten years. He's got dozens of employees and because of his politician father is well-known. The difference is that he's not relying on anyone else to live or support his kids. Kathryn's got nothing - no money, no jobs, no prospects.
  2. This is spot on. She thought Thomas was going to be the easiest catch and she blew it.
  3. [snip] She's clearly a whore, a coke addict, suffers from delusions, is volatile and is an all-around horrible person. She smoked and did drugs while she was pregnant (and her son was a preemie). Literally, there is not one thing to like about her - except that she makes for good reality TV. If Thomas had a lick of sense he'd permanently get those kids away from her.
  4. Also, can we talk a little about the house porm that is Thomas Ravenel's? Wow - the new place is gorgeous. That kitchen! I could see the drool hanging out of Cooper's mouth. That particular area of Charleston is very exclusive, i.e. very pricey. Pat's house is nearby. I'm sure Kensie and Julien are going to love growing up there. And, wouldn't it be hilarious if Landon had helped him decorate? Oh wait. She picked out the color for Kensie's room - which also drives Kathryn crazy. At least Landon isn't a coke whore like Kathryn....
  5. Even if Thomas DID sleep with Landon - it's no big deal! He was not in an exclusive relationship with Kathryn. He has no intention of being in an exclusive relationship with Kathryn, and he will NEVER marry Kathryn. They were simply f*** buddies. She got pregnant intentionally. And then got pregnant again. She has slept with all/most of Thomas' good friends - and continued to have sex with her dealer, as we now know from the court documents. Thomas is free to screw whomever he chooses. He chose Kathryn's friend, Jennifer, and she apparently had no problem with that. Why should she care about Landon? Remember, she gave Landon the finger last season and told her to F*** off. That should have been the absolute END of any interactions the two of them should ever have.
  6. Remember, Kathryn was living in Monck's Corner, which is about an hour and a half away from Charleston. She was couch-surfing so she didn't have to go home. That's why she had the suitcase. I have no doubt that a drunk Whitney picked up a drunk Kathryn one night and she just stayed until he finally threw her out.
  7. What did everyone think?
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