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Posts posted by Biosynth

  1. I was watching BBAD. last night and dag gum I was looking at the mellow , cool, relaxed man and thinking to myself how hot he is. He has certainly. grown on me . I can see how Victoria is enamored by him and how everyone gravitates. to him.

    I agree.  I find Derrek kind of cute.  He's one of those who will wear his age well when he gets older.

    I would also like to say that I would like Frankie to leave the house as soon as possible.  And on fire.  That would be a great interview.  :) 

    • Love 2
  2. I agree with you about the Barnaby women.  At times I thought Cully was sweet, but a lot of times I thought she was a little bitchy.  And the wife, also times I liked her...like when they would all go to a fair or something, but in the house, not so much.


    It drives me a little nuts when they would get all huffy that Tom had an emergency call from work.  Hellooooo, he's an inspector.  It's not a 9-5 job. 

    • Love 3
  3. Now that I no longer have to worry about Donny's safety in the game, it's a whole lot more enjoyable to watch these people suffer. For the second season in a row, that is the only reason I'm watching. It's sad, but I'm fine with that.

    I was thinking the same thing this morning!  I no long really have a dog in this fight, other than I desperately want Frankie and Christine gone.  They should not be rewarded for their disgusting selves.

    • Love 2
  4. I can't wait till they start cannibalizing themselves.  HA!  I'm waiting for Caleb to loose his sh*t when he finds out he's been kept in the dark about their real plans. 


    And about Arianna, I guess nasty runs in the family.  If Frankie is any indication, Arianna doesn't have much pretty time left before she turns 31.  She'd better take advantage of that.


    Oh, and I hate Christine.

    • Love 1
  5. I honestly think I would watch a reality show starring Caleb.  They could follow him around as he tells stories, self-aggrandizes, and demonstrates martial arts.  As long as they can suppress his stalker tendencies, I think the show would be a hit.

    Well, there was that show called "An Idiot Abroad".  :)  Should have starred Caleb! 

    • Love 3
  6. I got so angry when Jason announced that they were going to do something emaciated and horrific.  Ug!  And then get bewildered that he was cut?  Dude, here's a clue, when you go to work with a supervisor and they tell you they want something fluffy and pretty, you give them fluffy and pretty, not horror because that is your true passion.


    The parameters of the challenge was whimsical.  Not horror.  Sheesh, get a clue!


    Having said that, I too thought the Tinman was swoonworthy.  Wow, beautiful makeup and the model really got characteristic Tinman moves down!  Just like Jack Haley's mannerisms from the movie!

    • Love 3
  7. I started watching Classic Who back in the 80s.  Tom Baker #4 was my first and favorite.  Followed by #5 and 7 and 8.  I really hated #6.

    I have met #4, 5, and 7.  I might have seen #6 at a convention somewhere at some time.  #7 was hilarious in person!


    Favorite companions in Classic, Sarah Jane, Leela, Jamie, and Romana I.  I remember I dressed up as her once (White dress and white feathers like her first appearance) and I won 3rd place at a convention costume contest, lol.  Judged by Tom Baker.  I was only 17 at the time.  That was exciting!


    I also got to meet John Leeson who voiced K-9.  Super nice guy.  Rode the elevator with Nicola Bryant (Peri, though I didn't like Peri), passed Romana I in the hallway. 


    For new Who favorite Doctors, War Doctor, and 9.  The others are nice too, but those two are my favorites. 

    As for new Who companions, Donna for me.  I really couldn't stand Amy, though I liked Rory.  Every time I tuned into any episode from Doctor 11 Amy was telling him shut up right at the start.  Which made me change the channel.  I HATE that kind of dialogue.


    Favorite enemies....I'm a Cyberman fanatic.  Classic, not new Who.  I don't think they fared so well in new Who.  And of course, Daleks!

    • Love 4
  8. I enjoyed the episode and the New Doctor.  I'm 48, so having a Doctor 8 years older than me isn't too upsetting.  I find him dashing and interesting and elegant.


    Most of you said want I wanted to say here, but I will chime in with this....the last few years I haven't been enjoying the way too fast dialogue crammed in.  That whole talking fast and frantically with short curt words.  It drives me crazy.  And the words Shut Up needs to stop.  It's sloppy and lazy writing and I would never have talked to the Doctor like that.  Most of the time in the Classic Series, people, companions, actually respected the doctor (well most of them anyway). 


    Someone mentioned romance and all that in classic Who.  I remember when I was a teen, most of us who were Who fans suspected that between the episodes, unseen, the Doctor did have a relation or two.  There were a few stories in which the Doctor showed fondness for particular companions.  The biggest was the whole issue with Romana, especially the second Romana (who was Tom Baker's real life wife.) 


    Pertwee's doctor had Jo Grant. 


    Even Hartnell had a little sentimentality here and there (Watch The Aztecs, there's a sweet moment at the end.)


    In this day and age of anything over 30 being objectionable, it's good to have an older Doctor now.  He's supposed to be an alien, not some frenetic goofy playboy.

    • Love 4
  9. I have been crying my eyes out the last 3 or 4 episodes, and show, you do this to me?  I wanted to throw my shoe at the TV.  My first thought was, what was Emmett going to do?  I mean, if he really loved her he'd be angry but also would wait for 3 months.  It's not like he would be starting school right out of High School.  I did but only one class.  Wouldn't they have a few months in the summer till the Fall Semester started?  He wouldn't need to leave right away and providing Bay did actually do the time for Daphne, 3 months isn't a big deal in terms of moving to LA and starting school.  She would just have to look for a different job there.


    My big concern would be how she would be treated in prison if she has to go.  In my opinion, Bay is stunningly beautiful.  She's be treated horrifically in prison.


    I hate Daphne.  I think I've hated her since Chef Jeff.  Stupid self entitled little twit.


    I'm wondering how the parents would react.  Regina may scold Daphne a little but get over it pretty quickly.  She only really gets irrational when it comes to the men in her life.


    Katherine will be sad and weepy and then make the best of it.


    John would be furious but secretly relieved that his little red headed girl got off. 


    Emmett would be crushed, and quite frankly, I think Mary Beth and Travis would be furious with Daphne.  They are more Bay's friends now.


    So here's my question, show....who is going to take the rap for Daphne when she kills someone out either rage or an accident?  Will Bay have to pay for that too?  Or Regina?  Or Emmett?


    I'm very close to giving up on the show entirely.

    • Love 2
  10. I liked Monica's dress, actually.  I liked the teal/pistachio color peaking out from the lace.


    I am joining the chorus on the fish as centerpieces.  What happens to them after the reception?  What if they die during?  What does that say about your future karma having dead fish floating around during dinner?


    And about the Pittsburgh brides, I too am happy the Steelers bride didn't win.  She seemed a little fussy and high maintenance.

  11. Most of the time I sign with voice off, but sometimes I find myself speaking a little.  My husband will voice a lot of times while signing, but if he's signing with other deafies, it's voice off and at warp speed. 


    I'm getting better in those situations and usually can keep up, but I have to admit, sometimes I'm left in the dust, and I've been signing over 10 years!


    Haha, a lot of times he tells me that if I see a sign I don't know to ask him and then when I ask him after the conversation he looks at me as if he has no clue what sign I'm using!  It always makes me laugh.

  12. Oh, I don't know, I liked the Shabby Chic bride's wedding.  I don't remember her name, but she had the long dark hair.  I thought she was pretty funny and likeable.  I was hoping she'd win, but she ranked high at least.


    I loved the lady with the wading boots, Monica?  She looked like such an easy going fun person.

  13. I guess there was so much complaining about too many monsters that the powers that be actually listened and changed things up! 


    Why do I get a feeling either the willow branches broke or that the model was being fussy?

  14. I wish they would just list his profession when the infographic comes up as "Unemployed". 


    Also, if I were one of the house guests I would say something to the effect, "Oooooh!  So you're 'famous' and your sister is a famous pop star?  Then you must not need the prize money.  We'll just eject you."


    Also, I would imagine his prancing and swanning and lying and backstabbing would actually cast a BAD light on his sister.  I would try to keep away from him if I were her.

    • Love 2
  15. Christine is certainly not the stereotype of High School Mean Girl.  Even though she is at heart, I would imagine she'd have been the target of the mean girls. 


    And to do that to her husband?  THAT is "disgusting".


    My husband was reading from Joker's last night and I caught a brief glance of something Derrek said about not caring if Frankie was related to a famous person, that he didn't come in here to help some famous person win, or something like that.



    • Love 1
  16. Me too!  And I love the names for the different locations. 


    It's funny, I've got a friend who is from England.  She has been living in Scotland for many years though.  I posted on Facebook that I enjoy this show and she chimed in that she enjoyed it too but that where they are there aren't nearly as many murders.  Hahaha.  Midsomer does seem to be bad news.  I'm not sure I would live there!

  17. Kat, I feel the same.  I thought Dan Scott was fitting in very nicely.  And he was certainly cute enough. 


    Right now PBS in the Washington DC are seems to have a thing for "Talent for Life" because the episode it constantly on.  It wasn't even the best one either. 


    I'm hoping to catch "Written in Blood" again.  That one got to me!

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