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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. I love "Genius of Love!" It was a hit back in the day, at least we teens in NY thought it was. We loved that bass line, and all the disco and reggae references in the song. Hearing it in the Home Goods ad only makes me want to listen to the whole song, not shop at their store. Yes, Mariah Carey sampled it for "Fantasy," which is one of the few songs I like by her, because of that sample. Now, ABC is using her song to advertise the new season of The Bachelorette, which I have no interest in watching. I may soon dislike her version if I see that ad too many times...which I probably will.
  2. Good night all. @Hotel Snarker and @Baltimore Betty You two will definitely be missed.... Like I said before, I should be here next week for Bt90d that was the franchise I started with. So see you then, enjoy Memorial Day, and the rest of your week. ✌️❤️
  3. It done?! Thank goodness. I thought for sure they were going to tell us stay tuned for Part Four.
  4. I should be here. Hopefully there will be some new couples to make fun of chat about...
  5. They've gotta be. These reunions keep getting longer with commentary from all these guests we don't care about. Almost everyone who made an appearance has been on except for some of Rishi's friends.
  6. A "fun bunny?" That's a new term to me. Thanks Debbie. Also, Taylen had quite a long pause on the "feelings for Danielle" answer. Hmm...
  7. Well dayum! Jen and Gabe are talking about her exchanging numbers with Debbie's son. Those crocodile tears are drying up real fast.
  8. That's the crazy part. She knows the situation over there. Yet somehow, Rishi says things that get her to call him fiance again, knowing she is not an acceptable partner for his family.
  9. That was kind of dumb. So, Monica really didn't go to the wedding because she didn't feel included- she didn't know her role or what to wear... Girl, you can sit in the audience on the groom's side! That's your role!
  10. What? You've never seen how they make custom acrylic nails on Instagram? No? Is it just me they bomb the feed with stupid reels of this?
  11. Ooh goodie! The feet on the fire now are Gabe and his family, finally.
  12. Hey everybody! Just got out of the kitchen. Was cooking for Johan because Danielle won't!
  13. Lawd, Kris has excuses for days! It looks like next week will be more accusations and more receipts from everyone. Hope you all will have a good week, and see you then for the final part. ❤️
  14. Yes, Kris we all know about your health injuries, yet, you were here working day and night with almost no sleep....
  15. Finally, they've moved onto someone, and something else. Let Kris and Jeymi air their bitter business out.
  16. 🤣🤣 Tries to get up off the floor from laughing but each new post makes it difficult.
  17. So... is this why Tim and Veronica are here- representing the rest of PT? They just showed a lot of clips there.
  18. I was kind of laughing and agreeing when the Coven came for Danielle, though. She thinks everyone is on her side when it comes to Yohan being the controlling one in their marriage.
  19. Why does Jen keep running back to this man who has difficulty with commitment, even committing to translate a sentence to his family, entirely? 🙄
  20. Calm down, Gabe, no one needs you to steer this ship. I know Shaun isn't the greatest of moderators but we don't need you yelling at people.
  21. Well, If we can have Trey's meager commentary, we MUST have the Coven's. Any more friends that we have to dig up? Where's Rishi's astrologer friend?
  22. Hi everyone! I'm a little late, but have been watching Part 2. So... Trey was that important an obstacle to their marriage that they had to bring him to the reunion? I want to see what Gabe's sister has to say, not him.
  23. Wow... that was quick. Maybe I should always wait until the last half hour to join in... Nah... there too much to catch up on, here on the forum anyway, not so much on the show. See y'all next week. 🙏🏿❤️☮️
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