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Posts posted by BogoGog24

  1. Yeah I did feel bad for Lauren because I think she took it as Capt Lee humiliating her, even if that obviously wasn't the intention. I'm sure it had to feel embarrassing that she was brought out in front of everyone (cameras included) to perform a task they all knew she couldn't really do. And then tell her afterwards she didn't do it right. I guess Kelley is so dense and oblivious he needed to be shown in front of his own eyes that she didn't know what she was doing. 

    I could understand Lauren being angry or upset about it but the crying was unprofessional. But then again I guess she felt like she had just been humiliated in front of the whole crew. Eddie was definitely a better bosun than Kelley is. 

  2. I'm with you, I feel like we missed something too. I think she was telling Lee the anchor was up and he knew there was no way it could have been all the way up so soon. So either she didn't know how to read how far along the anchor was, her hand signals are incorrect, or both. That's about all I got out of it.

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  3. One other thing Kelley did in this episode that annoyed me was him hugging Lauren when she was upset. I mean, okay it's nice that he was concerned and wanted to make her feel better. But I can imagine if any of the male deckhands were crying, he'd tell them to suck it up and stop or get kicked off the boat. He shouldn't be treating Lauren any differently than he would treat the guys. Once again, he saw an opportunity to be a "protective man" and took it. No boss would ever hug their subordinates in the workplace and especially not male bosses to female subordinates. Kelley is more interested in being their friends than their boss. He has no clue how to be a leader. 

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  4. I also think considering that Kate has had several DUIs/arrests plus the latest domestic violence scandal, she should be dumped next season and Amy brought back to be chief stew. She's better at it than Kate anyway, IMO. I like Emily and Sierra enough that they can be kept as second and third stews. Kelley should be gone next season, he's clearly not cut out to be a boss. But I'm not sure I would want Eddie back. I like Nico and Lauren enough to be kept on as deckhands, though I'm not sure if they are as good at their jobs as Connie (and Emile?) were. Haven't seen enough of Kyle yet to know if he's actually any good at his job. Ben seems like he hates his job but I don't know who else they'd get to replace him (please not Leon again) and he is an audience favorite. Plus one of the few original cast members/familiar faces left. But Ben is more enjoyable when he's with Kate and vice versa. As others mentioned, Kate looks tired and haggard. And with all her legal issues, I think she should leave the show and maybe get some personal help or something.

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  5. There's nothing inherently wrong with Kelley saying he prefers small girls. But he was saying that he liked to be able to pick them up and toss them around, even if he meant it in a playful way and not to be physically abusive, it's insinuating he thinks of them like toys. I myself am 4'10" and would not really appreciate my boyfriend thinking he can toss me around like a football just because of my size. He also said something about wanting to be her "man" and protect her, it just screams insecurity/masculinity issues. He says shit like this constantly about women. I think he wants to feel like he can "dominate" them, hence why he's not interested in "tough" girls like Lauren or Kate. IMO the only reason he's going for Emily is because he views her as a vulnerable and easy target that he can dominate. Too bad for him that she can still overpower him with her wits. 

    I saw his dick pic. And while he indeed is well endowed in that area, that personally doesn't impress me or appeal to me and Emily expressed the same. Especially for us small girls, I think the LAST thing a small girl wants is a big dick. Not every girl cares about dick size and honestly Kelley is lucky he at least has that going for him, because he doesn't have much else to offer in terms of a great personality, intellect, etc. About the only thing I do respect him for is the fact he served in the military. Oh sure, he has a nice body and no doubt is a physically strong guy, definitely the kind of guy you'd want walking beside you if you had to walk to your car alone at night, but honestly I personally prefer guys like Nico, cute and sensitive, and don't look like they're on steroids. Kelley is just so hyper masculine or something. I don't blame Emily for being turned off by him, especially since he tries way too hard with her too. But I also think he is just not her type to begin with and he's not mine either. How is it possible that he is related to such a wonderful person like Amy? I would rather have Amy back this season than her brother. 

    I guess if you have to come close to nearly being ripped to shreds by the boat, it's at least a pretty nice compensation to be saved by a cutie like Nico. The girls didn't seem too shaken up by what happened after, they were probably too drunk to really know what had just happened or maybe they didn't realize the true danger they were in. They might have just thought the worst thing that happened was cutting themselves on the coral reef. 

    I'm waiting for the moment Captain Lee says "Come here so I can rip your head off." Want to know who and what makes him so angry (my guess is that it's directed at Kelley for something). 

    Yes I didn't understand why Ro was allowed to be there or why she was allowed to come visit Kate during work (even if they were technically on their day off). It does seem to me like Capt Lee has some favoritism towards Kate. As noted by other posters, why didn't he talk to Kate about Sierra not knowing how to make Painkillers or did he not notice her constantly texting Ro? But he chews Kelley out for the windows and why Lauren doesn't know how to drop the anchor. I do understand his frustration concerning that. 

    I think that Kate was uncomfortable with the PDA, not only in front of her co-workers, but in front of the cameras. That could be why she looked uncomfortable. I did think her girlfriend was pretty though. I agree the laugh was WTF. 

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  6. The whole conversation about Jesus turning loaves into fish was hilarious to me. And Sierra thinking Capt Lee meant he needed literal painkillers (though he really should have specified he meant drinks). Oh Sierra, never change hun. 

    Kelley is so pathetic. He thinks he's being smooth while Emily looks at him like he's a total buffoon. Can he not sense she isn't into him? I feel secondhand embarrassment every time I watch him trying to woo her while shirtless or asking her to put sunscreen on him. The others watching him work out was hilarious, especially Kyle's imitation of that weird thing he was doing with his shoulders. I wish Emily had told him to get the hell off of her when he was laying on her for no reason. WTF dude

    I think Nico redeemed himself from the last episode by going in and saving those 2 girls before they, you know, got run over by the boat. I'm surprised the guests didn't dock the tip for that one. 

    Ooh it was kind of fun seeing Capt Lee getting pissy. He means business, doesn't he? Kelley arguing over whether the windows were dirty on the inside or outside just made him look so so stupid. Does this guy have any self awareness about how he comes off? 

    I like Kyle a lot so far. He's cool. I dig the accent too, when I can actually understand him.

    I was confused by the whole Lauren anchoring thing. Why were they having her do it when she said she didn't know how? I didn't understand that part. It was like details were edited out or something, it made no sense to me. 

    Oh yeah and I'd have been annoyed with all the PDA too. It's pretty awkward to watch knowing what ended up happening later regarding Kate.

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  7. These women need to stop making the shit stirring so obvious. There was no reason for Shannon to tell Tamra what Kelly said. Other than to cause drama.

    I would definitely be more of a "Megha n" if I went on a trip to Ireland. I would so much rather do something cultural than drink all day. 

    Normally I'm pretty ok with Heather but she's become really holier than thou this season, first with kicking Kelly out of a party that she was not the hostess of, then telling Kelly she needed to be quiet and to turn around on the bus, like she was scolding her 5 year old child. And yeah the whole freaking out because they were kicked out of the store was just the height of her superficial ignorance. 

    Erm so Vicki is supposedly in love with this Steve but she's flirting with the bartender? 

    Felt sorry for all those people in the pub that had to put up with the drunken screaming. 

    I love how Tamra was all about defending Kelly when she did things to other people, then as soon as she's on the receiving end of it, she stops defending her. That being said, Kelly did hit extremely below the belt. But Shannon also should not have blabbed to Tamra about what Kelly said. We've all said things in anger to our friends in private. I can actually understand (to a degree) where Kelly was coming from, it's not like she said that directly to Tamra's face. 

    This trip was so wasted on them (no pun intended). 

    • Love 14
  8. I've been in Lauren's position before so I completely felt her in this episode. I can't blame her for not wanting to talk to Nico as he's flirting with Emily right in front of her or wanting to just be alone for awhile, away from him. I would do exactly the same thing. Yeah it's not his fault he had no idea how Lauren felt about him, but that doesn't make it hurt less to watch someone you like friend zone you right before your eyes. And it probably hurt her even more since it seems like she thought Nico might feel the same way. I've totally been there. You feel so stupid when you think the other person has reciprocated your feelings and it turns out they haven't. 

    It also wasn't cool that Nico was flirting with Emily when he has some situation at home. Emily handled that whole situation really well, not only accepting his apology but telling him exactly what was inappropriate about his behavior and why. 

    I'm not sure that Kelley's "girls catch feelings" comment was meant to sound offensive. I took it as to mean girls are more in touch with our emotions and more likely to develop feelings for guys we're close with as opposed to men. Like I said, been there.

    The hair waxing was so gross. Good on Kate making them take it home with them. At least they left a decent tip for all the trouble they caused. I felt sorry for Emily and Kate having to put up with the misogynistic comments. And Emily was far more gracious than I would have been kissing that guy on the cheek. She should have gotten a bigger tip than the others since she had to put up with more BS than the rest of them.

    Kyle's accent is cool, I like it. And yeah I did also notice Nico sounded British when he was in Emily's bunk. It's either something he does while drunk or maybe its from hanging around so many British people. Kyle may be green but he seems like a fairly normal and decent guy that's willing to work hard and learn. 

    I'm glad at least Nico apologized for his behavior. 

    • Love 3
  9. One of the things I can't stand about Tamra is how she claims to be a Christian yet she gossips at every opportunity. And the worst thing about her gossiping is that she then backs away as though she had nothing to do with it and just stands and watches the fire burn. That wasn't a big bowl of ice cream they were stirring, it was her BS. 

    I don't understand why Kelly wants to stay with Michael and says that it's the best thing for their daughter. I can't imagine that child listening to her parents drunkenly fight each other is the best thing for her. Yes, it will suck for her to have to divide her time between parents, but I would think that is preferable to the current situation she's probably living in. I just don't understand that "stay together for the kids" mentality. Ditto for Shannon. If all that crap about David's affair is true, Shannon is a doormat for staying with him. What kind of examples does this set for their respective daughters? Both are probably reliant on their husbands for money. They can't possibly really think these are good living situations for their children. 

    Yeah the spontaneous decision to go to Ireland was stupid. I wonder if Meghan even really has Irish lineage. And we know that these trips are not only planned in advance, but that the wives do not plan them or even really host them. I'm excited to see the trip but you know these women will not appreciate any of it and just spend the whole time screaming at each other. Shannon at least looks like she will be having a good time in her typical Shannon fashion. Tamra looks scary in that preview with her eyes wide open, unblinking, as she hyperventilates. WTF

    It occurred to me even more in this episode that Shannon doesn't fit in with these other women. She's too wacky, but in a good way, with her organic mattresses and showing up to Ireland with a sparkly green shirt. I didn't like Shannon in her first season but I've liked her in these last 2 seasons. She brings the comic relief IMO. 

    I don't honestly believe Vicki is doing this cancer charity/commercial to want to help people or prove she was innocent in the cancer scam or to sell insurance or whatever the hell her motive is. I believe she is doing it to try to repair her public image. She'd be better off staying away from anything to do with cancer, if she really wanted to help, she could just make a quiet donation to a charity and leave it at that. She's trying too hard. 

    • Love 9
  10. I don't get a "hot" vibe about Emily either. She's a cute girl, definitely, and smart, good at her job, and all of that. But I just don't get all these guys going gaga over her. It must be the accent. And maybe the glasses. Either that or it's a storyline. If anything, I would have expected all the guys to be losing it over Sierra. But I guess 'cause she smiles all the time somehow that makes her crazy? 

    I like Lauren. I think she's cool. She has a cool accent too. But I think the guys never go for the female deckhands (apart from season 2? I didn't watch that year but I know something went on with Jennice the female deckhand and Kelley? or some other guy that year). No one was really interested in Connie from last season either. I think the guys see female deckhands as like "one of the guys" and don't think of them as being sexy or feminine. If the dark hair theory posted above is true, all the female deckhands on this show have also been brunettes, while the stews have all been blonde (except Amy). The hair theory may be a bit extreme, but I think it's more likely that men see deckhand work as "manly" and usually the women doing it need to have great physical strength, they also don't wear particularly sexy looking outfits while doing it either. Most of the girls who have been deckhands were tomboy-ish and gave off a "one of the guys" vibe. Personally I think girls like that are cool (I myself am kind of like that), but unfortunately we're the kind of girls that are always the "girl friend" and never the "girlfriend."

    I'm glad Captain Lee fired Trevor instead of keeping him around for drama. He was a repeat of Dane from last season. We knew how that was going to go if kept around longer. Hopefully Trevor gets himself some help instead of hair modeling. 

    I agree with all that's been said about these obnoxious guests. The pig who made that gross comment to Emily about "If something happens to my wife..." Seriously? Dude wishes he had a wife. I'm sure he doesn't, with that kind of charming personality. Ugh.

    I can completely buy the story about the guests exaggerating their needs just to create drama. I've seriously never heard of needing the right level of PH in water before. They definitely amped it up just to create drama or were told by producers/received a bigger discount if they did. Now that Trevor is gone, they had to do something I guess to make things interesting.

    I also don't think these guests have ever had a 12 course meal before, or really knew what they were getting themselves into by ordering one. I think they just wanted to be dickheads. At least the primary looked like he enjoyed it though. The others acted like asses. These people were gross. 

    The woman with all the dietary restrictions was awful. I'm not sure how she could expect to participate in the tasting when she was allergic (aka didn't eat) to almost every course. Did she really think they were going to have like 12 separate courses just for her or something? They could have allowed her to eat the courses which didn't conflict with her dietary restrictions, such as the sorbet, but sorry, if you have all these restrictions and there's 12 courses being served, you get whatever you can eat, plus a salad. I didn't understand the whole fish thing either. I thought she said she didn't eat fish, but if it's shellfish she'll eat it? I didn't get it. 

    Also have to agree about Hairy Back Guy. I think in the next episode he has one of the staff wax it. Ewwwww. I also think either that guy or one of the others asks to see Emily's V line. 

    These people better leave a big tip, but you know they won't. Because assholes. 

    • Love 1
  11. I'm not sure it's quite THAT scripted but I definitely think they cast a few actual cooks/chefs and the rest are actors or plants. 

    Matt's idea to cook dove was a stupid move. The challenge is your signature dish, as in something that you make frequently. How is cooking something you have never made before a "signature" dish? 

    With the exception of Petrozza from season 4, the old guys never last. I think it's because Ramsay doesn't see them as being moldable. Plus if at the age of 47, Pat can't make a risotto it's going to go nowhere but downhill from there. I hated his comment about being a "young 47" then making all the other guys do the hard work. If there's one kind of contestant Ramsay doesn't like, whether for fair reasons or not, is old, fat, lazy guys like Pat. He doesn't see them as teachable and, despite the fact I think weight is something some people can't control, he views (or seems to view) fat chefs as slobs. So with all of that against him, Pat was never going to last long. 

    I do think it should have been Matt and Gennaro up for elimination though. 

    I wondered if it's possible the women had a perfect service because production didn't tamper with the ovens? Either that or the red team was just cast better.

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  12. A Google search of both "Trevor Walker hair model" and "Trevor Walker Paul Mitchell" yielded no results. Hmmm.

    His bio on Bravo also mentions nothing of either the hair modeling or being a bosun, just being a deckhand on a total of 5 charters and surfing. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, bluwater said:

    Gorgeous song. I can't wait to see Dalton on this tour coming up!! 

    I saw this too and have replayed it several times. It's so beautiful. What I love and have always loved about him is how you can feel his heart and soul in everything he sings. He sings each lyric with so much passion and emotion. Not to mention his vocals sound incredible here. 

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  14. That's understandable to a degree but isn't that also.... his job? And I'm sure if need be the crew can manage to get their own meals, don't they have cereal, frozen pizza, etc.? I remember last season somebody heated up leftovers. If he doesn't like having to cook 3 meals a day or possibly have to cook late at night, why be a charter chef then? 

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