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Everything posted by J.D.

  1. Plus again, who woulda thunk Steve Moses would have won last season? OMG... I think we all thought early on he was a goner.
  2. I'm not so quick to give up. There are ELEVEN people still in the house. Only five have been evicted. Anything can happen. Who knows???.... Paulie could be evicted next Thursday. Remember the first couple weeks of the show where Frank ran everything. Well, where is Frank now???? Day's the backdoor target but she could win Veto and leave the noms the same. Then, lead by Day, the women could have an epiphany and realize THIS is the moment to take out Paulie since they may not get another chance.
  3. I couldn't agree more. I, too, loathe Michelle but pulling a stupid stunt that causes someone to ingest something inedible is inexcusable. It's right up there with that girl from seasons past who planned to clean the toilet with someone's toothbrush.
  4. Zak just can't help embarrassing herself. Poor Paulie. He's trying to play this game and he gets stuck with psycho, stalker woman.
  5. I don't believe for a second Nicole's a nurse. Nurses Aide, maybe....nurse? No. Every time a medical related question gets asked in that house, she says she doesn't know the answer. Someone suggested that maybe TPTB advised her not to give "medical advise" and so that's why she pretends to be clueless. But still, if that were true, then why wouldn't she just say, "I'm not allowed to talk about anything specifically related to my career because it could be seen as given medical advise"? Why make yourself look stupid by repeatedly saying "I don't know" or things like "does that have to do with yogurt"? Someone else suggested that just because someone's a nurse, that doesn't mean they know all things medical. True, but my ex took nursing courses and ended up switching careers because the training is intense. Heck - might as well become a doctor. Given all you need to know, Nicole should have heard of a probiotic.
  6. Plus, for all you Day lovers, if Day were to pull Bridgette down instead of Paulie --- OH GURRRRRLLLLLL! Dead. Woman. Walking.
  7. This makes me love her all the more. I'm dyslexic so sometimes my typos aren't regular typos. I can totally relate to Natalie. *hugs* I hope she wins.
  8. Before the show even started I wanted Natalie out. I read her profile and thought "stuck up sorority girl who's going to think she's better than everyone else.....she's going to spend the summer looking down her nose at guys like James b/c they're 'beneath her'.... she's going to drive me crazy with her endless stories about how beautiful she thinks she is, how many men want to be with her, how much money she spends on clothes and how often she just has to have her nails done.... I wanted her 'out' before she was 'in.' I stand corrected. Natalie is my favorite HG based on personality. Paulie (yes, I'm going to say it), is my favorite HG based on game.
  9. Paulie has calmly and gently spoken with Bridgette for over an hour now in the safari room.... just the two of them....talking a little game.... talking a little about general conversation. To me, that's smart game play on Paulie's part. He knows how alone and lonely Bridgette is without her Frank, and so he's slowly working his Svengali moves to gain her as an ally. When he needs her later on, he'll have her right where he wants her if no one catches on and blows up his game. Bridgette will be like, "After all of you evicted Frank, Paulie was the ONLY person who cared enough to talk with me."
  10. I think Paulie's playing the best game of them all. He continues to surprise me...he's nothing like his brother.
  11. Exactly! If Natalie had kept herself toned down, the Mean Girls would have ranted on about how the gift was wasted on someone who doesn't appreciate America's kindness.
  12. Not to beat this to death, but I gotta ask: other than Nat, was it the guys making dick jokes in their usual guy joking manner, or was it the girls making dick jokes to at the expense of the men?
  13. I wish Paul and Paulie would realize just how stupid, "PP strategy" sounds. It's getting as bad as "Friendship."
  14. Paulie is dead last on Jokers. He's right behind Jozea. OUCH---!!!! That gotta hurt.
  15. Oh, Paul, you're going to crash and burn. Paul's going to puff his chest out all week, make everyone miserable, change his mind (and target) a million times and in the end he'll come full circle and still be gunning for Bridgette. Ridiculous! Why Bridgette? Paul's already acting like he's about to be making a major move in this game. By the end of his HOH, he'll have alienated most of the house and pissed people off,....just like Frank did when power went to his head. I expect Paul to be the target come next week.
  16. I was wondering the same thing. Paulie can't possible like that haircut. I've been wondering if he did it strategically.
  17. My guess is more like she was trying to do damage, not damage control. Case in point: When Zak was first telling Nicole how mad she was about Paulie letting Nicole play with his hair, Nicole naturally asked, "Are you mad at ME?" to which Zak of course said, "No." Then Nicole, not taking no for an answer, said something about Paulie being like a sibling to her but that if it would make Zak more comfortable, she (Nicole) would make sure to stay 10 feet away from Paulie. Zak told her no, it's not like that...that she's not mad at Nicole, she's mad at Paulie so Nicole doesn't need to stop being her natural self. It's Paulie who's at fault...blah, blah. Anyway, so later on Nicole was talking to Corey and Nicole told Corey that Zak said she didn't want Nicole to be within 10 feet of Paulie. Fuel, meet fire. That was NICOLE who suggested that, not ZAK and Zak specifically told her that's not necessary. So, of course, Corey goes back and tells Paulie that Nicole told him that Zak told her she doesn't want Nicole within 10 feet of Paulie, which serves no purpose except to make Paulie even madder at Zak by leading him to think Zak was basically threatening Nicole. Nicole knew exactly what she was doing by playing the victim,.....poor pitiful me..... all I was doing was playing with my 'sibling's' hair and now his crazy, jealous girlfriend said I better not be within 10 feet of him -- or else.
  18. Still on Flashback.... Zak is mad now because her stupid make-Paulie-jealous-by-asking-to-sleep-with-Victor head game blew up in her face. I'm loving it! Now she's sitting at the kitchen table whining about it and feeling sorry for herself. Please, BB Gods, let this be the end of Zaulie. Side note: Nicole is the worst friend ever. She keeps reassuring Zak that she's here for her if she needs to talk. Then, she gets some information because Zak so needs to vent, and then Nicole runs right back to Paulie / Corey / and whoever else is in the room ... and tells them how jealous and paranoid and childish Zak is acting. Some friend! Yes, Zak IS acting foolish, but Nicole is the phoniest friend ever.
  19. I started in at 10:36 pm....I'm using this as a guide: http://www.bigbrotherdaily.com/big-brother-18/day-43-recap.html
  20. Flashback still.... BB called Zak to DR right in the middle of her rant. LOL.
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