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Posts posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. 4 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I don't care who did it, it's unnecessary and, imo, disrespectful to the fans.  Same with bringing back David Tennant.  10's story was finished.  Leave it there.

    I agree, and have resisted watching this new episode because I really just do not want to see what RTD does with bringing back Ten and Donna.  RTD is the one responsible for bringing back Rose and hooking her up with the convenient Ten clone so she could get her HEA.  My Dr. Who unpopular opinion is I do not care for Rose Tyler nor did I ever ship her with Ten.  I prefer Martha over Rose ( I think this is because of the way I watched all the Nu Who episodes.  I started with Martha and then went back and watched the Rose era).

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  2. 16 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

    As I said last season, Dodi frequently reminded me of Fredo Corleone.

    More like a Great Value Fredo Corleone.  I am not impressed with the actor playing Dodi especially when you compare him to John Cazale, but that may be due to the direction given.  I am finding all the Diana-Dodi scenes to be missing something, and I cannot pinpoint what that something is.  

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    Hmm.  I don't love that it has ads, but for that price?  There are a few things I'd like to watch on Hulu, so I'll probably do it.

    Can anyone who has the ad-supported Hulu plan already chime in with how bad/good the ad situation is -- are they excessive and/or placed at odd places within the programming?  Because if not, that's probably too good a deal to pass up.  Look at me -- paying for a streaming service myself instead of using someone else's account.

    I personally do not find the ads to be excessive or placed at odd times on Hulu.  For the shows that already air on network, the ads feel like they are placed where the ads would normally be.  The only thing I do not like is when you pause the show on the ad.  When you hit play it jumps back to the 10 or so seconds before the ad break and you have to sit through it again.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Yeah, I would have really enjoyed seeing Diana happy more, and not just with the boys. Still, the happy moments we had with her and the boys singing in the car, playing Uno, goofing off on the boat, watching Jumanji were all great. I even kind of liked her and Dodi flirting and making out on the boat because she was actually having a good time.

    I wanted more of Diana and the boys playing Uno Attack (only because I know William would be like my older brother with this game. I wanted to see him pitch a fit when the device spat out 8 cards at him).  I didn't think that game was commercially available in 1997, so I looked it up, and it didn't release until sometime in 1998.  Prop error, or is there evidence that the Princes were gifted a prototype?

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  5. 10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Yes. And I'm aware of all that. But that doesn't mean they knew what was going through Diana's mind or her thoughts and feelings.

    That's Tina Brown.  Her whole thing is interviewing anyone who was "in the room when it happened" to get their take, and uses those opinions to craft her story.  A huge grain of salt is required when reading her work.  It's her editorializing other people's opinions.

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  6. 30 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

    And they all want to open a small town bakery or knick knack shop. Which would fail in like a month in real life from lack of customers. 

    I do love a TV bakery.  No one works baker's hours, they work banker's hours and can pop out for a quick cup of coffee or lunch or whatever other shenanigans the writers come up with.  No cute single baker is covered in flour and dough, if they are female they always sport a perfect manicure. There's no morning rush of disgruntled customers impatiently waiting for their breakfast/donuts for the office.  

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  7. 3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    This is gonna make me sound like such a capital-O Old, but why do so many flea market vendors not have "normal" shopping websites or even just Etsy pages anymore? It's all Instagram or "contact us." I don't want to! If I took a card, it was because I dug your stuff, but (a) didn't have cash/Venmo, (b) couldn't decide what I wanted to buy and wanted to see everything, or (c) didn't want to carry something around for the rest of my fun flea market day!

    ETA: OOH, I should clarify that I mean people who handmake stuff -- jewelry, etc. I didn't mean, like, the guy who has a boatload of old Pyrex or midcentury steppy-stools or old books!

    I'm willing to cut some slack when it's a side hustle.  Operating a website for your hobby is expensive and time consuming.  Etsy did help back when it first launched, but that site changed a couple of years ago and it is not what it used to be.  If your jewelry, art, etc. is not your full-time job, then Etsy is not for you anymore.  The site prioritizes sponsored posts by drop-shippers and flippers (those who buy wholesale items on AliExpress and attempt to pass them off as handmade).  When it's your side hustle, it's now far easier to do one set of photos and slap them up on Instagram or Facebook, then do messaging to sell.  

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  8. 10 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

    I wonder this too. I am not going to lie, I have been pretty lucky over the last bunch of years, even with a couple of layoffs and a partner with very sporadic income, to have a reasonably workable "cushion." But I am by no means rolling in dough or unbothered by thoughts of "what will happen when I am older?" So, considering that, I do wonder how people who live where I live, but who make less than I do and have entire multiperson families to take care of, do it.

    They either are extremely lucky and are gifted money from family and friends, are in debt up to their eyeballs, or know how to play the system.  

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  9. 58 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

    And maybe a tell-all book or two!

    Probably not.  The market will have moved on before any other Duggerling could even think about writing a tell-all.  I can't see any of the other 15 having something to tell after Jill and Jinger.  Maybe if one of the unmarried boys comes out as trans, there could be a book deal there or if Jana publicly comes out as asexual (though this would still be a hard sell with publishing).  Publishers want something different, not a rehash of Jill's memoir.  

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  10. On 11/11/2023 at 7:57 PM, Irlandesa said:

    On Reddit, there are usually people who attempt to make the technical so I'll be curious to see how long it takes them.

    Lizzie from Season 12 has been recreating the technicals each week over on Tik-Tok.  It took her 2 hours to make this one with her being able to research and plan before starting.  

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  11. 15 minutes ago, lascuba said:

    I would be shocked if JB tried to enforce it even if all the legalities were airtight. Enforcing an NDA would mean taking the NDA breaker to court, which mean discovery (IANAL so please correct me if I'm wrong) and even more Duggar family secrets being legally released to the public. IMAGINE the emails and text messages that would be submitted.


    Also not a lawyer, but my understanding of NDAs is that there are clear terms spelled out in them--what you cannot disclose, who you cannot disclose to, how long of a period of time these rules are to be in effect, and what would happen if you broke these terms.  It's not a blanket non-disclosure of every single detail for the rest of your natural life.  I do not doubt that JB has made his adult children believe this to be the case, but if one of them did talk JB may not have any legal grounds to stand on.  And, any competent lawyer would be able to advise one of the Duggar kidaults about this.  

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  12. A single lane roundabout is easy to navigate, a double lane on OTOH is a nightmare.  I used to have to navigate one of those when I lived in Ohio, and it was decidedly not fun.  The other drivers would never let you over, and I had to do a Clark Griswold and travel around the circle more than once whilst traversing it.  I will never understand drivers who consider a turn signal an insult and refuse to let someone into a lane in situations like this.  

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  13. 15 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    My vitamin subscription is so annoying! They send the next month’s only about a week after I open the previous bottle. There’s no way to adjust this apparently and they swear there’s no error. And I swear, I feel enraged when I see the “we’re getting your order ready!” email! I just can’t figure this out. 

    That said, I also can’t figure out why it gets on my nerves so much either! It just does!

    The company that does my nightguard subscription does something similar.  I figured out how this happens--the company bases the date for my reorder on the date the previous order was placed.  The date you received the order does not factor into this.  So depending on how long it took for your vitamin company to package and ship the order, and how long it took for you to get the order once shipped, it does appear to you that they send the next order early, but not to them.    

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  14. 35 minutes ago, Laura Holt said:

    Ok, this is me today.  My husband recently retired, which is fine, but he has decided to take an interest in cooking.  Dear god.  We can't just have mashed potatoes with dinner tonight, he's looking up recipes with names like browned butter mashed potatoes with garlic.  I'm sorry but during the week this is not happening. I am trying to decide whether I should let him loose in the kitchen (this has not gone well in the past) or whether I can distract him - "hey honey tell me more about that Rolling Stones concert you went to that time"....



    Mad Looney Tunes GIF by MOODMAN

    I'm always down for garlic mashed potatoes, but the browned butter seems like an unnecessary step.  Browned butter in the sauce that goes on top of the mashed potatoes, yes, but in them feels like a waste of time.  

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  15. 7 hours ago, theredhead77 said:


    You can take a screenshot on an Android by pressing the power and volume up button. There are also hand gestures over the screen but I'm not sure what they are anymore.

    On my Samsung phone, I place the side of my hand across the whole screen and swipe left to capture a screenshot.  

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  16. 22 minutes ago, Laura Holt said:

    I've never had this happen out in the wild but growing up we used to live on the flight path for Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses and them knocking on the door was a regular occurrence.  The Mormons were better because they were recognizable while the JWs mixed it up and even came solo once in awhile so you could never be quite sure unless they were clutching a religious tract or two.  Got to the point where my mother just never answered the door.

    My grandmother grew up Presbyterian before converting to Catholicism as an adult.  When the Jehovah Witnesses came calling she would invite them in, give them a cup of coffee, light up a cigarette, and start preaching to them.  She did it enough that the JWs stopped showing up at her door.


    3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    I was standing in the check-out line at the grocery store yesterday, and the woman behind me tapped me on the shoulder.  "I'm sorry," she said, "but usually I have brochures to hand out.  I'm out of them today.  Do you know Jesus?"


    I like to drop a line from Major League--"Jesus, I like him very much.  But he no help with curveball."

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  17. On 11/4/2023 at 9:33 PM, Trini said:

    This is kind of a weird one (also falls under "other aggressions", not sexual assault, to be clear): allegations against Aaron Eckhart have come out because a studio is suing Abigial Breslin because they lost a tax credit because of her (alleged) breach of contract:


    There's not enough info here to really give an opinion to the allegations, but the production's response is not a good look in 2023.  Calling a woman's allegations "wild, hysterical and imaginary" is not doing what you think it is.  None of those adjectives are necessary.

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  18. On 11/4/2023 at 1:57 AM, andromeda331 said:

    My great-grandparents got married twice. My great-grandmother filed for divorce before moved to another state. She met and married my great-grandfather, after their wedding they found out the place she filed the divorce burned down. They weren't sure if that meant their marriage was legal or not since the proof of the divorce was gone.

    I laugh, but am not surprised by that.  So many counties across the US did the absolute least when it comes to keeping records.  From fires to floods to just not giving a shit, there are a lot of lost marriage licenses, divorce decrees, and birth certificates.  

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  19. 8 minutes ago, Zella said:

    To this day, if you mention the words "leisure suit" to me, my brother, or our dad, we automatically respond with the description of Cousin Eddie from the movie. "The man was wearing a blue leisure suit, and the plates were from Kansas. He was a huge, beastly, bulging man." LOLOL 

    Her delivery of that line just makes it.  She makes wearing a blue leisure suit seem just as heinous as kidnapping.  

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  20. 7 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    They have a large TV. 

    Thanks.  I'll confess to not keeping up on all the details with the various Duggars.  But, the Dillards' watching movies on a laptop and not a TV will live in my head for awhile.  I honestly do not get choosing to watch stuff on a laptop when TVs are cheap and smart, so are projectors if you must eschew a TV for reasons.  

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  21. 33 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

    Christmas Vacation is a deeply secular movie. If Jill is aware enough to even recognize Cousin Eddie, then she’s definitely getting more and more exposure to the wider world.

    Jill has been with Derick for the better part of a decade.  I'm sure he has shown her all his favorite movies and TV shows on the laptop cuddled up together on the couch.  I'm sure he's also stopped and explained all the finer points.  

    I do wonder if the Dillards ever got around in their new house to set up a real TV for family movie night.  Or are they still using the old laptop.

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  22. 28 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

    Thanks.  I must have missed the movie.  I'll have to watch it!

    He's in a few of the Vacation movies--the original Vacation, and Vegas Vacation.  But, his Christmas role is the iconic one, and the one I assume Derick dressed as on Tuesday..  I have no desire to look it up.  All that costume requires is the hat and a bathrobe.  I prefer Cousin Eddie's other costumes from Christmas Vacation--the green dickie under his white V-neck sweater always cracks me up.  So does is blue leisure suit with butterfly shirt.  

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