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Posts posted by DudeLeaveMeAlone

  1. 3 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    Oh, and her LGBT quote after Dr. Drew asked her if there was anything she wanted to say for her last appearance on Teen Mom: "I just feel proud of me standing up and.. just keep it in mind every other woman, every other experience, everybody who is in the LGBTQ community who has shared about... me doing what is right always trying to choose and make the right choices... navigating my life and everyone else is kind of going through similar situations. So I'm happy that... I didn't let people break me from my core which I felt this production was doing and many other people around me and, not to say anything negative, those are just my feelings, and I'm happy that I expressed that on social media and everywhere where I work and hopefully I get a better environment because of me choosing to life a different life."

    How long did it take to transcribe this? How many times did you have to pause and rewind, just to confirm SHE ACTUALLY SAID ALL THIS??

    • Love 19
  2. 10 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

    Edited to add - sorry I was wrong he’s still living with his Mother.

    According to what? I know he visits his family a lot. I don't know how to post his instagram stories, but that's where I see these things.

    • Love 4
  3. 6 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

    Sorry - often playing catch up on boards.

    I looked at his Twitter and only multiple pictures of one house he’s flipping in the $50OK range and a current listing he’s agent for at $1.5M (looks beautiful)? He’s apparently a realtor at some agency called Dolan and his other listings and past sales (according to their website) were also in the $500K below range. 

    IMO - he’s as much of a BS artist as Farrah. They were meant to be.

    Houses around where I live are now in the $1M plus range (some way more). Full disclosure - I have mine because I bought my original house for basically peanuts in 1999 in a then “transitional” neighborhood on Capitol Hill (five blocks due east of Union Station Metro) when nobody wanted to live here (as did Mr. DC - his was in a “better” then location - six blocks southeast from mine - my old house is now probably worth the same or more than his and he paid about 25% more for it - still relative peanuts).

    I’m now pretty close to the main Capitol Hill commercial district and walk by the parking lot of one of the main realtors here often. Lots of nice cars - but no $120K ones.

    I still think he’s a total poser. Does anybody know where he actually lives? I only went back on his Twitter for a couple of months so couldn’t tell.

    I’m honestly not trying to be argumentative. I’m just insatiably curious on how much he’s paying in rent vs car lease payment (I think it’s a new car re old one - same make and model though?).

    He lives is the Gas Lamp Quarter in San Diego. His condo is pretty nice (based on what he shows on social media).

    • Love 4
  4. 51 minutes ago, Birdee said:

    The "leg pop" pose Gracie is doing drives me almost as batty as the makeup. I know a lot of people do it, but on little girls it just looks wrong. My 10-year-old niece does it in every picture. I swear to JesusGodLeah that if Baby Birdee pops that pose, I'm shooting rubberbands at her knees until she stands up straight. 

    She's is straight up copying Leah's pose in that picture.

    • Love 7
  5. My takeaways from this episode:

    Cate totally has a smoker's mouth. I can't stand watching her talk, or hearing "like" every other word of her sentences. 

    Maci's skin is ROUGH. HDTV does her no favors.

    Amber is now my least favorite Teen Mom. If it weren't for ANDREW, she wouldn't even be here? It takes a man to save her from depression? Not Leah? And to think, there are people out there who look up to her as a role model (typing that made me want to vomit) and believe everything she says regarding Gary/Kristina/Leah. I cannot wait for Gary's segment, but know I'll be disappointed because he has to maintain a relationship with this psycho.

    • Love 21
  6. 10 hours ago, Emmierose said:

    The preview for Teen Mom 2 is being shown regularly on MTV and all I can think every time Brianna says "We shall see what comes OUUWT" at the end is that she has a speech impediment.  Because the more I think of it, the more it seems she has always had a strange way of speaking.  I guess I used to assume it was a faint accent, but that's not it at all, her speech definitely seems off to me.   Maybe that's why her mother and Brittney baby her so much, perhaps she had some speech or learning delays as a young girl.

    I've always thought she had a speech impediment. The way she sticks out her lower lip with certain words always bothered me. I can't really explain it better. This was the main reason I didn't want her back - I didn't want to look at her mouf when she talked.

    • Love 9
  7. 5 hours ago, Rebecca said:

    I wouldn’t want someone in their late 20s who thinks allowed and aloud are the same thing having anything to do with my child’s schooling.

    No joke - we used to be friends with a family who home schooled and didn't know the difference. It took a lot to not correct that, because they didn't take correction very well.

    • Love 5
  8. 9 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

    I’m behind on the Board a bit, but not sure how I missed this one.

    There are no words...especially as I’m pretty sure the $1200/month Simon’s paying to lease that Mercedes could go to a far better use.

    Have they ever shown his apartment/house?

    He shows it quite a bit on his social media, so take it for what it is. He seems to be doing just fine with his money, and has had that car for quite some time. 

    • Love 7
  9. I found Brandi vile on her last season of RHOBH, but I am living for her takedown of Amber! Her impressions of Tonya and Amber had me cracking up! I don’t know or care for the other two families, but I’m hate watching Amber. I hate that she’s making have a tiny shred of sympathy for Matt. 

    • Love 14
  10. @MyPeopleAreNordic - We're the same age and both have two small children the same age. How you're this rational to make such an eloquent post with that kind of diagnosis...I'm in awe. I would be completely beside myself in a puddle on the floor. I hope everything goes well and you recover fully to spend as much time with your two beautiful children. You're in my thoughts.

    • Love 6
  11. 1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

    Let me get a grocery bag and bring it to you in your bed.?

    How thoughtful! Too bad I have been up for four hours already, since I am a MOTHER to two children and work full time. I don't think Amber could comprehend either scenario. Or Cate for that matter.

    • Love 10
  12. Who is the smoker? Klassy Kousin Krystal? 


    Editing to add: Yeah, she was smoking in a later scene. And this bitch is pregnant? These people make me sick.

    • Love 6
  13. 33 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

    I can’t stop rolling my eyes at this fucking douche!! This bitch really thinks he’s Mauricio Umansky huh?

    I follow him on social media. He does a great job flipping these houses. I love the shade he throws at Farrah!

    • Love 8
  14. 14 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

    My friend and her wife have one child already which my friend carried.  They both are 40 and both have medical issues that make it difficult for them to carry but not impossible. My friend kind of jokingly said I could be their surrogate (they have an embryo ready but her wife has to prepare medically before they continue) but also is not joking.  I would not be getting paid a traditional surrogate fee.  We both said it was a very large and hard decision.  I would love to be pregnant and give birth again but wonder if I could do it and how I would handle not having the baby with me immediately after giving birth.  Hormonally I wonder what the recovery time is like and if I would be able to personally handle it.

    This is so strange that I saw this today. I am seriously considering becoming a surrogate. My family is complete with two children, but I had very easy pregnancies and wouldn't mind doing it again. I am comfortable with carrying a child I know is not mine and giving another family the opportunity to have their own child. I will not miss in the newborn/infant stage (except that new baby smell) and the lack of sleep, but getting through another pregnancy wouldn't be that hard for me. My husband has to agree to the background check and psychological evaluation requirements, and he isn't quite there yet. I can't explain to him this feeling that I have that I have been called to do this. I really want to do this for someone.

    • Love 4
  15. 59 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    Anyone else having issues with inserting on the forum today? For instance, if I'm reviewing my post and realize I forgot to add a word, I can't. Because when I click the mouse on where I want to insert it, the cursor doesn't just appear, blinking, like it's supposed to. Instead, it highlights either the space before or after and if I start typing, it eats my other words. I am just curious if this is a forum issue or something my computer is doing. (I guess I could try and type somewhere else and see if that happens.)

    If it's eating the other words as you type, push the Insert button on your keyboard. That should resolve that issue.

  16. Did anyone else notice the two giant suitcases Tyler put in the trunk of the little car while Cate hugged Kerthy goodbye? And then, Kerthy picks them up from what I presume is the airport, and they don't have any luggage. Was this the trip where Kerthy Tweeted Delta about their flight delay, instead of working with customer service (like a normal person)?

    Farrah entertains me, but she was HORRIBLE last night. Her entitlement and tone towards the realtor (via text message) and her producer were completely rude and inappropriate. I can't believe (well, actually I can) she talks the way she does in front of Sophia. I thought she got rid of negative people and negative emotions so she and her daughter can be happy. Perhaps she should practice what she spews.

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