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Posts posted by dosodog

  1. 1 hour ago, JenMD said:

    Man, that was stressful!  I was worried for Ellora when I saw her cakes go in the oven.  The batter just looked so low in the pan.  I wonder what the issue was; she and Lucia weren't the only ones with such small layers.  My sister was wondering if it was an issue with adding in the colors and some of them mixed it too much?  I don't know, but made me worried.  As far as her blueberry jam, I can't remember if she added sugar at all or just a little.  She took being in the bottom very well, I should be so calm.

    As for the zebra faces, I like Ellora's the best and Sarah's the least (too far into impressionist for me), but if her cake tasted the best, I'm happy for her getting her first (?) win.  I thought Summer had some really nice stripes, even if they were far apart.  I thought Lucia was pushing it with the vanilla before she even poored more in, yikes.  She was so cute asking Val for a hug!  And then Ellora getting on the group hug at the end, her little self jumping on was just too adorable.  I swear, I can't even.  She just needs to make it through next week to the final, or I'm going to be the one crying. 



    I will be the one rioting if Ellora isn't in the finals.

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  2. 1 hour ago, JenMD said:

    This, so much.  I mean, yes, she is cute as a button  but I find myself loving her ability to just roll with things with a smile and that adorable "Okie dokie", while putting out some really nice desserts.  She had a caramel (?) sauce she had to redo back in ep 2 and she just started over like it was no big deal, I was so impressed.  Definitely my favorite.


    I came across an article from a local paper that talked about Ellora, Santiago and (I think Caroline).  Ellora is basically self taught.  No bakers or cooks in the family.  Just a girl looking for something to do, during a pandemic.  She realized she liked baking because of the SCIENCE behind it.

    I love her even more.  

    I didn't think I could love her anymore when she busted out Cinnamon Roll cereal, but she's inspired to bake because of the science!

    Right hand over my heart, "awwww" (think of the sound 5-8 year olds make when they see a baby animal)

    Here's a link to the story and it is Summer, not Caroline.

    Also interesting...it says the kids know a week in advance what they are going to make?


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  3. I had to look up Nancy Meyers.  No idea what they were talking about.  

    I haven't watched all season and yesterday's marathon completely sucked me in.

    I've missed Ken.  And a Peter sighting!

    Sandavol?  Oi.  Did Jax just overshadow how awful Sandy is?  Or has he become "extra" extra.  I've never liked him and didn't realize my level of dislike could go any higher.  Cyst white male?  Ugh.

    On the flip side, I really like Season 9 Ariana.  

    I don't like Brock, and yet, I like Brock.  It's confusing.  Like out back in the alley talking to DJ James confusing.

    Raquel?!  Is that her finally figuring out she agreed to marry an asshole?

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  4. 5 hours ago, JoSafe said:

    ? He seems nice, posed, dedicated. But very attractive? To which standards? RHOP's husbands standards?

    I find him very attractive. I think Eddie is handsome. Not Mia or Idris handsome.  But very handsome in his own right.

    No howife standards attached!

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  5. 10 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

    I think I’m going to. The prospect is just too intriguing. BTW - there wasn’t a whole lot of gossip about him being in the show. It was mostly a communal eye roll. He likes attention.

    We talked more about him opening that ridiculous restaurant (kangaroo skewers anyone?) and we were talking mad shit about him in 2009.

    It’s just odd to me cause Darby ain’t Mauricio. There is absolutely no upside (only potential downside) for him to be on this show. 

    Did he have a reputation for grabbing rear ends?

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  6. Disclaimer: I'm aware of Nicki Minaj, but really know nothing about her.

    I'm personally kind of excited based on the end of part 3 and the previews behind 4.  She goes straight for it.  Like we would. Andy would never point out a housewife didn't have a storyline!

    And?  Did Candiace stick up for Ashley at the end?  Was she actually...defending her?

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  7. My nails 💅 did not take as long as I thought!  Love Color Street!  We are finishing tonight!

    Candiace had daily panic attacks.  She was a mess.  Monique says 10 days after the fight she started feeling bad.  She talked to a producer and wanted a one or one or with both husbands.  The same day she got the email threatening legal action.   Screengrabbed it, sent it to the producer, saying Never Mind 

    Candiace says she didn't file for 2 weeks.  It was all the lies.  Candiace had enough and said Monique was trying her.  Monique says Candiace filed the complaint knowing what it would do to her family.  I have 3 kids!  Monique goes on to say Candiace had no guilt or remorse knowing she hit her with a glass.

    Candiace talks about Monique's charges and has no words, except vile, low and disgusting, Monique is 

    Monique reminds us tge whole thing was dropped due to a mutual fight.

    Monique told Bravo she would finish the season with who she was comfortable with.  No cast trip or finale.  Candiace said Monique was not given a choice to film anymore.  Monique said the network didn't penalize her at all.  Noah Samton, production,  said arm's length for Monique, which kept her out of scenes and the show and that was a repercussion. 

    Gizelle said the pandemic pushed the season premiere back.  Bravo wanted a unified response on social media--a pre-planned comment, with picture.  Monique posted the picture with their faces scratched out 

    Robyn says they all agreed to do a Tik Tok Don't Rush challenge. Monique was excited and said she'd be there, canceled because she was busy  and when people wanted to know where Monique was, she was telling them she didn't want to be involved in fakers.  Which set Monique's fans on the other howives.

    Gizelle brought up the Drag song.  Candiace called it a piece of trash.  Gizelle recognized Monique was good for show--all she had to do was apologize to Candiace. But after scratching out her face, now she needed an apology. 

    Andy said producers showed more of that fight then ever before. Joshua Brown says it was done documentary style.  Viewers make the judgement.  

    They wanted Monique to come back to show tge journey between her and Candiace. Andy never thought Monique could come back, but public opinion was different. Candiace was at first no, but then decided Monique was not messing with her money.  Monique was not moving forward. 


    Not All Diamonds and Rose is the source for all the information in the past posts.  It is an interesting book.  I will say, these forums have talked a lot about what is considered new stuff.  It's a good read. 

    Except for OC Tamra and BH Rinna getting a tongue bath.  And the Michael Darby stuff.  Ew.

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  8. Robyn says Monique Leaked the story to her fans right away and they knew it was her because the details were totally skewed against Candiace. Monique says she never told bloggers.  She told family and friends.  She knows who leaked it though  Lorraine Haughton-Lawson said Monique is intoxicated with the fame.  But she would deny, deny, deny, deny that she had anything to do with the story.  She'll say, I only told 2 people.  Well you knew what you were doing when you told 2 people! 

    Candiace says she was attacked on social media for a year before the season aired.  Robyn says it was really bad.  People said Candiace deserved it, she asked for it.

    Monique asked for a meeting with everyone, but Candiace to apologize for putting them in harm's way.  Karen hosted it, offered Candiace the same opportunity, but she declined.  Wendy says Monique admitted she was not remorseful.  Robyn said Monique's lack of remorse was a problem and there was nothing right in what she did.  Gizelle says if she realized and admitted being wrong, instead of doubling down, the ladies would have been on board.  

    Then there is a discussion about how Black women were represented. 

    Monique says the OGs want to be on a pedestal--they want RHOP to be a Black show that didn't act Black.  We should welcome who we are.  Everybody acts the fool.  Robyn says there is not much representation, period.  And what is out there, shows women to be physical. 

    Candiace says the stigma attached to their behavior is because they are Black.  Because RHOBH breaks glasses on tables, RHOD smacked a camera, RHOC threw wine in a face, flippong tables on Jersey and pulling hair on Jersey and no one calls them ghetto or that they are dangerous. 

    Gizelle says being a Black woman is tough and lots of obstacles blocking success.  Not how she was raised, if she has an issue, she will say it.

    Ashley says all the women are saying Monique is a disgrace to Black women.  She made a mistake, it's not fair.

    Gizelle says Sonja, NY, pees in a cornfield and it's hilarious, but they never could.

    Robyn says Monique tore down what they built in 4 years.

    Okay. I am done for the night!  There's just one more piece--the court fights.


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  9. Robyn says at the beginning of the season,  Candiace was on thin ice with everyone.  Candiace says she was trying to make up with everyone.  She was fighting with Gizelle, Robyn and Monique and was constantly apologizing. 

    Monique refused to speak to Candiace unless there was a witness around.  At the winery, she says Candiace got liquid courage.  Candiace was trying to start an argument, but Monique was just laughing at her.  Candiace says it was light stuff:  she teased her for faking sleep as she was leaving the log cabin in the woods.   Monique said she wasn't a mother and began shaming her for being childless and it escalated. 

    Monique says she got her hand in her face just like Ashley and the butter knife.  She doesn't do hands in the face.  Candiace says her hand was barely in her face.  Monique told her to back up.  Candiace said What are you going to do.  Drag me?  Which passed Monique off and pushed her over the edge after she warned Candiace. 

    Candiace says that's when Monique flicked her hair and she flicked Monique's vest.  Monique says she swung her wine glass and hit her in the face.  That's when she pulled Candiace's head down and started punching her.  Candiace says the glass did not leave her hand until after she was pulled down on the table. 

    People were screaming at Monique to let her go, buy she wouldn't.  All Candiace was thinking about was please let her wig stay on.  She would not live on infamy on the internet as a Black woman whos wig has been ripped off and she's fighting in cornrows. 

    Robyn said that yes, Candiace can be annoying, but nothing she said or did, warranted that type of physical attack.  Monique says they eventually led her to a back room, but her adrenaline was pumping.   The force of the glass pushed her lip into her tooth, made her bleed and got her really mad.  Candiace said she was a mess and a producer held her like a child.

    Monique says they were trying to calm her down, but she could hear Candiace saying "She's fired" and Monique was all "She's still talking? If I'm fired I am whooping her ass".  Candiace says the producers suddenly told her to get in a car.  Candiace did not know at the time that Monique had broke free from the barn and was running to get her.  Monique says by the time she got there, Candiace was gone.

    Lorraine Haughton-Lawson says she spoke to both of them that night.  Monique was going crazy about how Candiace got what she deserved and wanted.  Candiace was a puddle of mush and has been ever since.  She says Candiace goes back and forth from being angry and hurt because Monique was at one time, a friend.  Andy said it's a bad look for the series.

    Monique says Andy was really there for her when it all went down.  Candiace says Andy never reached out to her and has qualms about it because she heard he spoke to Monique. Andy says he did not reach out to Monique,  she came to him--she wanted to plead her case snd prove Candiace provoked her.  Monique says Andy would listen.  He said to her, sometimes the camera doesn't catch things, stay true to what you think happened.   We'll sort it out at the reunion with footage.

    Candiace says she reached out to Andy's assistant to get Andy to call.  Nothing.  She knows all the howives constantly text him, but how many were physically assaulted.  He couldn't take 10 minutes out of his schedule, he didn't give a fuck, he makes money off their backs, feeds his son with it and he just doesn't give a fuck.  She says she told him that to his face.  Andy says he knew she was talking to production and would have absolutely called her if he had known.  He doesn't remember her telling him he doesn't give a fuck.  He does remember she was upset he talked to Monique. 

    Joshua Brown says he called Candiace a lot and the network was very supportive of her.  Candiace says Bravo didn't give a fuck about her. Yes they'd check on her, but she thinks they were trying to avoid lawsuits.

    Monique held onto something Andy told her:  Not saying it was right, but there's a thing called cause and effect.  Poke the bear and the bear will bite.  Andy says is POV was skewed by Kenya and Porsha's reunion fighting so he wondered what Candiace's role in this was.  Gizelle says thus was different because Porsha apologized to everyone.  She didn't go to social media to lie about it and showed remorse. Monique still hasn't shown remorse.

    Next and I think the final part:  Monique and her stealth use of bloggers.

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  10. Ashley says Michael and her has just got back together and were stronger than ever.  She had been sharing private stuff on TV, they were working together, they fell apart, they got together and then this.... 

    Andy Cohen was shocked and forgot that Michael had grabbed his ass previously. Gizelle says Michael's been grabbing ass since season 1.  Candiace says two other producers had their asses grabbed by Michael.  Lorraine Haughton-Lawson, production,  had heard off the record, that Michael grabbed a lot of asses from the gay men on production. Gizelle says Michael likes to squeeze asses and this time the cameraman was the wrong ass to grab.

    Monique felt sorry for Ashley. If it's true, your husband is out grabbing ass while you are trying to have a baby.  If it's not true, the media is playing up your husband grabbing ass.  Ashley says this is when she realized Monique was a true friend.  She realized the severity of the situation, didn't try to joke or make a storyline about it.  Candiace says the only reason Monique stood by Ashley's side after the ass grabbing was because it made her look good for the show.

    All charges were dismissed against Michael Ass Grabbing Darby.

    Ashley says she knew her marriage would be a hot topic because of all the differences between them and how open they are.  Andy says Michael has a love hate relationship with the show. Not sure what he gets out of it and lands up in a lot of messes.  Gizelle likes Michael, he's a wild card.  The producer in her knows he's good tv.

    Wendy gets introduced. Friends with Candiace. Trying to find footing and a moment per Candiace's advice and that's how "Address me as Dr. Wendy" was born.

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