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Posts posted by melody16

  1. Liz never told Franco to call Jason at any point and didn't even mention him until Monica brought him up. This is all Francos doing. And if Jason wants to be mad at people for not telling him, he should be mad at Michael and Monica.

    But yes Sam should hate Elizabeth forever but it's not like Liz is begging Sam for accomodation or kindness or actively trying to interrupt jasams marriage. Elizabeth has been staying out of Jasam's way since Sam burned her house down unless I am forgetting something. 

    Oh and I hate franco.

    • Love 9
  2. 1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

    I never saw anything on screen that indicated Jakeson actually loved Liez. She (stupidly) took him into her home, took care of him, gave him attention, had sex with him, etc. With Liez he got an insta-family and didn't have to worry about pesky things like trying to find out his real identity. He could safely live inside the bubble she created for him and not have to think for himself. Jakeson had absolutely no ambition or desire to have his own life so I could see how he would find the situation appealing and decide to marry her because why not? He had a pretty sweet deal so why not settle down with her before another man could swoop in and mess everything up. 

    I didn't like Jason and Elizabeth so I didn't watch a whole lot of them, but he did propose right? I'm assuming he told her onscreen he loved her then.  Elizabeth didn't force him to move in with her or "fall" for her or propose to her.  How you feel about Jason and Elizabeth is how I feel about this Jason and Sam (Old Jason certainly loved Sam).  Sam certainly loves Jason (Elizabeth, I don't think, really loves Jason, its more like an unhealthy obsession), but this Jason seems more like a "love the one you're with" kind of guy to me.  

    My main point is I was looking for more with this whole Jason story, and I didn't get it.  There was so much potential here for a good, soapy story and it got blown to smithereens in the service of plot points.  It's not a Jasam v Liason issue.  It's just a poor story.  

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  3. Of course she would want her husband back.  But I know it would bother me if my husband fell in love with someone else right in front of my face, even if I didn't know it was him or he knew it was me.  Yet that aspect was never explored because of course Sam would want Jason back no matter what, even if he is a completely different person with a different personality.  And because Liz lied, Jason never had to figure out if this version of himself fell in love with Elizabeth rather than Sam because the lie as a plot device made it super easy to rebuke Liz (and fall out of love with her) and go straight to Sam. Obviously we can all disagree but I thought the way Jasam was handled this go-round was incredibly shallow, and Jason is just a ping pong ball between love interests. 

    14 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

    Um, nothing can beat the amazing chemistry and connection of Sam and Patrick. How dare you.

    Well, she is the most beautiful woman Patrick had ever seen!!

    • Love 2
  4. Liz finding out and keeping the lie was an easy way to have Jason choose Sam. They didn't have to explore the elephant in the room which was that Jason fell in love with Elizabeth even though his wife was in his face all the time and Sam had no real feelings for Jason before she knew he was Jason. This story had no depth. Just plot points. 

    • Love 3
  5. I don't like liason but considering Jason was the male lead, pairing him with a mileqtoast character who had no problems with his lifestyle and didn't challenge him in any way didn't help matters. Same for Sam with Jason. It says something that all the growth the Sam character ever experienced happened when she wasn't with Jason. Sam without Jason can be a vibrant character. With Jason, she is a wet dishrag. Jasam has never done anything for either of those characters since 2005. 

    Jason basically is just Billy Miller sort of acting. I have no idea who this Jason is. Character development has been thrown out the window.

    • Love 1
  6. This wedding stuff is so boring. My god. But it does involve all my least favorite characters (other than the top of that list, Franco). And more wedding stuff on Tuesday. Ugh. 

    Franco sucks. At least he wasnt in all of Elizabeth's scenes today so I could somewhat enjoy them. 

    And go Ava. 

    • Love 5
  7. So I am a big Liz fan.  I have liked most of her pairings over the years with a few exceptions (Nik 08-09, Lucky 01-02, Jason 2012), but I have hated with the fire of a thousand suns her pairings with BM's Jake/Jason and now Franco.  It's very disheartening because one thing I could count on while watching this idiot show is that I could get at least enjoy Liz's chemistry with whatever dude the writers had her flip-flopping to that month. Now I am sans even that joy.  

    • Love 2
  8. I can barely understand a word Billy Miller says. When he was talking to Sam about Elizabeth and saying that she wished them the best, I heard him say "she was just the best." Now I might think Elizabeth is the best, but I doubt Jason would agree.  I had to rewind twice to understand what he actually said. Can he please learn to enunciate? 

    • Love 5
  9. Sam McCall

    (1) She mumbles a lot so I often don't understand what she says

    (2) Her scenes are usually with Jason, so I can easily fast-forward her without missing scenes of characters I like. 

    (3)  She has nice hair.

    (4) She doesn't like Franco. 

    (5) She punched Carly. 

    • Love 1
  10. Jack isn't complex to me. He's a sadist who happens to love his brother. That's it. And book Dougal is complex but show Dougal is a thug with a one track mind who is written very inconsistently. 

    And I apologize for misinterpreting Ira's words. It was late when I typed, but it rubbed me the wrong way. But I stand by the rest of what I said. 

    • Love 4
  11. Well that episode was a waste of time. I am annoyed I stayed up to watch it. Way too much Dougal, Colum, and Jack with just the finale left to go. I get that this episode is a goodbye (hopefully) to two of those characters and next episode will be the final farewell for another, but wow was that boring and so dreary. That Alex Randall stuff really dragged. Claire making the decision at the stones gets 1 minute of screen time. But Claire convincing Jack to marry Mary gets about ten minutes. The mind boggles. 

    Jamie and Claire had what 2 minutes of screen time together? Jamie is once again neutered. And I would never believe he would be okay with Claire going off with Jack, Murtagh or no.  Why does this show refuse to capitalize on the reason most of us love the characters and the books so much, the damn love story? 

    Ira saying Jack and Dougal are the most interesting and complex characters on the show demonstrates the basic problem. These writers just do not understand Jamie's complexity and have no interest in exploring it. I don't even like Jamie all that much in the books! But wow has his character been overlooked. 

    • Love 7
  12. Joining the chorus. I loved it!!! Such a perfect episode. The characters felt true to the book and the writing was superb. No clunky dialogue. I wish Anne Kenney could write every episode too. She just gets the characters and I think the actors love her scripts too because they were on point. Mother Hildregard is one of my favorite character and Frances De La Tour was wonderful. I was so happy they kept in the diabetes patient. And Fergus!!! So adorable. I am a happy camper after really disliking the first two episodes.

    • Love 3
  13. I wonder if Frank has been expanded BECAUSE he's played by Tobias Menzies.  He is a well-respected actor with some big-name projects on his resume.  I can see Ron wanting to take advantage of his talent and utilizing him more than perhaps the story warrants.  Diana would be the one to guard against over-inflation, I would think.


    I completely believe that is the reason.  

    • Love 3
  14. I know, I know, I am BIASED. But I don't think Tobias Menzies is "the best thing about this show." Nope. Maybe the most known actor, since Cait and Sam were unknowns.  As I mentioned when the show first started, I had no plans on watching this, because I wasn't too keen on the buiks when I read them 20 odd years ago, but it was seeing who they cast for Jamie that had me quickly changing me mind and giving the buiks another chance. So, for me, Sam is the best thing about this series.


    Yeah, yeah, it's Claire's story, Claire's journey, etc. etc., blah, blah, blah, blah...


    Totally agree re Sam.  Sam had me 100% last season during the Wentworth Prison episode.  He was so Jamie.  I think Caitriona is wonderful too, but Sam is the one really impressing me.  I don't even like Jamie that much in the books, but I love Sam's portrayal despite his (imo) marginalization.  

  15. Frankly, I don't think it's unpopular to like the 1940s stuff more.  Even thought I think Ron's dialogue can be clunky, far more care was given to providing Frank and Claire meaningful dialogue and interactions in those first 35-40 minutes.  Not as much care was given to Jamie and Claire in the latter part of the episode.  Which has been my problem with this show staring from "Both Sides Now."

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