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Posts posted by melody16

  1. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Well I, for one, do not mind at all, that this season thus far has been Jamie heavy, if ye wull. Because Voyager is mainly his story and what has happened to him since Culloden, and expands his characterization, so we get tae see how he becomes this "King of All Men" who will be the leader that all those Scots who immigrated to the Colonies look up to. Sam is doing a FANFUCKINGTASTIC Job of playing Jamie and showing the audience his losses, pain, grief, and growth. And if Claire has to "suffer" for a bit until they are reunited, I am FINE with it.

    Oh I completely agree. I am of the opinion that Jamie's characterization was shafted in the first two seasons (but that's a whole different can of worms).  It was great to see Jamie (and Sam) shine this season.  But at this point I am missing Claire and in the books, this part of the Voyager story is really her story.   

  2. 1 hour ago, theschnauzers said:

    Except that we have to get Jamie to Edinburgh also with Fergus to open the print shop. Ron has said we’re getting the reunion from both points of view.

    It's possible that could feature in 3x06 though.  For example, 3x05 ends with Claire opening the door to the Printshop and then 3x06 starts with a flashback of Jamie getting established as a printer.  I feel like shows do that a lot with cliffhanger episodes (very annoying).  

  3. I think this might be the correct topic to address my (only) concern about Murtagh being alive.  I love showMurtagh and his scenes with Jamie and even Claire have been among some of my very favorite.  But I am worried if they intend on featuring him in season 4 and beyond, including Fraser's Ridge, that his presence will impact Jamie's relationships with Roger, Young Ian, and even Fergus.  I am re-reading Fiery Cross and the development of Jamie and Roger is so crucial to the plot.  Also, Jamie's relationship and love for Young Ian and Fergus is so so important.  Has anyone else had similar thoughts?

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  4. Loved this episode.  Not many shoes could balance all the different character interactions and stories in such a satisfying way.  It was a little choppy, but I enjoyed every minute of it.  I don't ship Chloe and Lucifer but I kind of like them.  I like how Chloe is such an independent female character who successfully balances a high-powered career and motherhood, but yet she is extremely warm and loving.  I really enjoy her characterization.  I like that she and Lucifer are on relatively equal footing even though he is the devil and all.  

    Maze was amazing this episode, and Dan has really grown on me.  Dr. Linda and Amenadiel's scene was great.  But my favorite moment was  the short scene where Chloe's mom got in between Chloe and Charlotte and Chloe gave her a proud look.  Such a great little moment.  I trust this show not to make the Chloe miracle baby arc too cloying.  

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  5. The part where it flashbacked to the Big Three and Rebecca/Jack watching the game together was poignant. Rebecca hugs Randall and Jack hugged Kate.  Kevin was always the one left out.

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  6. I don't know if the show has painted Jason as Elizabeth's greatest love. I think arguably Liz never loved anyone the way she loved Lucky before he "died" in the fire. Her "love" for Jason isn't really love imo, and I say this as someone that liked old school liason. 

    Also this is prob a weird opinion, but it sucks that they messed up Liz and Jason so much because while I didn't think BH and BM had romantic chem, I think they could have had pretty strong friend chemistry. I liked their scene before Sabrina's funeral a lot.

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