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The Crazed Spruce

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Posts posted by The Crazed Spruce

  1. I'm torn.  On one hand, Dave makes me want to punch him in the face. On the other, the show has gotten so frikkin' boring without him.  (Especially since Barry left, too.)


    Goes to show, sometimes you really need a good villain to make a show interesting.

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  2. If it's an official release by a credible news source, it's not a spoiler. If it's a rumour based on speculation, I'd wait for official confirmation.

    F'r instance....

    That bein' said, I loved Wentworth Miller on Prison Break and think he'll make an interesting Captain Cold. I'm just wondering if it's a one-off appearance, or if he'll have an ongoing storyline.

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  3. Helena ended season 1 with the blood of at least one 'sestra' on her hands, and also the blood of her birth mother. She was a crazy, unrepentant murderer who Sarah felt she had to kill. And at the end of season 2 (prior to her latest kidnapping), she's at the clone dance party, totally accepted by the others. Is Rachel irredeemable because she actually took Kira, instead of letting her go like Helena did? She didn't hurt Kira (who, by the way, is too much of a deus ex machina, angel child for me to like much at all).


    The thing is, Helena was basically trained from childhood to be a killer, and essentially brainwashed by the Prolethians to assassinate the other clones.  (Pretty much like Jet Li's character in the movie Unleashed.)  She didn't completely shake off the programming until after Sarah shot her.  Rachel doesn't have that excuse.  Everything she did was of her own free will.

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  4. I would've asked for a Rockford Files reboot, but they already made one.  They just set it in Newfoundland and called it Republic of Doyle. :)


    Kidding aside, I'd like to see a Charlie's Angels reboot.  And yeah, I know they did one a couple of seasons ago.  I mean a good one.  That one took itself way too seriously.  I'd like to see a version with a lighter tone, kind of like the movie.  (Well, the first movie, anyway.)


    Mission: Impossible is primed for a reboot, too.  It could have one or two regular leads, with the rest of the cast rotating on an as-needed basis.

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  5. I caught a great documentary on Netflix a while back, That Guy Who Was In That Thing, that was all about HITG-type character actors. I think the most famous ones they interviewed were Xander Berkley, Mark Sheppard's father, and the dude who played Lassie on Psych.

    One guy I've always liked was Sam Anderson. He's probably best know today for playing Bernard on Lost, but I first remember seeing him years before that on WKRP. (In fact, he showed up on that show three or four different times, as a different character each time.)

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  6. I can't seem to find the rules about DVD submissions by nominated performers for this year's Emmys, but I assume each nominee has to select one episode (maybe two for supporting). So if you were André Braugher, which one episode would you submit to showcase your Best Supporting Actor chops?

    I'm guessing "Full Boyle", though "Christmas", "Operation: Broken Feather", "Tactical Village", and, of course, "The Party" are all possibilities.
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