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Everything posted by aiherz

  1. I want: More Santino Fontana's songs. With more Tap Dance. For Greg not to suffer so much, and definitely Grebecca. More of Heather, she's great. More WhiteJoshFeather interactions. I just love them, they're so cute. And maybe White Josh should sing. What was the name of the blond coworker with the sick snake? I want to see her again, she vas so funny. For Josh to be single and happy, and maybe cultivating himself. For Chanbecs(is that the ship name?) to disintegrate with a big boom! For Paula to be a little bit less crazy and more happy. So basically, everyone happy and more of Santino Fontana
  2. OMG! Now that you mentioned it, you're totally right! Except you know, giving THE drug to Dick. But I hope it doesn't take 3 seasons plus a movie several years later for them to be together and good. (Though I really liked Piz, he was so cute and h.o.t.). I'm not sure if I liked the final, it was okay but Josh felt a bit force, I don't really see the chemistry between those two. And I was so sad when Greg and Rebecca were talking and Greg not been able to tell her how he really feels because of moronic Josh! Rebecca needs to stop making the same mistakes with Greg, he didn't deserve it even when he wasn't in his best behavior.
  3. Thanks! I'll get the results in june, so I'll agonize till then :(
  4. I loved this episode, the songs were so much fun, except the Angry Josh song, that was meeh, like he can dance and do, wherever martial art it was, very good, but I feel like he can't sing, at least not as good as the other cast. I enjoyed when Father Brah pointed out that Josh is just missing all the attention Rebecca gives him. Also, like they said here before, yeah, I felt like there was something missing in the Grebecca relation ship, last week it ended really good with so much tension and this week it was laking a bit of that, though it was a very good episode. And the UTI song was excellent, my husband was ignorant of UTIs till it happened to me, and I think it was more about that rather than Greg having a hug ego, but they were also flirting, Rebecca smile while he was singing showed that. I'm afraid for the next episode, they show Greg farting (?) and it looks like they're gonna fight. I really hope this is not the end of Grebecca, I love them together.
  5. I'm gonna have this problem next week, I have this big test that I need to pass or pass, and is also the season finale, but I have to focus on studying!
  6. I love the Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers vibe in Settle For Me, that one is still my favorite. But everything with Santino Fontana rank high in my list, he has the perfect voice IMO. So Hey West Covina, what'll be?, I could if I wanted to, and probably the UTI song for next episode are also my favorites. California Christmastime reminds me of Buenos Aires at the end of the year. The Jap Battle cracks me up, the same with Cold Showers Lead to Crack
  7. I can't wait to see this episode. The music is already in iTunes if someone cares. The UTI song is hilarious, someone posted the lyrics on IMDB. Here they are: "I Gave You a UTI" performed by Greg Serrano Greg: What's that burning feeling every time you pee? Well that's how it goes after you have so much awesome sex with me! I gave you a UTI Yeah I gave you...a UTI! My sweet love injection caused a urinary tract infection! I'm just that good at I didn't even try, try, try I gave you a UTI! Rebecca: Okay, so it's not really a comment on the quality of the sex as much as a lot of sex has been happening and there's just a very natural transfer of bacteria... Greg: Don't ruin this for me! That bladder inflammation is my little gift to you! Yeah sometimes chicks need medication after what I've put them through! Come on, sing with me! Rebecca: No, I'm not going to do that. Greg: I gave you... I gave you... a UTI! Man: A UTI! Greg: Yeah I gave you... .. a UTI! I'm so good at sex your maiden ship got wrecked! My penis is the reason you may die, die, die! I gave you a UTI! One night with me is pure ecstasy 'cause I know just what you like! But you should know for a week or so you won't be able to ride a bike! [spoken] I'm sorry if you have to cancel that Spin class. I'll pay the cancellation fee because I know a lot of times you have to book the specific bike in advance. Anyway... I gave you... I gave you ...a UTI! A UTI! Not a STD! No STD's! Just to clarify! If it hurts to take a leak well that's just part of my technique! What has two thumbs and gave you UTI? This guy! I gave you... A UT... I gave you.. A UT... I gave you... a U...T...I!!! "Angry Mad" performed by Josh Chan ANGRY! Feeling...BAD! Why do I feel this way? ANGRY! MAD! My heart is hurting! And it feels...BAD! PUNCHING! Feeling kind...of... BAD! Urgh... BAD! "Oh My God I Think I Like You" performed by Rebecca Bunch You've been tearing me up for a week and a half. I don't mean like in my heart. I mean physically You've been tearing me up it's D-Day in my lady parts! But as I'm begging for more writhing around on the floor I feel something deep inside I never felt before! Oh my God I think I like you! Oh my God I think I like you! It's scary but you send me back on my heels! 'Cuz while I'm getting spanked I can't ignore the feels! But I say no, no, no! This is just about sex! And no, no, no! Don't be such a girl Becs! But then I feel the oxytocin creeping back to my brain and all I can do is sing it again... Oh my God I think I like you! Why can't I just focus on getting a pounding, on the business going on in my thighs? But as my body's getting ruined, like really trashed, I only want to look in your eyes. But then I'm upside down next to my kitchen sink and suddenly it's like Oh my God I think... I like you. Oh my God I think I like you. My feelings get stronger every day. I'm like a little girl, not in a role-playing way! Are there condoms that can prevent these feelings? Is there spermicidal lubricant that can kill the fluttering in my heart? Is there an IUD that can stop the image of you and me getting married on the hillside surrounded by ducks and then we get into a rowboat... OH MY GOD! I think I like you. Oh my God I think I like you. But I say no, no, no! No, no no! No, no, no! No, no, no!
  8. I'm 27, not his target audience and I have the biggest crush in him. I'm about to objectify (is that the right work, english is not my mother language) him saying TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF!
  9. Oh, I forgot to said that I also don't think that Greg and Rebecca will last, though of course it would be great because I really like them together, they have so many sparks!!! But I think she need to date Josh, so she can realize Josh is not the answer to all her problems, because until she does this, she will alway look at him wondering about it. Although, I do think that Gregecca is the end game, they are just soooo cute, and can make each other better. And I didn't like that much "Heavy Boobs", probably because I'm as flat as a table :(
  10. I really liked this episode. I've being shipping Grebecca since the show started, even with all of their imperfections. But it maybe has to do more with my Santino Fontana obsession that I can forgive him anything, or maybe I get the angriness because of a mother who basically abandoned you, and a father who has a lot of problems. I didn't like Paula in this episode, I think she crossed the line, and like many have said already, she got off way to easy. Also, the scene with Josh at the end was sooooo goooooooodddddd, putting him in his place, it was about time, I was cheering for her, if this were a real person, I would have been proud. I was saying "In your face, suck it Josh", and I read in Rachel's twitter account about The Grocery Clerk With Half an Eyelid (who else is singing every time they read that?) being magician and acrobat are both things that Josh does, it was very smart. Finally, I did like "I could if I wanted to", I liked the melody and the 90's memories, maybe I'm crazy but it kind of reminded me to Beck and someone else I can't grasp. As someone who self-sabotage it self, I can understand Greg, every time I failed a test I always ended angry and saying I could have had an A if I wanted to, knowing that is also all my fault for not having study enough. April the 20th I have a big german test, and I'm already seeing myself singing this after failing it. Also, The person who wrote about the audition tape, do you have a link? I'd love to see that!
  11. Dr. Akopian's name is Michael Hyatt, she was in The Wire. Yes, I loved the hug, his face = priceless. I really like the actor, I think he's really good. Have you seen him in Submissions Only? His facial expressions are perfection.
  12. I think she left it on porpoise for Paula to find it, so she would know that Rebecca was moving to NY. I think at the end of the episode she said something like she imagined that Paula would check the computer.
  13. I loveeeeeed this episode, I've seen it since 3 or 4 times. I wished it would've had one more song, but that's the only thing, though at first I didn't understand how she could see things that happened while she wasn't present but with the Christmas Carol explanation I understood. I loved that the episode was giving a strong Grebecca feeling, so I can't wait for that to happen. And how cute was he calling all the hospitals and morgues from the area? I don't think Josh would have done that in a 100000 years. Darryl was also very cute, trying to hold his tears when he saw Rebecca was back. We got to see Ms. Hernandez again, that's always nice. And when Dr. Akopian was telling her "Is not about the guys!" that was great, not everything has to do with men, sometimes is about family and passions, though I was screaming for Greg. Showing him when the Dr. said that Rebecca needs to see what else is in her life and they showed Greg, I was melting. Also, I was crying with the father scene. And the "I wish Greg was a search term in Porno" was hillarious, Paula said it first in the fifth episode. Greg is yummy, and not only for middle aged women, I'm in my twenties and feel the same way. And Josh asking if Greg was hot? Funny, I can see soon a fight between those two about Rebecca.
  14. I remember a few years ago, I had this huge crush on one of my coworkers, I was pretty obvious so he knew. So one day, I crossed him in the underground, and when he got off, I was so happy that I texted my best friend saying how much I liked him and some other things, but I made a mistake and I texted him instead of her. This episode brought this back to me, it was really relatable. He wasn't interested so he just pretended that nothing happened.
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